General Favourites / Worsts discussion

Best Location

What do you think is the best location in FF? Maybe town, dungeon or anything else?

I personally think Cleyra in FFIX is the best one. Remember?
A big tree protected by a giant sandstorm? Beautiful isn't it?
Unfortunately it's destroyed by Odin. Hate Brahne.
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Hm. I'll say Treno. There might be theives, but the night life there's an interesting experience. Probably the best too...

Otherwise, I'll go for Dali, slow moving and peaceful. Loved the music there too anyway.
I 'll go for Midgar.
It's sad people beneath the Surface, the dark looks of a mechanic city...they are so very inspired by real cities you know...
Yeah, i just love the beggining of FFVII :P
I liked Treno alot but considering its high theft rate and amazing night life, it reminded me of Las Vegas too much to want to live there. Beremacia would be a wonderful place if it wasn't for the infestation of rat-people and constant rain fall.

so my favorite place in the FF series has to be Bherjeba, the fact of living in a floating village seems amazing to me, and with the monster filled mines giving me a place to train my swordsmanship then i would love to live there.
Contra ruins FF8. The area is a good are to gain levels and become really powerful.
Also you could get 2 GFs there which is only bested by 2 other sets of 2. The first 2 and Bahamut and Eden.
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Hmmm a nice location would be Spira but just the beautiful places like Bevelle and Besaid. Bevell is nice and besaid has a nice beach. I also like Midgar in ffvii that place is cool and I like the way it is.
my fav aeon in all the series would have to be anima she is just so awsome :D
and my least fav aeon would be the sandy from the maganus sisters -___-
Best design in my opinion is Anima.
They say she (it's a she! I was surpised too!) doesn't have an element, not like fire, ice etc. but of a different kind. That's Dark. I love it the way Anima looks. The scariest thing I ever saw since The Grudge. Extremely powerful, high on all stats and the fayth is well known.
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Balamb Garden! I'm considering re-starting FF8 just so I can run around in it again. I'd love to live there. I'd just be playing cards in the cafeteria eating good hot dogs... whoa i got carried away there, I'm vegetarian! but I'd run off the calories jogging along side the kid that does laps around it... Plus the teachers are super hot.. mmm Quistis. DAMMIT got carried away again.

and did I mention it's blue? such a cool colour. I mean, for a group of military SeeDs, their base is so calm (unless you're in the training center, where you fear a T-Rex will eat you)... but its still an army I'd join.
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Definitely the Thunder Plains! Nice barren untamed plane of land. Environment undisturbed by cities and lights and people just all about wildlife and nature. Kinda like the deserts I grew up in. Plus I quite enjoy thunder, rain, and lightening. Plus what better place to go on a date if girl gets scared you hold her close see perfect spot.
I really hated the job system in FFV, there were FAR too many mage classes and it irritated me no end, espcially as I prefer physical attacks. X's system was the best, loved the sphere grid, it was win <3 I had hours of fun with that, because liek, Im sad like that. Also, may add, that XII's battle system has grown on me :gasp: I still love the turn based shizz, again X wins hands down, but I love how quick XII's is - whack and run is so good. Has it's annoying little flaws though, setting up gambits is a pain and I hate not being able to swich someone out of the party when I want, but I no longer hate it the most like I used to :neomon:
I really want to start VIII again. but everytime i got to set it up, I always think about how boring it is to draw magic from enemies. I hate drawing X(. I know there's other ways to get magic, but drawing is a big factor with FFVIII. In the whole series, It was the worst way to boost your characters.

I agree the Sphere grid owns! but Materia is a close second. :)
I really want to start VIII again. but everytime i got to set it up, I always think about how boring it is to draw magic from enemies. I hate drawing X(. I know there's other ways to get magic, but drawing is a big factor with FFVIII. In the whole series, It was the worst way to boost your characters.

I agree the Sphere grid owns! but Materia is a close second. :)

I set the cursor on remember and just keep holding X til everyone has 100 meanwhile I change the channel and watch tv.