Gaming Wishlist 2010


Apr 15, 2007
What games are you looking forward to getting next year?

1.) Final Fantasy XIII
2.) R.U.S.E.
3.) Dante's Inferno
4.) The obligatory FIFA World Cup 2010 video game***

Any others you guys want to get?
I know there's a lot of awesome sequels out there coming out, like Mass Effect 2, Bioshock 2, etc. etc.

I'll add more when I learn more about them. >.>
Currently, my list is looking something like this:

Xbox 360:
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow

- Golden Sun DS
- Luminous Arc 3

- Metroid: Other M
- Arc Rise Fantasia
- Tales of Graces
- The Legend of Zelda

- God of War 3
- Atelier Rorona
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII
- Final Fantasy XIV

- Final Fantasy Agito XIII
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I really haven't been keeping up with a lot of gaming news, but the games I know that are coming out in 2010 and that are on my wish list are:

Final Fantasy XIII
Star Ocean The Last Hope International
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Ace Investigations
Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey

I've got a couple of stuff I'm just looking around for, but there you go ;D
I can't wait to see what's up for late next year, but definitely looking forward to:

2) Alan Wake
3) the new Zelda Wii game
:hmmm: I'll probably get FF13, but the thing is, I don't really feel like I want to play it right now. For some reason, I don't feel excited. :hmmm: That will probably change though. :wacky:

So for this year, I want Bioshock 1 and 2. I haven't played 1 and I know it's amazing. It wouldn't make sense to play 2 without playing 1.
I have an R4 so I don't "buy" NDS games so all mine are PS3 titles that I want :awesome:

- Final Fantasy XIII
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Heavy Rain
- God of War III
- Bioshock 2
- White Knight Chronicles
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
- Metal Gear Solid Rising (If it comes out in 2010)

All being said, I have enough games from Xmas to last me a while so I probably won't end up getting any of them other than Final Fantasy XIII.
Mine are:
- Bayonetta
- Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
- Resident Evil 5: Alternative Edition
- Super Street Fighter 4
- Final Fantasy XIII
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
- Dante's Inferno
- Resonance of Fate
- Atelier Rorona

.. seriously 2010.. your being mean to me T^T​
Mine are as follows:


Final Fantasy XIII - Bought 10.03.10
Star Ocean (The entire series)
God of War III


Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Final Fantasy XIII Agito

There was definitely a few others, but these were the ones that came straight to mind.
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1.Dante's Inferno
3.Bioshock 2
6.Last Rebellion
7.Quantum Theory
8.Gran Turismo 5
9. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
10. Heavy Rain
11.Last Guardian
12.Dead Rising 2
14.Demon's Souls
15.Final Fantasy XIII
16.Final Fantasy XIII Versux
17.Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
18.Gears of War 3
19.Resistance 3
20.God of War 3
21. New Zelda game for the wii
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1. Final fantasy XIII
2. Star Ocean Last hope International
3. white Knight Story
4. End of enterity
5. Yakuza 3
6. God Of War 3
7. Heavy Rain

this is no particular order and there might be some more
Nothing major:

Mass Effect 2
Final Fantasy 13
Persona 3 PSP
Bioshock 2
Alan Wake

See, nothing major. 2010 seems a naffy year for RPGs lol.
My wishlist?

Macintosh - Doom 4 (Please come out soon!)

PS3 (Or xbox 360, whatever *mumblemumble*) FF13

Bioshock 2

Played the first one, demos on Xbox live and Macintosh. Like it a lot but I'm honestly more into console gaming. The only games I like to play on computer is really Doom and Quake, or UT. I do enjoy Tomb Raider but, I'm just so used to using the PlayStation controller to play those.
Final Fantasy XIII
Heavy Rain
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

Yar, that's it really. I probably won't end up getting all of those on the exact dates because that would be one huge dent in my wallet.

The excitement for Final Fantasy XIII has dulled a little, but I still pre-ordered and am awaiting the release. I'm not sure if I'll get Bayonetta, it looks really good but doesn't seem much like something I would play. We'll see. I'm probably most excited for Birth by Sleep at the moment. I haven't played Days, so I'm due for a Kingdom Hearts fix.
Okay, here are the games that I can think of that I am interested in for the year ahead:

Final Fantasy XIII (Xbox 360)
Pokémon SoulSilver Version (NDS)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)
Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii)

That's all I can think of...I'm pretty sure there has got to be something else of interest to me coming this year. XP

And I didn't forget about the next Legend of Zelda Wii game, but to be honest, I am positive it won't be released this year, but I could easily be wrong, that's certainly been the case with me plenty of times in the past, about one thing or another. :ness:
My wishlist consist mostly of RPGs. I've been waiting so long for good console RPGs, now it looks like a flood of them are coming.


+ Final Fantasy XIII (obviously!)
+ Bayonetta
+ White Knight Chronicles (maybe- I want to know how good it is though)
+ Star Ocean The Last Hope International
+ Resonance of Fate
+ Final Fantasy VIII (PSN)
+ Gran Turismo 5


+ Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
+ Final Fantasy Agito XIII
+ Valkyria Chronicles II


+ Professor Layton and The Last Time Travel (whatever it will be called)
+ Golden Sun DS


+ Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers
+ Super Mario Galaxy 2

(I'll put the next Zelda down for 2011 in case!)

Obviously I do not intend to buy all these games as it will be financial suicide- so I'll only handpick from the list what I really want.
1. Final FantasyXIII
2. Final FantasyXIV

Those really are the main ones that I know are coming out. Of course, there may be some i'm unaware of that I would love to play! :D!
My personal game wishlist for 2010 would have to be Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and Darksiders. Those are my main game wishlist for 2010.
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Bayonetta (X360)
Final Fantasy XIII (of fucking course) (X360)
white knight chronicles (PS3)
Resonance of fate (X360)
Arc rise fantasia (wii)
pokemon heartgold/soulsilver (DS)
Final Fantasy Versus XIII even though its not coming out this year
Sands of destruction (DS) I love the anime
Final Fantasy Agito XIII same with versus
Super street fighter IV (X360)
Blazblue Continumm shift (X360)
Fable III (X360)
Halo reach (X360) Beta comin in spring!
Super mario galaxy II (Wii)
Gran turismo 5 because its onna be the best driving game ever tbh
Thats it for now but I know there are more xD
Final Fantasy 13 and Kingdom Hearts Birth Before Sleep are the only ones i'm looking forward to at the moment, that is unless i see more games i want, so it's just those to for now. Maybe GoW 3, not sure on that one since i didn't like the other two much.