Gaming Wishlist 2010

Dead Rising 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII Versus
The new Zelda for Wii (if it's out in 2010)
Persona 4
Cod Modern Warfare 1 and 2 (or just 2, haven't decided yet)
Tales of Graces
Mario Galaxy 2
Fable 3
Golden Sun DS...if it's out this year
Resi Zero, as it'll be cheap :-)
Legend of Legaia (sp?)

Damn the amount of games...and there may be more.
My boyfriend and I finally got an Xbox 360 and I may actually have time to play :)

My wish list so far:

Final fantasy XIII
Assassins Creed II
Metroid Prime for the Wii
Star Ocean for the 360
Well I just got a PS3 the other day so I've only got a few on my list until I familiarize myself with the cool PS3 games out there.


Final Fantasy XIII / Versus
Uncharted 2
MAG or Modern Warfare 2 (After playing Halo 3 on XBox, I'm willing to give this one a shot even though I'm not a fan of shooter games)
Resident Evil 5
Resonance of Fate
White Chronicles (although some say it's pretty 'meh' but I still kinda wanna try it sometime)
Oblivion (or for Xbox)


Fable III
Lost Planet 2 (I watched my husband play it a lot and I wouldn't mind playing it with him)


3rd Birthday

I know there's a few more but I'll leave it at that for now.
More to add to the list


Final Fantasy XIII - Bought 10.03.10
Final Fantasy XIII Versus

Star Ocean (The entire series)
God of War III
Resident Evil 5
Assassin's Creed 2


Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Final Fantasy XIII Agito

All I can think of at the moment. The yellow ones are the ones added to the list.
FF13 - Aquired
Star Ocean 4 - Aquired
White Knight Chronicles - Aquired
Nier Gestalt
Birth By Sleep
Silent Hill (whole series /not insane)
Tekken (whole series)
Breath of Fire (whole series)
Chrono Cross/Trigger
Wild Arms
Grandia 1
Klonoa 1 and 2

Aaaaaand, that's all for now :hmmm:
I will only include games that came/(might) come out this year due to my list having so many to even count.

Bayonetta - Aquired
Tatsunoko VS Capcom - Aquired
Final Fantasy XIII - Aquired
Pokemon Soul Silver - Aquired
Perfect Dark - Aquired
Sakura Wars: So Long My Love - Aquired
Super Street Fighter IV - Aquired
Persona 3 Portable - Aquired
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Aquired
Valkyria Chronicles 2
Arc Rise Fantasia
Dead Rising 2 - Preordered
Halo Reach
Fable 3

Final Fantasy XIII Versus
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PS 3:
God Of War III
Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
FF 13

Xbox 360:
Mirror's Edge (Played it, but I'm not the owner of the cd)

.hack//LINK (NUMBER 1 MUST HAVE GAME on my list)
Game(s) you are looking foward to the most

I saw a similar thread on another form. Thought it was a good idea since E3 is over and the rest of 2010 and at least the first part of 2011 seem to be filled with a large variety of great looking games scheduled for release. And I apologize if a similar threads been posted here.

My most anticipated game would have to be Versus XIII since it seems rather unpredictable as we do not know that much about it. Im also pretty stoked for Metal Gear Rising. I wasnt much looking forward to it because I liked playing as Snake and I didnt really like Raiden in MGS2 but after watching the E3 trailer I'm pretty excited for it. Then again FF and MGS are my favorite video game series haha.

What is everyone else looking forward to?

I have quite a few anticipated games spanning over several consoles:

There's the new Zelda game that was shown in E3. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword I think it's called. I'm generally a big fan of the Zelda games and it's one big reason why I haven't sold my Wii. It's been in development for quite a while now, so I'm expecting near-perfection with it. I love to see the adjustments they have made to the controls. The idea of Link falling from his lofty home in the sky is rather intriguing as well.

There's Valkyria Chronicles II for the PSP as well. The first installment was actually a rather enjoyable strategy RPG - unique as well. Although I can't say I've finished the first one yet, I'm already looking forward to the sequel. By then hopefully I would have a working PSP to play it on.

The Last Guardian is something I've had my eyes on for a while now. I loved Ico and SOTC and I'm predicting great things from the threequel. It's looking like a great PS3 exclusive particularly with the partnership required between a boy and a huge animal-like thing to solve puzzles. There will be that heartwarming emotional edge as well.

For the DS, there's Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. I've never played the previous two GS games on the GBA. I'm trying to track them down now. Anyway, this one looks absolutely beautiful - with a mix of FF-like RPG goodness and puzzle solving. I need something good to play on my DS anyway before the 3DS comes and blows it out of the water.

And yes....I suppose I'm quite looking forward to some of SE's offerings like Versus, Agito, 3rd Birthday and KH: Birth by Sleep. Versus in particular looks very fascinating. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of it before I pass judgement on whether I really want it.

I'll add more later...:hmmm:
Wow I completely missed the sticky that is pretty much the same thing as this so feel free to delete if necessary
I've got quite a few, actually:

Dead Space 2: The first Dead Space was the most fun I've had in a survival horror game in a long time. I know they've emphasized on DP2 being more action oriented rather than survival, but we'll see how that works out.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Now -this- is an MMO worth getting excited over. My number one issue with MMOs is that they don't deliver stories that well, with the occasional cutscene and walls of text. TOR doesn't have that. Immediately you will be experiencing a cinematic, story driven game with fully voiced dialogues and fast paced action. This might give FFXIV and WoW a run for their money.

Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow: I've played both 3D Castlevania games (on the PS2) and they didn't deliver for me. The simplicity of the stories in the 2D Castlevania delivered better in that format. However, with this new approach on the Castlevania franchise, I feel that it will work for good.

Pokemon White/Black: I've never been this excited about a a Pokemon game since Gold/Silver. I'm considering getting the White version.

Metal Gear Solid Rising: Well it's not ZOE 3, but this will do. The "Cut and Take" concept was executed well, from what I've seen in the trailer. Plus Raiden isn't all that bad of a protagonist...anymore.

Deus Ex 3: This will be my first Deus Ex game. I'm anxious to experience what it's all about. So far I've heard: Abilities augmentation, stealth and sneaking elements, lock- picking and computer hacking, scenario- related decisions and a well written story as it is a standard for the series. Sign me up!

Dragon Age 2: :gasp: :gasp: :gasp:

Final Fantasy Versus XIII: They've got this one chance to make a believer out of me again. :mokken:
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I don't know of many games because I don't follow them that much... I just randomly see them in the shops. :lew: I do know a few though.

The Last Guardian. SOTC was one of the best games I've ever played and one of my favourites of all time so I'm sure Team Ico can deliver again.

CoD Black Ops. I'm a CoD nerd so I'll definitely get this. The online FPS has me totally hooked and there's a lively community as well. My friends will get it as well so I'll join them online.

FF Versus 13. It's supposed to be darker and I like darker games like Vagrant Story. Hopefully it'll live up to the hype but it's SE so who knows.
Dead Space 2: I've never played the first one but after seeing some of DS2 I'm getting it and the first.

Assassin's creed brotherhood: Assassin's creed 2 was perfect I can't wait to see if this one will be better.

Final Fantasy Versus XIII: I've been waiting so long for this and just can't wait to play it.

Rock band 3: New guitar and keyboard actually look like something very fun and new.
Versus, because it looks like the FF we've been waiting for forever.

Agito, maybe, because it'll be fun having another FF for on the road.

BIRTH BY SLEEP!!!!! Because it'll be the first KH I have bought in a year or two.
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
I'm looking forward to Final fantasy versus XIII. The characters look awesome already and I can't wait to see how this one will turn out. No matter what I'll buy it.
I'm also waiting for a new uncharted. Part 1 was awesome so that lead me to buy part 2. The gameplay is just awesome, as well as the storyline and music and Nathan Drake is just hilarious.
New devil may cry is on my list as well, but it will probably take a while till it gets released. Just can't wait what they have in store for Nero and Dante, and who knows Vergil will come back?
Call Of Duty: Black Ops/ mostly because I have got all of the Call Of Duty series so far and am not going to stop now.

I am also looking foward to getting Halo: Reach when it comes out for I have played the beta version and spent most of the time it was open playing it so......

Major games for me have to be:

Killzone 3: this game looks incredible, i didnt play the first KZ and have really only just gotten into the games a month or 2 ago (even though i have had KZ2 for nearly 8 months now).

Gran Turismo 5: BRING ON THE TOP GEAR TEST TRACK, i have been waiting for this game since 2006, and finally it has been given a release date...... for the U.S :ffs:

Portal 2: Don't now why but this game looks reallly fun and should be great when it comes out next year.

Twisted Metal: this is one of those games i have seen and just went "i want that game" still.... its not out till 2011, I think :hmm:

EA Sports Active: Although i have gotten really really lazy lately, i am looking forward to getting this game just so i can attempt working out again :hmm: might just go for a run instead.

Little Big Planet 2: :x3::ohshit:

Playstation Move: because it looks epic :mokken:

cant really think of any other fgames that i want, some of the really big ones that weren't announced and probably won't be announced yet that i look forward to getting is Uncharted 3 and resistance 3
Theres not much. Fable 3, Metal Gear Solid Rising, Dragon Age 2 (hopefully) and Star Wars. There isnt alot Im after this year lol. But as long as I get 1 of them, then Im a happy bunny.
For me theres only one game im wet my pants excited about *Drumroll*

Fallout New Vegas :sup:

I am a massive fan of fallout 3, and this game is basically gonna be more of the same but with proper weaponry, a larger map, and all sorts of exciting new features, like finisher moves for the melee weapons, i understand one of the finishers for the spiked knuckles is a no nonsence uppercut into the junk :holyshit:
I'll just merge this thread with the stickied thread, as they're both essentially the same thing ^^

-Threads Merged-