General Favourites / Worsts discussion

You know... Personally I wish there was a couple in FF12... only because the idea of Balthier&fran or Balthier&Ashe astounded me to no end... I don't know it seems couples were possible, but they didn't want another love story obviously :P
You know... Personally I wish there was a couple in FF12... only because the idea of Balthier&fran or Balthier&Ashe astounded me to no end... I don't know it seems couples were possible, but they didn't want another love story obviously :P

The lack of a love story in XII kind of bugged me abit, I was sat there expecting something ta happen with someone, anyone, throughout the game and it just didn't happen. There seemed to be something between Balthier & Fran but that was it really

I loved the whole love themes in the other FF's I have played. The tragic love between Cloud & Aeris and Yuna & Tidus was just so sad & so sweet, then teh ones in VIII & IX gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. I think Im a sucker for a good romance tbh and I was more than dissapointed in the lack of one in XII.

I know it doesn't make the game but still, it was a nice addition >_<
FFXII...I have mixed feelings about the game, but...I can never say that I dislike it. There are little things here and there that I dislike about all of the FF games that I've played.

I would have been much happier had there been even an unspoken attraction in the game. I've heard rumors that Ashe is in like with one of the other characters, but...I must be naive, or...maybe I overlooked it.

I would have been happy for there to have been some cute interaction. ^.^
FFVII confused the arse out of me with it's ridiculous love plot.
It was great, I loved the whole story of VII. That first disc was just made of complete wn. I loved how it had me confused and adding all it's little twists and stuff. :wacky:
-kicks this thread in order to stop pointless ones from further cropping up-

What was probably your least favourite moment from VII then?
The Great Glacier, or whatever it was called, were you have to put those stupid lollipop sticks down in order not to get lost -__-

I really did not like that place. I hated having to hunt for that chuffing materia that was stashed there aswel. It would have made life SO much more easier if it wasn't goddam blue
My least favorite part of FF7 is the Temple of the Ancients. I can say without a doubt it is the worst dungeon ever. Temple of the Ancients makes the Pharos at Ridorana Cataract from FF12 seem hospitable.

Temple of the Ancients seems to go on forever, and then there's that horrible Demon's Gate boss. On my first playthrough that thing gave me issues.
Least Favourite FF7 moment? Aeris dying. Everyone said it was trajic, then I play it, and I'm like "WTF?". It was so... Pointless to me.

And I lost a character. That always sucks.
my least fav bit of FF7 well i have more then one
Whe you have to dree up as a girl in that place thing
2 the climb to shinra and the timing jump thing
4 and when i never had cloud just sobs
5 and whenever i have to have tifa with me imagines Tifa is sephiroth.
You know... Personally I wish there was a couple in FF12... only because the idea of Balthier&fran or Balthier&Ashe astounded me to no end... I don't know it seems couples were possible, but they didn't want another love story obviously :P

I was sooooo happy that we didn´t get another love-story at the front. FFVIII's was pretty annoying and then the next two also had important love-stories (though less tedious). It was refreshing that the princess didn't fall for the main-hero here.
Best Summon Design.

which are your favorite/best looking summons and least favorite summons in teh ff series? ( if in ff 1 - 6 post pic plz.. if u can of these forums? :S lol)
and why? :eek:
Diablo is the coolest looking one in the 8 game. The sceen is amazing.

Siren i think is the worst looking one. She just doesnt have a good sceen.
All my opionions are based of them doing their attack
Odin from Crisis Core is one of my personal favs:


I don't think anyone would wanna fuck with diss guy....
alright maybe Seifer would

and Anima from FFX:


now THATS a summon.

As for least favourites, I've never really been a fan of Ramuh:

Anima is amazing I think, X's Bahamut is a bit shit he's far too stocky, but Anima is just brilliant, and abit sinister looking, even the overdrive is brilliant, over allId say she was the best, Shiva coming in a close second, in ANY of the instalments really....
There are quite a few summons i love the design of, two of my favorites being Bahamut and Alexander from FFIX, and they fight each other so i was gazing in awe, was epic. Anima from final fantasy X looks awesum and she has a great entrance theme so it's all good. Crisis core's Odin and Bahamut Fury look brilliant. and Valefore from X was also well designed.

As for the dislikes, all forms of Ramuh, Carbuncle and Cerebrus from FFVIII, didn't like the design of Belius, Mateus, Addremelech...well any of the summons from FFXII as the entire summoning system of XII sucked ass.
I really liked X's Bahamut. He looked more badass, manly. :P I never liked Ramuh and some other FF7's summons (i.e Kjata, Typhoon)
Best summon designs I like are Carbuncle from FFVIII because it's cuteness won me over. Anima because it's a completely different summon compare to all the other recycled ones they use and he is just awesome to use. Lastly, Mist Dragon from FFIV (DS).


As far as least favorites go, I don't like Valefor (FFX), Brothers (VIII), and Eden (FFVIII). They just didn't really impress me at all. Also, they were very annoying to use in battle.