Garnet or Eiko?

You mentioned Garnet's trance ability... what did that actually DO?
I know the command was Summon ---> Eidolon, but what was it? Did it boost the summon power or something?
In that respect, yeah, Eiko was better, but all the same, I still preferred Garnet battle wise. I never really used holy, I just used Vivi's 'flare' if I wanted some strong magic.
Her Trance summon ability made the summon monster appear each time it was summoned which I believe made the summon stronger. Double white was much better. :lew:

And then there was the issue with her not being able to concentrate during one portion of the game. >.>
Oh, right :dave: To be honest I always preferred it when the monster didn't appear. Less time consuming :mokken:

Oh, that bit where she couldn't concentrate was one of the only parts of the game where I'd either have Eiko in instead of her, or both of them in the party (since when I'm levelling up, I always level everyone up equally)
So yeah, I guess there is a bit where Eiko > Garnet.
Eiko is more of your traditional White Mage, and if your a purest you would logically go for the best Girl for the Job, does that sound sexist? Eiko annoying? cut the kid some slack she lived on her own for what?.....2 years? she is bound to go hyper when whisked of around the world!

Eiko is only 6yo and at that age kids go super nuts!
And Vivi was only nine. I absolutely loved Vivi's character. Yes, I found Eiko annoying. It doesn't matter what her background was, her character still irritated me.
Yeah but, 'cutting her some slack' doesn't actually make her character any less annoying :dave:

I really dislike children in real life anyway so I was never going to like Eiko :8F:
But she is really, really annoying, even for a child. I also found the whole 'she-fancies-Zidane' thing a bit silly as well. I mean... she's only 6 :mokken:
She more than made up for Vivi's lack off spunk, I say lack off but he was kind of down on life, which is understandable given his origin and subsequent abuse his race suffered. tools of war type of stuff?

And hey I like the little guy to, a bonafide Blackmage!

"Cutting her some slack" means having a little more tolerance for her because she is a kid Tosh........I'm gonna assume you dont have much to do with kids?
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I liked both.Each had her own role in the story and even in gameplay.
Eiko's summons were more supportive while Garnet's more strong.
If you knew how to use them right and how to bring the best of them in a fight they can be equally powerful and helpful.But usually it's a lot easier to just attack than bulding a whole strategic plan than you know with one wrong move can just send you to the grave.In that case Garnet has the upper hand,but in side-quest bosses you have to use strategy,power alone is not enough.
No, Galaxy... I hate kids, so you're right there :dave:
And my point is, even 'cutting her some slack' because she's a kid... she's still annoying :lew:

Lifestream, you make a good point about the difference in Eidolons. But I, personally, never found Carbuncle at all useful. She was a waste of MP :sad3:
So that puts the amount of eidolons she had that were useful to me down to 3... :hmmm:
As I said before though, I loved Pheonix. Why didn't Garnet have him instead :gonk:
I preferred Garnet in battle. :hmmm: Somehow, her being older made me feel she was stronger. :lew: I love using her in battle; she's my highest levelled character. :wacky:

Personality-wise, I like both characters, but Garnet just about wins in my mind because she's more mature, more sophisticated, more responsible and more thoughtful. :hmmm: She is absolutely hilarious at the beginning of the game, always over-reacting to Zidane, but she matures tremendously. She sacrifices a lot in order to protect her kingdom towards the end of the game. Her heart is incredibly warm, she becomes selfless and she rises from depression, looking forward into the future. She's positive and determined. :)

I didn't like Eiko to begin with. However, after playing further through FFIX, I feel she's also very sensitive, passionate and thoughtful. She's mature for her age too! :lew:

Ahh, I love them both. :)
:damon: I love them bothhhh it's so hard to pick

In battle i like to use Eiko more, I find she's more useful and because Garnet goes through her emo stage I stop using her which means Eiko usually gets way more levelled and is just a lot more stronger.
Personality wise I like Garnet more but I do find Eiko to be fun and amusing
Eiko...... three things why she is better than garnet in some ways (garnet still my prefered in personally)

1. Phonix..... it such a epic move... revive the whole party AND she can do damage as well

2. the way she attacks (i'm going to wack you with this thin flute..) too funny :wacky:

3... holy... enough said there :mokken:

as to personally, I prefer garnet for that, eiko's is a bit too weaid at times for me... and garnet just has more character development, and you know how I love character development :P
I prefer Eiko because of her love for Zidane, its so cute how Eiko try to sent a love letter to zidane :)

Battle wise dagger is a little better but i prefer Eiko overall.
Battle-wise, I found Eiko more useful in battle with her Double White Magic trance abilities and she had a good array of magic spells. ^^ Honestly, my party was usually Zidane, Garnet, Vivi, and Eiko. xD I guess in the end, I couldn't really choose between the two in battles. :p

However, if we're solely talking about the characters themselves, then I prefer Garnet! :3 Eiko is cute && all, but I guess I related more to Garnet and it was awesome seeing her character transition and develop. :D
In battle I preferred Eiko, as a character I couldn't stand her, and found it just slightly disturbing that a 6 year old child becomes infatuated with a 16 year old guy...I know it was supposed to be about her finding companionship and a family but presenting it as a desire for a romantic relationship for a character so young was bordering on weird for me.. I think it would've been better if they'd made Eiko about 10-13, as I just could never wrap my head around her being only 6. I know its a fantasy game and maybe in their world kids mature faster but it was still rather difficult to relate, especially with her being "in love" with Zidane.
I hardly ever used Garnet's summons, I found Vivi's black magic far more effective so I mainly used Garnet as a healer/support character. Once Eiko arrives with her superior white magic Garnet was redundant for me. As a character I adore Garnet, she is one of my favourite FF heroines for her inner strength, integrity and a good dose of stubbornness! In the beginning she is a bit of a spoilt brat but her character development was excellent imo. Her romance with Zidane wasn't my favourite love story but it was relevant to the plot. Garnet was the last truly great FF heroine for me, along with Celes and Tifa. Unfortunately just not my favourite in battle.
I always used Garnet when it came to Summoning. Eiko just seemed to weird to use as a character since she had that 6 year old girl thing going on. Garnet is a part of the story the whole time and has more impact I believe in the plot so that's who I chose.
Eiko by far, Holy is an awesome spell and I managed to do 9999 to the final 4 fiends :3 I also avoid the side games in all FF games unless i've replayed it more than twice.
in my latest save i have tried to keep everyone at around the same level. yeah it means some extra grinding but im ok with that, it means i can use anyone i want. i tend to avoid summons because they dont really do much damage compared to other spells. i think eiko has a better selection of offensive spells but garnet fits better i think. plus i like to make up little scenarios where garnet and zidane will high five after a battle or they'll put bets on. for instance if zidane finishes the battle garnet will give him a blowjob and if garnet finishes then zidane has to lick her out real good. those scenarios dont work so well with eiko given that she's about 6. but im not sure paedophilia exists in the world of ffix so it might not be as immoral as you might think for eiko to be smoking on zidane's pink cigar or for him to be playing her meat harmonica.