General Favourites / Worsts discussion


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
I know Angel Valentine normally makes these threads. but she hasn't so i will :) and ill copy/paste her rules too ^_^


1.) Put some thought into your posts, a.k.a. no spamming. You have to give reasons why you like or dislike these things.

2.) Stay on topic. I don't mind if there are actually long drawn out discussions people get into about favorites, and why someone likes a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship or not etc....but don't go off on totally un-related tangents.

3.) DON'T FLAME. SRSLY, There's nothing dumber than someone flaming another member because they don't feel the same way about a certain character/cutscene/weapon/relationship. STFU, It's only their opinion. DEAL WITH IT.

Note: This thread isn't just for your favorite characters, it's for your likes and dislikes about everything in ANY FF game. This is an extension of the Favorites & Worsts thread. That way you can list every single thing you disliked/liked about it, so everyone can read it, then you can come over here and elaborate more on certain things if you choose to do so.
lol yeah I was thinking about doing it, but then I decided to let you do the honors xDD

Oh..........And as for discussions go, I'm gonna say that, I kind of am a romantic at heart, but I swear, the couples I want to ship are never the main couple :( I have look for my ship-lust (hahahahaha) elsewhere :(


Except that, now that I think about it, Zidane and Garnet from IX are srsly fricking adorable together <3 BEST LUV EVAR.
I say that Tidus and Yuna are the cutest couple out in FF.

As for Wakka and Lulu, they are UGLY together. Omg, who'd ever think. x____X.

Rikku & Gippal, FTW.
As for Wakka and Lulu, they are UGLY together. Omg, who'd ever think. x____X.

Rikku & Gippal, FTW.
OMG. I think they're horrible together to! I don't know what it is but they just......yuck >_o I know they say opposites attract but, they just don't compliment each other very well IMHO ^^;;;

Rikku & Gippal seem pretty cute together actually :P
Wakka and Lulu are a hawt couple ;_; I like CloudxAerith best because

A) i hate Tifa.
B) i find them cuter ^_^

My least favourite game is FFVIII - because its pathetically horrible.
Ughhh. I love, and I use the term 'love' loosely, how Lulu dated Wakka's younger brother and then turned around and dated Wakka. She seems to love guys with Red/Orange hair with a funny accent that play blitzball. xD.

VIII was a great game. Although I thought Squall's character developed into a pansy. lol. Other than that, it was good. Rinoa got a tad annoying but I loved the GF system and the Junction system was not bad at all.
My least favourite game is FFVIII - because its pathetically horrible.

Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game. Squall and Rinoa are my fave couple. Final Fantasy VII is my least Favorite game. i think Final Fantasy VIII was the best game because it had a great storyline, Great characters and beautiful scenery and music.
Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite game. Final Fantasy VII is my least Favorite game.

Theres a flaw in that sentance, the fact that it doesn't make sense XD how can you love VIII but hate VII?

I really don't get it.

VII Beats VIII in every aspect.

Characters are developed, they actually have individual backstorys. It has a far superior villain. and the battle system is amazing while the one in FFVIII is a destructed mess.

and don't even get me started on Squall.

Worst Video Game character. ever.

and i use the term "game" very loosely when talking about FFVIII - that game isn't fun to play. its a chore.
Bah, anyone who knows me even a little should know of my hatred of VIII. I understood the storyline of VIII, I just found it all incredibly irritating. And I know all games have plot holes, or stupid/weak story points, but VIII....had one of the dumbest, and also one of the dumbest excuses to try and explain the equally dumb plot twist. What am I talking about? One word; Orphanage.

I found all the characters weak and un-interesting as well. The only characters that I liked and had any personality whatsoever were Laguna and Seifer. Seifer may have been a stuck up, asshole, prick, etc...but he knew what he wanted, he had a dream, and didn't just do whatever he was told to do. Laguna was a moron most of the time, but again, he wasn't a sheep that just went with the flow of things.

and i use the term "game" very loosely when talking about FFVIII - that game isn't fun to play. its a chore.
LOL That's exactly how I feel. I think I'll quote that.
LOL That's exactly how I feel. I think I'll quote that.

Yay i got quoted ^_^ Except you spelt my username wrong D: vikkis Aeris, i'm Aerith XD

the only plot thing i find remotly interesting about FFVIII is the Rinoa=Ultimecia theory - but even thats messed up because some people dislike it.

Stupid FFVIII. Can't even do a conspiracy theory properly.
People are entitled to their own opinion, AG. If SE7 finds VII to be lame then, she has the right too, just like you think VIII is a boring game or what-not. Although it really isn't. It's a great game.
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lol Hayate tis a joke between me and AG, don't worry I know he's totally kidding ;)

and yes... WakkaxLulu was a tad odd XD
Yeah, we both hate each others favourite games - so we mock them whenever we can :monster:

I honestly liked the Wakka/Lulu thing. She just needed a Hug!
I don't hate FFVIII (I just started playing it), but I don't find it as much fun or the story as interesting as FFVII or FFX. Now those two games were awesome. They gripped you from the very beggining and made you care for the characters and the world around them. Whenever I played either of the two, I just wanted to keep playing just to find out more. I wanted to know more about Sephiroth's origins and I wanted to know more of the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle. So those two games are my favorite among the FF series.

And as for Wakka and Lulu, I think they're cute together. But my favorite couple is and always will be Yuna and Tidus. I just find it great how their love developed throughout the course of the game, so it didn't feel forced. It felt completely natural. And the Macalania scene is simply gorgeous.
I truly don't like Tidus/Yuna as a couple, but I wish I did because I agree the Macalania scene was beautiful.

I don't hate FFVIII (I just started playing it), but I don't find it as much fun or the story as interesting as FFVII or FFX. Now those two games were awesome. They gripped you from the very beggining and made you care for the characters and the world around them.
Even though X is far from my favorite, I did find it far more interesting than VIII. And VII is my fave FF (and game actually) so I agree with ya there too :monster: VIII...I dunno, I just never cared what happened to anyone except Seifer and Laguna.
I have a lot of likes and some hates, so I'm going to list them in order of released date.

In this game, one of my favorite features was the all new 3-d system in witch the graphics started looking a whole lot better, though the faces were blurry, for its time, it was great.

The game also provided a great plot, in witch a love triangle formed between Tifa, Aries, and Cloud. Until...Aries was killed. But even her death, made me enjoy the game a lot more.

A great feature was the mini games in the arcade, I spent hours at a time on those.

One of my all time favorite FF games!!
The futuristic plot and card games took my breath away. Not to mention all of the great characters. And the game was challenging!!

One of the things I did not like about this game was that the graphics seemed to downgrade from FF eight, but overall, it was still an awesome game.

I enjoyed all the characters and the plot had everything!


This was one of the most remarkable games ever, the very first FF game released for the ps2, and the graphics had amazing quality. It was a huge jump, and the plot, chracters pulled well together.

X-2 ll

It was a major downfall, though graphics were still good, the main characters consisted of three females: Yuna, Rikku, Paine. The sphere grids and outfits were fun to search for, and even the side quest. But the game was too easy to beat, and it was not challenging at all, compared to all the puzzles in FFX.

I'll list more later.....
I honestly liked the Wakka/Lulu thing. She just needed a Hug!
U mean get laid.

AV said:
I truly don't like Tidus/Yuna as a couple
Your kiddin!
They are the best FF couple it's not like:
1.Squall and Rinoa
3.Zidane and Garnet..Those were boring.
I meant..They have something awesome between them (Tidus and Yuna) I'm not a romantic guy but those guys blow me away...OK That's sounds gay!
Favourite Character

We all know every like FF (if they dont they suck:D)
but what is you favourite FF character from
FF1&2 Dawn of souls :Ricard
FF7:dirge Of cerberus: The Chick Who looks like a ten year old girl i think its sephie
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DragoonDeath, there is already an existing general Favorites and worst discussion thread. I've merged your thread with the existing one. ^_^