Garnet or Eiko?

Garnet was the more interesting character and has the better summons I suppose but I'm never one to use them that often anyway so that doesn't really come into consideration. But my team usually has both of them anyway so the differences don't matter in the end.
I'm gonna have to go with Garnet on this match up. Garnet had strong summons than Eiko. But I hated using garnet after her she got really depressed in disk 3 (I think). Other wise Eiko would have won but since this matchup is about who has the better summons then Garnet wins.
Garnet she seemed to have more of a personality thatn Eiko, Eiko was also always to hyper for my liking she was just all over the place all the time.
Garnet was definitely the better character, summoner, everything for me! That should be fairly obvious....:lol:

I loved her character development and I she seemed very real to me in her actions and emotions.
Tough call. Personality-wise, I'd say Garnet. But Carbuncle and Phoenix are really helpful. In that case, I'd say Eiko. Of course, I haven't recieved Ark yet...IDK.
Garnet, definitely. Eiko kinda annoyed me sometimes.
Eiko, but only slightly.

I actually liked her character. I thought she was really funny especially when she mentioned "girl talk" to Garnet. And she has better healing which is what I really needed my the end of the game. I used her in my final party. Garnet wins when it comes to summons though.
Garnet by far. She is the lead role for female in the game, and even though Zidane is flat out the main character overall, Garnet could make a good run fo her money as well as the story turns into half hers by the 2nd disc. She's got so much more summons and she's sucked right into a story that alters her life forever, but for the better. She's gone through the rough times ever since she was a young tike in Madain Sari, and yet she fights on.
I always left Eiko on the side line.
The only time she was ever useful to me was when you have to take on all four shrine guardians at the same time. I used her as the healer, and garnet as the attacker when that happened.

Other than that, I always used Garnet as my healer/summoner.
Eiko is an annoying little girl who obsesses with Zidane. Garnet (dagger anyone?) is someone you have had the entire game and you get to train longer with. So even if you like Eiko better for some reason Garnet is still better in battle, especially with the Bahamut summon.
Well Eiko only had like two summons...otherwise she would be a great mage. o_O
I prefered Garnet personally, in pretty much every aspect. I do think Eiko was cute though and I still like her character. It's just that Garnet seemed to me to be far deeper than Eiko, not unexpected since Eiko is only a child. Plus, I really liked Garnet's story, and how she changes as a person throughout the game.
Eiko had quite a sad story though.
Her parents and grandparents died! =[