Garnet or Eiko?

I could have sworn I commented in this thread before.... :hmmm:

Ehh, I'm going with Eiko here. That was a very easy decision to make. There are a few reasons I like her more than Dagger. First off, Eiko isn't annoying in most of the game like Dagger is. Eiko is a bit mean, but she is only 6.

Second, her magic spells always worked better for me. I never liked using summons. MAYBE once in a while I'd use one just for fun (or instant death) and it would backfire on me. Even though I did go out of my way to get every summon in my last playthrough (including Ark), I'm not a big fan of them. I'd much rather use something like Holy, which did great damage towards the end of the game.

So there, Eiko is better because she has magic like Holy and Full Life. While Dagger is just annoying.
I don't use summons because they're inaccessible early game and under powered late game, not to mention they're boring to sit through. The fact that Eiko gets Holy swings it entirely in her favour for me. When you pair her up with Amarant his Chakra ability keeps her MP up whenever it dwindles and use might (another exclusive white magic of Eiko's) to pump Amarant's attack power.

There's also a glitch where Marcus' stat progress with the party transfers to Eiko but not his level, which allows Eiko to be horrendously over powered if you play a low level game, level Marcus then recruit Eiko later on at a low level.
I kept Garnet on the team. I tend to keep the first characters I get and Eiko arrived late, plus I found Garnet to have a nicer personality.
I don't get this: Eiko has the look of a summoner (the horn and outfit) and Garnet (or Dagger) has the look of a white mage (with the robes and such). Yet Garnet has more summons, and her trance focuses on the eidolons while Eiko's trance is Dbl White. It's like they switch them up or something. Why is Garnet more summon based in battle and Eiko white mage based in battle, but their characters traits are switched? Though for some reason, I prefer Eiko. She's kinda cute (no not in THAT way... she's only 6).