Games you suck at

FPS on Consoles I suck at them i start walk out... can't aim... get shoot :/ woooo that soooo much fun :hmph: i'm ok at them on the pc but on xbox... i fail

Also Street Fighter... I wana love it.... but i can't combo to save my life.... i'm good at tekken and blazblue, but street fighter = fail
I suck at almost all shooter games, although Chris has assured me that I was reasonaly good at the original Halo when we played the Campaign mode several months ago.

I wasn't very good at Half Life 2... I kept talking at the tv, telling the enemies to go away because I couldn't deal with them constantly coming at me. :wacky: Chris watched this and found it rather amusing. ;)
Sport and Shooter games are my weakness.

I used to be really good at Shooters when I was a kid, but my co-ordination deteriorated as I grew older and I am hopeless at them now.

I don't think I could ever get back into Shooters for that reason.

I don't really care for sports anyway, so I'm not all that fussed that I suck at playing sport related games. XD

I didn't even play Blitzball in FFX. XD
I suck at wheel of fortune type games and riddle based games, sometimes. Scrabble, too. I'm not competitive enough to pretend esoteric foreign words should be allowed.

I suck at pretty much all first person shooters on consoles. Used to be better, but I'm so used to PC controls now that I can't stand the lack of precision in a joystick. I end up shooting in a wide circle around myself half the time, although I've been noticing a bit less of that since I played the BF3 beta. I'm much better on the PC in general, but I get killed a lot because I have no strategy :wacky: I'm also quite terrible at real time strategy games like Command & Conquer and Starcraft. I just don't care much for them in general (they bore me very quickly) and I don't get how those Koreans can be so fast at playing it. Takes me 5 minutes to get a few troops up to go, when they could Zerg rush me in a matter of seconds.
I never was good with games involving PvP because of how much I rush into the match and that I don't think about strategies or even plan my next attack, I just spam the crap out of attack moves and not thinking about combos.
I can hold my own moderately well at first person shooters, but a lot of the time my aiming just ruins it for me. I hate this the most when I have hordes of fast, moving targets and I have to frantically take as many of them down to clear the path ahead for an NPC to safely proceed through. I end up blindly shooting back at them with mixed results, as I did on one of the Battlefield 3 missions in a ruined mall in Tehran.

As for games I am genuinely and consistently bad at? Firstly, fighting games. I end up hammering the buttons furiously, cursing at my character to pull off some spectacular move, or at least hit the opponent and to stop being the punching bag of the match. Fortunately, I've very little interest in this genre anyway, as it's rarely ever worth my money. The only game series of this genre that I've ever cared about is Soul Calibur.

I suck at racing games too. I can definitely remind myself then, that I shouldn't ever take up racing at all in real life as a result. I'll just stick to obeying the speed limits and staying on public roads. You make me play Gran Turismo, and I will absolutely suck at it, to the point that I convinced myself I wouldn't ever pass my driving test because of this. Somehow, I managed to...
Sports games though that's because I never play them.

I also really suck at puzzles. In games and the genre that's not Tetris. To be honest I'm really surprised I managed to play through Catherine considering it's one big puzzle. In general, unless the game's answer is completely obvious or I can do a lot of trial and errors and undo my mistakes like in Catherine, odds are I will not not figure it out and be stuck for quite a while :sad3:
I suck at Dance Central - my dancing is bad anyway. I am enjoying it and trying to get better at it though. I WILL GET THEREEEEE.
fighting games like Tekken, mortal combat, killer instinct and so on...yeah its nice to smash one up once in a while, but my combis usually occour when i just mash the buttons, so can never do them twice...I do like Marvel vs. capcom though

the new generations FPS's like halo and such...they bore me and I'm just bad at them..
Almost any form of PvP, Not to say I don't enjoy playing PvP in games.

I'd consider myself a failure at playing LoL, but that doesn't -stop- me from playing it from time to time.
Sports games, with the exceptions of racing and wrestling. I can't get a handle on the mechanics of most sports games, and in all honesty, I find the vast majority of them to be a whole slew of clones with slightly different graphics and different rosters. Games with no story lines don't hold my interest very well.