General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

Favourite Hero: Squall
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth / Kuja
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy VII
Favourite FF character: Kuja
Favourite FF male character: Kuja
Favourite FF female character: Eiko
Favourite Non-human FF character: RedXIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character: RedXIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Quina...¿
Favourite Race: Hume
Favourite Boss: Vayne solidor
Favourite Enemy: Abysteels
Favourite Boss attack: Apocalypse
Favourite Enemy attack: Reverse
Favourite Sidequest: Gold Chocobo
Favourite Mini-game: Triple Triad
Favourite Chocobo: Gold
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite save system: FFXII
Favourite battle system: ATB
Favourite levelling up system: FF7's
Favourite class: Paladin
Favourite Weapon: Gunblade
Favourite method of transportation: Highwind / Ragnarok
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: FF7
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Knights of the round
Favourite "super" attack i.e: Limit bar system FF7
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Leonheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Dyne
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz ace
Favourite world: Terra
Favourite place: Rabanastre
Favourite saying: Eiko - I Don't want to be alone anymore
Favourite graphics: FFXIII

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Ultimecia
Worst FF title: FFVIIDC
Worst FF character: Wakka
Worst FF male character: Wakka
Worst FF female character: Tifa
Worst Non-human FF character: Shumi Elder
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Shumi Elder
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Gagazet women
Worst Race: Nu Moe
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy: Midgar Zolom
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Putrid Breath
Worst Sidequest: Zodiac Spear (Henne Marathon)
Worst Mini-game: Moogle's home FF7
Worst Chocobo:
Boko - FF8
Worst Moogle:
Boko's friend moogle
Worst save system: FF5's
Worst battle system: FFX
Worst levelling up system:
Worst class: Dancer
Worst Weapon: Lulu's
Worst method of transportation: FFX's
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: All of FFXII
Worst summon attack: Cerebrus' (FFVIII)
Worst"super" attack i.e: Quickenings
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Tifa
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Zell
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eiko
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu
Worst world:
Worst place: Desert Prison (FFVIII)
Worst saying:
Live and let live!
Worst graphics:
Favourite Hero: Zidane
Favourite Villain:
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite FF character: Vivi
Favourite FF male character: Zidane
Favourite FF female character: Garnet
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Whatever it was that Zidane and Kuja were.
Favourite Boss: Trance Kuja
Favourite Enemy: N/A
Favourite Boss attack: Flare Star
Favourite Enemy attack: N/A
Favourite Sidequest: Dark Aeon's
Favourite Chocobo: Black Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: Any moogle is cool in my book.
Favourite save system: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite class: Black Mage
Favourite Weapon: Brotherhood
Favourite method of transportation: Ragnarok
Favourite reappearing name: Wedge
Favourite summon: Tough. Usefulness? Magus Sisters. Coolness? Anima.
Favourite summon attack: Delta Attack
Favourite "super" attack: Trance
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Cid - Highwind
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Shot - Irvine
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Grand Lethal - Zidane
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Multiple Spells - Lulu
Favourite world: Gaia (FFIX)
Favourite place: Alexandria (FFIX)
Favourite saying: N/A
Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy X

Worst FF Hero: Squall
Worst FF villain: Sephiroth
Worst FF title: Final Fantasy Tactics
Worst FF character: Vincent
Worst FF male character: Vincent
Worst FF female character: Tifa
Worst Non-human FF character: N/A
Worst Non-human male FF character: N/A
Worst Non-human female FF character: N/A
Worst Race: N/A
Worst Boss: Jenova Synthesis
Worst Enemy: Malboro

Worst Boss attack: Deen - Safer-Sephiroth
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Chocographs (FFIX - The only part I didn't love).
Worst Chocobo: That's really a statistical question.
Worst Moogle: N/A
Worst save system: N/A
Worst battle system: Final Fantasy VIII
Worst class: Blue Mage

Worst Weapon: Staff
Worst method of transportation: Cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: N/A
Worst summon: Titan
Worst summon attack: N/A
Worst"super" attack: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Any of Vincent's
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: N/A
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Cook - Quina
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Mix - Rikku
Worst world: N/A
Worst place: Midgar
Worst saying: N/A
Worst graphics: N/A
Favourite Hero: Sora
Favourite Villan: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Favourite FF character: Tifa
Favourite FF male character: Cloud
Favourite FF female character: Lenne
Favourite Non-human FF character: Fran
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Kimahri

Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Guado
Favourite Boss: Braska's Final Aeon
Favourite Enemy: N/A
Favourite Boss attack: --
Favourite Enemy attack:--
Favourite Sidequest: Catch that moogle!
Favourite Mini-game: Blitz ball
Favourite Chocobo: All
Favourite Moogle: --
Favourite save system: FF X's
Favourite battle system: FF X
Favourite levelling up system: FF X
Favourite class: White Mage
Favourite Weapon: Caladblog
Favourite method of transportation: --
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Wedge
Favourite summon: Anima
Favourite summon attack: Pain
Favourite "super" attack i.e:Zanmato
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: --
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: --
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Grand Lethal - Zidane
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz Ace - Tidus
Favourite world: Spira (FF X)
Favourite place: The Pride Lands Jungle (KH2)
Favourite saying: There are many worlds but they all share the same sky. One sky... ONE Destiny
Favourite graphics: Kingdom Hearts II

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Shuyin
Worst FF title: Final Fantasy Tactics
Worst FF character: Shuyin
Worst FF male character: Shuyin
Worst FF female character: Penelo
Worst Non-human FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Shumi Elder
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race: --
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy: Midgar Zolom
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Pain
Worst Sidequest: Demon Beneath the sands
Worst Mini-game: Moogle's home FF7
Worst Chocobo: N/A

Worst Moogle: N/A

Worst save system: FF5's
Worst battle system: FFX
Worst levelling up system:
Worst class: --
Worst Weapon: Wakka's
Worst method of transportation: FXII
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: All of FFXII
Worst summon attack: Aero Spark
Worst"super" attack i.e: Quickenings
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Aerith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Zell
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: --
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Auron
Worst world: --

Worst place: Bikanel Desert
Worst saying: N/A

Worst graphics:
Favourite FF Hero: Balthier / Nanaki / Cloud
Favourite FF Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FF VII / FF XII
Favourite FF character: Gilgamesh
Favourite FF male character: Gilgamesh
Favourite FF female character: Tifa
Favourite Non-human FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Shiva
Favourite Boss: The Turks
Favourite Enemy: Tonberry / Coeurl
Favourite Enemy attack: Karma
Favourite Sidequest: Celestial Weapon Hunt
Favourite Mini-game: FF X Blitzball / FF X-2 Sphere Break
Favourite Chocobo: The Original Boko
Favourite Moogle: MontBlanc
Favourite save system: VII
Favourite battle system: FFXII
Favourite class: Monk / Fighter
Favourite Weapon: Swords
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite Cid: FFVII
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Gilgamesh
Favourite summon: Adremmalech / FFX Ifrit
Favourite summon attack: Hellfire / Judgment Bolt
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Overdrives FFX
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Yuffie
Favourite Overdrive - FFX:Tidus
Favourite world: FF X
Favourite place: Wutai FF VII
Favourite graphics: FFXII

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Ultimecia
Worst FF title: FFCC
Worst FF character: Vaan
Worst FF male character: Vaan
Worst FF female character: Yuna
Worst Race: Seeq
Worst Boss: JENOVA
Worst Enemy: Ocho
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath

Worst levelling up system: FF X
Worst class: Blue Mage
Worst Weapon: Bows
Worst method of transportation: Ship
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Biggs and Wedge
Worst summon: Valefor
Worst summon attack: Aero Spark
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Aeris
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Kimahri
Worst place: Nibelheim
Worst Graphics : FF VII
Favourite FF Hero: Auron.
Favourite FF Villain: Kefka.
Favourite FF title: FFVIII, IX & X.

Favourite FF character: Vincent Valentine, Sir Auron, Rinoa Heartly, Squall Lionheart, Zidane & Balthier.
Favourite FF male character: Vincent Valentine, Squall Lionheart, Zidane, Auron & Balthier.
Favourite FF female character: Rinoa Heartly, Yuna & Princess Ashe.
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi.
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi.
Favourite Non-human female FF character:
Favourite Race: Hume & Viera.
Favourite Boss: Ultima Weapon & Ultimecia.
Favourite Enemy: Ruby Dragon.

Favourite Boss attack: Light Pillar.
Favourite Enemy attack:Confuse.
Favourite Sidequest: The Deep Sea Research Center.
Favourite Mini-game: Triple Triad & Blitzball.
Favourite Chocobo: Yellow.
Favourite Moogle: Montblonc.

Favourite save system: FFVIII & FFIX's.
Favourite battle system: FFVIII & FFXII.
Favourite class: Warrior & White Mage

Favourite Weapon: Gunblade (Lion Heart).
Favourite method of transportation: Airship.

Favourite Cid: FFVII & FFIX’s.
Favourite reappearing name: Biggs & Wedge.
Favourite summon: Bahamut.
Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare.

Favourite "super" attack: Limit Breaks from FFVIII.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash & Final Heaven.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Squall’s - Lion Heart & Rinoa’s - Wishing Star

Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Grand Lethal.
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Tornado.
Favourite world: FFVIII & FFIX’s
Favourite place: FFVIII - Deling City, Esthar & The Deep Sea Research Center. FFIX - I prettly much loved every location. FFX - Zanarkand, Luca, Macalania Woods & Bevelle. FFXII - Rabanastre, The Barheim Passage, The Skycity of Bhujerba, The Lhusu Mines, The Tomb of Raithwall, The Salikawood, The Imperial City of Archades, The Golmore Jungle, The Feywood, The Feywood, The Stillshrine of Miriam & The Henne Mines.
Favourite saying: Whatever… ;)
Favourite graphics: FFVIII, FFIX, FFX & FFXII.

Worst FF Hero: Cloud (Overrated).
Worst FF villain: Sephiroth (Overrated).
Worst FF title: FF Crystal Chronicles.
Worst FF character: Quina & Cait Sith.
Worst FF male character: Cait Sith.
Worst FF female character: Eiko.
Worst Non-human FF character:
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:
Worst Boss: Yunalesca.
Worst Enemy: Malboro - FFVIII’s.
Worst Boss attack: Megadeath
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath - FFVIII.
Worst Sidequest: FFVIII’s Chocobo Sidequest.
Worst Mini-game:
Worst Chocobo:
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:
Worst battle system:
Worst levelling up system:
Worst class:
Worst Weapon: Staff.
Worst method of transportation:
Worst reappearing:
Worst summon:
Worst summon attack:
Worst "super" attack i.e:
Worst Limit Break - FFVII:
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII:
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX:
Worst world:
Worst place:
Worst saying:
Worst graphics:
Favourite Hero: Zidane
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy VIII
Favourite FF character: Balthier
Favourite FF male character: Balthier, Stiener
Favourite FF female character: Aerith, Tifa
Favourite Non-human FF character: Nanaki, Fran
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Chocobos
Favourite Boss: Kuja
Favourite Enemy: Tonberries
Favourite Boss attack: Super Nova
Favourite Enemy attack: N/A
Favourite Sidequest: N/A
Favourite Chocobo: Boco...Good ol yeller chocobo
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite save system: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite class: Any fighter (monk, thief, knight...)
Favourite Weapon: Lionheart
Favourite method of transportation: Ragnarok
Favourite reappearing name: Biggs, Wedge, Cid
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Zanmato
Favourite "super" attack: Limit Breaks
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash-Cloud
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Duel-Zell
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Steiner
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz Ace - Tidus
Favourite World: Ivalice
Favourite place: Cosmo Canyon
Favourite saying: "I'm the lead man." - Balthier
Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy VIII

Worst FF Hero: Tidus
Worst FF villain: Lord Vayne
Worst FF title: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals
Worst FF character: Quina
Worst FF male character: Tidus
Worst FF female character: Rinoa
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait-Sith
Worst Non-human female FF character: N/A
Worst Race: Genomes
Worst Boss: Demon Gate
Worst Enemy: Malboro

Worst Boss attack: Ultima
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: N/A
Worst Chocobo: N/A
Worst Moogle: N/A
Worst save system: Final Fantasy VII
Worst battle system: Final Fantasy VIII
Worst class: Blue Mage

Worst Weapon: Staff
Worst method of transportation: Cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: N/A
Worst summon: Titan
Worst summon attack: N/A
Worst"super" attack: Final Fantasy Tactics

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Barret's
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Rinoa's
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: N/A
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu's
Worst world: Final Fantasy II
Worst place: Omega Ruins
Worst saying: N/A
Worst graphics: N/A
Favourite Hero:Celes
Favourite Villain:Kefka
Favourite FF title:FFVI
Favourite FF character:King Edgar
Favourite FF male character:Shadow
Favourite FF female character:Aeris
Favourite Non-human FF character:Red XIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character:Rubicant
Favourite Non-human female FF character:Gogo(?)
Favourite Race:The Espers
Favourite Boss:Chaos
Favourite Enemy:Zone Eater
Favourite Boss attack:Mega Flare
Favourite Enemy attack:Pearl Wind
Favourite Sidequest:Breeding the Gold Chocobo
Favourite Mini-game:Snowboarding with Cloud
Favourite Chocobo:Gold of course
Favourite Moogle:Mog!
Favourite save system:Umm..?
Favourite battle system:FF IX
Favourite levelling up system:Materia Magic and Skill System
Favourite class:Ninja
Favourite Weapon:Ragnarok
Favourite method of transportation:Gold Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:Cid
Favourite summon:Bahamut
Favourite summon attack:Knights of the Round
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:Lucky 7
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII:Omega Slash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:Meteo Blast
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:Eidolon
Favourite Overdrive - FFX:Banishing Blade
Favourite world:FFVI - The World of Balance/World of Ruin
Favourite place:Forgotten Capital
Favourite saying:"You spoony bard!"
Favourite graphics:FFIX
Favourite FF Hero: Auron
Favourite FF Villain: sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFVII
Favourite FF character: Auron
Favourite FF male character: Auron

Favourite FF female character:Aeris/Rinoa
Favourite Non-human FF character: RedXIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character:RedXIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character:Fran
Favourite Race:Moogle
Favourite Boss:Yunalesca
Favourite Enemy:Ruby Dragon
Favourite Boss attack:Maelstrom
Favourite Enemy attack:erm....
Favourite Sidequest:the whole monster arena thing
Favourite Mini-game:triple triad/anything in the gold saucer
Favourite Chocobo:gold altho others like the brown ones in xii are pretty
Favourite Moogle: i like them all
Favourite save system:FFX
Favourite battle system:FFX
Favourite class:warrior/knight
Favourite Weapon:swords
Favourite method of transportation:airship/ragnorak
Favourite Cid:defo XII-theres something oddly sexy about him
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:Cid (apart from FFVIII)
Favourite summon:doomtrain magus sisters
Favourite summon attack oblivion
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:the ones in VIII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: renzokuken/degenerator
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: cant relaly remember them
Favourite Overdrive - FFX; attack reels
Favourite world: VII/VIII/X
Favourite place: forgotten city
Favourite saying:too much hope is the opposite of despair, an overpowering love wil consume you in the end
Favourite graphics:X

Worst FF Hero: Tidus
Worst FF villain:Vayne
Worst FF title:
Worst FF character:quina

Worst FF male character:
Worst FF female character:eiko
Worst Non-human FF character: quina
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:shumi
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy:marlboros

Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack:bad breath
Worst Sidequest:shumi village
Worst Mini-game:blitzball too time consuming
Worst Chocobo:any that you are trying to catch in VII - they can be annoying...
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:
Worst battle system:FFXII
Worst levelling up system:
Worst class:
Worst Weapon:measures
Worst method of transportation:boats when you still encounter random fights
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon:carbuncle
Worst summon attack that one tonberry does in viii
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:
Worst Limit Break - FFVII:cait sith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII:irvine
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX:lulu
Worst world:
Worst place:mt gagazet
Worst saying;quistis finishing squalls sentences annoyed me abit
Worst graphics: the characters in VIII

Favourite Hero: Zidane, Vivi, Cid Highwind
Favourite Villain: Kuja, Vayne, Dr. Cid
Favourite FF title: FFIX
Favourite FF character: Vivi
Favourite FF male character: Vivi, Cid Highwind, Zidane
Favourite FF female character: Beatrix, Garnet, Quistis, Freya
Favourite Non-human FF character: Freya
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Moogles
Favourite Boss: Tiamat
Favourite Enemy: Ragtime Mouse
Favourite Boss attack: Shadow Flare
Favourite Enemy attack: Magic Breath
Favourite Sidequest: mognet, mark hunting
Favourite Mini-game: Triple Triad, Tetra Master, chocobo hot and cold
Favourite Chocobo: Choco (FFIX)
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin, Artemicion
Favourite save system: FFXII (teleporting); FFIX
Favourite battle system: X
Favourite class: Dragoon
Favourite Weapon: Force Stealer
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Tsunami (Famfrit)
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Meteorain
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Duel
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Dyne
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: don’t remember any
Favourite world: Gaia (FFIX)
Favourite place: Daguerreo, Feywood, Ultimecia’s Castle, Burmecia
Favourite saying: Looking at you is making me sober.
Favourite graphics: FFIX

Worst Hero: Squall
Worst Villain: Ultimecia
Worst FF title: FFVIII
Worst FF character: Rinoa
Worst FF male character: Squall
Worst FF female character: Rinoa
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Quina (?)
Worst Non-human female FF character: Any given Viera in FFXII (excepting Mjrn and Jote)
Worst Race: Viera
Worst Boss: Second Demon Wall
Worst Enemy: Dead Bones
Worst Boss attack: Telega
Worst Enemy attack: Stop
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo sidequest (FFVIII)
Worst Mini-game:
Worst Chocobo:
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:
Worst battle system: FFVI
Worst levelling up system: FFVIII
Worst class: Thief
Worst Weapon: Hand bombs
Worst method of transportation: Chocobo (FFVI)
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: Eden
Worst summon attack: Sneeze
Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Howling Moon
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Selphie’s
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Jump
Worst Overdrive - FFX:
Worst world: FFX
Worst place: North Corel, Narshe
Worst saying: I’m just here for the ride.
Worst graphics:
Favourite Hero: Zidane
Favourite Villain: Judge Ghis
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy XIII
Favourite FF character: Ashe
Favourite FF male character: Balthier

Favourite FF female character: Aerith
Favourite Non-human FF character: Fran
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Moogles
Favourite Boss: Yu Yevon
Favourite Enemy: Shuyin
Favourite Boss attack: Banish (by Seymour)
Favourite Enemy attack: Magic Breath
Favourite Sidequest: Catch that Moogle!

Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: Choco (FFIX)
Favourite Moogle: Artemicion
Favourite save system: FFXII
Favourite battle system: FXII
Favourite class: Dragoon
Favourite Weapon: Tit for Tat
Favourite method of transportation: Foot
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Jassu
Favourite summon: Valefor
Favourite summon attack: Oblivion (Anima)

Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Meteorain
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Duel
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Dyne
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Mix
Favourite world: Rabanastre (FFXII)
Favourite place: Kilika: Village
Favourite saying: Just whistle, I'll come running. I promise...

Favourite graphics: FF VII :P

Worst Hero: Tidus
Worst Villain: Shuyin

Worst FF title: FFX-2
Worst FF character: Brother
Worst FF male character: Vaan
Worst FF female character: Tifa
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Kelk Ronso
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina..?

Worst Race: Guado
Worst Boss: Seymour... (would you just die already?! oh you are dead)

Worst Enemy: Dead Bones
Worst Boss attack: none
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo sidequest (FFVIII)
Worst Mini-game: Sphere Break (FFX-2)
Worst Chocobo: none
Worst Moogle: none
Worst save system: FFX and FFX-2
Worst battle system: FFX
Worst levelling up system: FFXII (no offence)
Worst class: Thief
Worst Weapon: Beast Master
Worst method of transportation: Chocobo (FFVI)
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: Eden
Worst summon attack: Daigoro
Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Lulu's Overdrive (forget name...)

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: none
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Selphie’s
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Jump
Worst Overdrive - FFX: none
Worst world: FF VIII
Worst place: Underneath Bevelle
Worst saying: I’m just here for the ride.
Worst graphics: FF X
Favourite Hero: Tidus
Favourite Villain: Seph

Favourite FF title: FF8
Favourite FF character: Tidus
Favourite FF male character: Tidus
Favourite FF female character: Yuna
Favourite Non-human FF character: Fran
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vincent (technically not human)
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Viera, Chocobo
Favourite Boss: Seymour inside Sin
Favourite Enemy: Master Tonberry
Favourite Boss attack: Seymour summoning Anima
Favourite Enemy attack: Trine
Favourite Sidequest: Getting the celestial weapons in FFX
Favourite Mini-game: Squats from FFVII
Favourite Chocobo: Black
Favourite Moogle: The owner of the hunters guild in FFXII
Favourite save system: FFX (Healing at the same time)
Favourite battle system: FFX
Favourite levelling up system: FFX Sphere grid
Favourite class: Knight
Favourite Weapon: Caladbog
Favourite method of transportation: Ze Shoopuff
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Bahamut (For summons, aeons etc..and the sky fortress Bahamut)
Favourite summon: Bahamut Zero
Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Overdrives from FFX
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Tifa's (All together)
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Renzokuken
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: No comment :P
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Yuna's grand summon, saved me a few times
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: Zanarkand
Favourite saying: 'Please, listen to my story. This may be our last chance...'
Favourite graphics: FFX

Worst Hero: Zidane
Worst Villain: Vayne Solidor
Worst FF title: FFIX
Worst FF character: Balthier (Dissapointing)
Worst FF male character: Zidane
Worst FF female character: Penelo
Worst Non-human FF character: Kihmari
Worst Non-human male FF character: Kihmari
Worst Non-human female FF character: None I can think of
Worst Race: Moogles
Worst Boss: Vayne Solidor
Worst Enemy: Marboro
Worst Boss attack: Sephs limit from FFVII (Too long)
Worst Enemy attack: Laser eye from FFVII
Worst Sidequest: Collecting butterflys (FFX)
Worst Mini-game: ^^^^^^
Worst Chocobo: Yellow
Worst Moogle: Any save moogle
Worst save system: FFVIII
Worst battle system: FFXII
Worst levelling up system: FFVIII
Worst class: Theif
Worst Weapon: Barrets physical attack weapon
Worst method of transportation: Taxi's from FFXII
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Wedge
Worst summon: Valefor
Worst summon attack: Energy Blast
Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Trance Attacks
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait Siths
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Zells
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: All of the, never liked them
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Rikku's mix
Worst world: Ivalice
Worst place: Seymours house FFX-2
Worst saying: HA HA HA HA HA HA - FFX
Worst graphics: FF1 :P
Favourite FF Hero: Cloud
Favourite FF Villain: Sephiroth, Kuja
Favourite FF title: FFVII, FFX
Favourite FF character: Vincent Valentine
Favourite FF male character: Vincent, Auron
Favourite FF female character: Tifa, Quistis
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi ^^
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race: Black Mages
Favourite Boss: Saviour Sephiroth, Kuja last form
Favourite Enemy: Adamantoise, Tonberry
Favourite Boss attack: Super Nova
Favourite Enemy attack:Knife (Tonberry)
Favourite Sidequest: Wutai (Yuffie's Sidequest), FFVII
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball (not that I like it that much it's just the best I've seen
Favourite Chocobo: Blue
Favourite Moogle: Stilskin
Favourite save system: FFX
Favourite battle system: FFVII, FFX
Favourite class: White Mage, Black Mage
Favourite Weapon: Guns in general, Buster Sword
Favourite method of transportation: Moogling (yaya!!)
Favourite Cid: FFVII
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Mega/Giga/Terra Flare
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limit Breaks from FFVII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash (Cloud)
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Renzukoken (Squall)
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane's Dyne
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Grand Summon (Yuna)
Favourite world: FFX Spira
Favourite place: FFX Dream Zanarkand, FFVII Nibelheim
Favourite saying: Time To Save The World (Vincent)
Favourite graphics: FFX

Worst FF Hero: Vaan
Worst FF villain: Seymour
Worst FF title: FFVIII (it's still a good game though)
Worst FF character: Steiner
Worst FF male character: Steiner, Cait Sith
Worst FF female character: Rinoa, Aeris
Worst Non-human FF character: Kimahri
Worst Non-human male FF character: Kimahri/ Quina
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina
Worst Race: Hypello
Worst Boss: Necron
Worst Enemy: Malboro
Worst Boss attack: Grand Cross
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Butterfly Hunt FFX
Worst Mini-game: Anything to do with cards
Worst Chocobo: Yellow
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system: FFVIII
Worst battle system: FFVIII
Worst levelling up system: FFXII
Worst class: Blue Mage
Worst Weapon: Mop
Worst method of transportation: Buggy
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Biggs
Worst summon: Belias FFXII (well, all FFXII really)
Worst summon attack: Ruby Light FFVIII
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limits in FFVIII
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait Sith
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu
Worst world: FFVIII
Worst place: Timber
Worst saying: Let's Mosey :-)mad:)
Worst graphics: FFVII
Favourite Hero: Squall Leonhart
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title:
Favourite FF character: Rufus Shinra, Squall Leonhart, and Terra
Favourite FF male character: Rufus Shinra and Squall Leonhart
Favourite FF female character: Terra and Tifa Lockhart
Favourite Non-human FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: N/A
Favourite Race: N/A
Favourite Boss: Edea
Favourite Enemy:
Christopher (VII) and the enemies in the Dark Knight cave in III.
Favourite Boss attack:
Favourite Enemy attack:
Favourite Sidequest:
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Racing
Favourite Chocobo: Black Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: FFIV
Favourite save system: X because your characters can get healed
Favourite battle system: VIII
Favourite levelling up system: VIII because it is easy!
Favourite class: Dark Knight
Favourite Weapon: Gunblade
Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Favourite summon:
KOTR, Odin, and Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare
Favourite "super" attack: Limit breaks
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Never played IX
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: N/A
Favourite world: VIII
Favourite place:
Not sure
Favourite saying:
'Whatever' - Squall, 'Chicken wuss!' - Seifer, '...Not interested' - Cloud
Favourite graphics:


Worst FF Hero: Tidus!!
Worst FF villain: Seymour
Worst FF title: X-2
Worst FF character: Cait Sith
Worst FF male character: Tidus
Worst FF female character: Riku
Worst Non-human FF character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:
Worst Boss:
Prod Clod (VII)
Worst Enemy: Marlboro (every time)
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Death
Worst Sidequest: N/A
Worst Chocobo:
I love them all!
Worst Moogle:
All are cool
Worst save system:
III! Oh, wait... There are no save points! (though that makes the game more difficult and fun... whatever)
Worst battle system:
Worst class:
Worst Weapon:
Worst method of transportation:
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: Choco-mog (VII)
Worst summon attack:
Worst "super" attack: N/A

Worst Limit Break - FFVII:
Cait Sith's (too chancy)
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII:
Worst Trance Mode Attack:
Worst Overdrive - FFX:
Worst world: X
Worst place:
Corel (VII)
Worst saying:
Worst graphics:
Last edited:
Favourite Hero: Fran {She counts, right}
Favourite Villain: Kuja
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy XII [Don't hit me o_O]
Favourite FF character: Fran
Favourite FF male character: Zack Fair
Favourite FF female character: Fran [See where this is going...]
Favourite Non-human FF character: Fran [and again...]
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki aka Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran...
Favourite Race: Viera/Moogle
Favourite Boss: Dark Magus Sisters
Favourite Enemy: Tonberry
Favourite Boss attack: Passado
Favourite Enemy attack: Chef's Knife
Favourite Sidequest: Barheim Key
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: ... Yellow one? =\
Favourite Moogle: Gurdy [FFXII]
Favourite save system: FFXII =\
Favourite battle system: FFXII
Favourite levelling up system: FFXII
Favourite class: Monk
Favourite Weapon: Bow
Favourite method of transportation: Walk
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Shiva
Favourite summon attack: Diamond Dust
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Quickenings
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Yuffies [can't remember it's name..]
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Slot
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Not played it..
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Mix
Favourite world: Ivalice
Favourite place: Eruyt Village
Favourite saying: "I always knew Fran didn't like to be tied up, I just never knew how much." [Balthier upon The Shiva]
Favourite graphics: FFXII... so pretty. FFX is close though ^.^

[I'll edit with worsts some other time. =] ]
Favourite Hero: Cloud Strife
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: VII then X, Then XII.
Favourite FF character: Aerith
Favourite FF male character: Cloudt
Favourite FF female character: Aerith
Favourite Non-human FF character: Fran
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Aerith (cetra counts)
Favourite Race: Veira/Moogle/Cetra
Favourite Boss: Seymour Omnis
Favourite Enemy: Panthers (XII)
Favourite Boss attack: Supernova
Favourite Enemy attack: Tackle (tis weak)
Favourite Sidequest: Ultimate weapons
Favourite Mini-game: Hunts.
Favourite Chocobo: Red Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: FFXII/IX
Favourite save system: XII
Favourite battle system: VII/X/XII
Favourite levelling up system: VII
Favourite class: Mage
Favourite Weapon: Princess Guard / Nirvana (Yuna)
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid, duh.
Favourite summon: Shiva
Favourite summon attack: Diamond Dust.
Favourite "super" attack: Limit breaks
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Great Gospel / Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Dyne
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Fury / Grand Summon
Favourite world: VII
Favourite place: Gold Saucer
Favourite saying: "I'll come back when it's all over" Aerith to Cloud
Favourite graphics: XII


Worst FF Hero: Squall
Worst FF villain: Ultimecia
Worst FF title: X-2
Worst FF character: Squall
Worst FF male character: Squall (I see a pattern)
Worst FF female character: Tifa.
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human female FF character: Quina
Worst Race: Qu
Worst Boss: Seymour Natus (the one on Gagazet)
Worst Enemy: Imperial Soldiers D:
Worst Boss attack: N/A
Worst Enemy attack: Petrify
Worst Sidequest: N/A
Worst Chocobo: none
Worst Moogle: none
Worst save system: III
Worst battle system: FFVIII!
Worst class: Monk.
Worst Weapon: Tifas shitty glove things.
Worst method of transportation: Walking
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: n/a
Worst summon: n/a
Worst summon attack: N/A
Worst "super" attack: N/A
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait Sith.
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: All.
Worst Trance Mode Attack: N/A
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Kimarhi.
Worst world: VIII
Worst place: VIII in general.
Worst saying: "whatever" - Squall in FFVIII. Numerous times.
Worst graphics: FFI :monster:
Favourite Hero: Cloud.
Favourite Villain: Vayne.
Favourite FF title: XII

Favourite FF character: Garnet.
Favourite FF male character: Sephiroth.

Favourite FF female character: Fran, and Garnet.

Favourite Non-human FF character: Mjrn.
Favourite Non-human male FF character: None.
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran.
Favourite Race: Viera.

Favourite Boss: Edea.

Favourite Enemy: Edea.

Favourite Boss attack: None.x.x They all hurt.
Favourite Enemy attack: See above.x.x;

Favourite Sidequest: None.
Favourite Mini-game: <333 the little Dance rehearsal in X-2.

Favourite Chocobo: All of 'em. <33

Favourite Moogle: Gurdy!<3

Favourite save system: FFX.

Favourite battle system: FFXII.

Favourite levelling up system: FFX-2.

Favourite class: White Mage, and Songstress.

Favourite Weapon: Lionheart.

Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo.^.^

Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Shiva.

Favourite summon: Mateus.

Favourite summon attack: Diamond Dust.

Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Quickenings from XII.

Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Tifa. Tifatifatifa.<3
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart.

Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: ;.; I can't remember...
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Rikku's Mix. :D
Favourite world: Spira. It's CRAZY.

Favourite place: Eruyt Village.
Favourite saying: "Train-a...Train-a.... take me away..."
Favourite graphics: FFXII. <33
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I'm adding the category "Favourite/Worst Movie" aka cutscene. "Favorite Music", too!

Favourite Hero: Tidus or Squall.

Favourite Villain: Queen Brahne.

Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy X.

Favourite FF character: Zell.
Favourite FF male character: Zell.

Favourite FF female character: Rikku.

Favourite Non-human FF character: Quina.

Favourite Non-human male FF character: Kimahri.

Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran.

Favourite Race: Al-Bhed.

Favourite Boss: LeBlanc/Logos/Ormi. ^ _ ^

Favourite Enemy: Tonberries!

Favourite Boss attack: Pain (Anima).

Favourite Enemy attack: Those cards the jester threw in FF7.
Favourite Sidequest: The entirety of FFX-2. :P
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball or Triple Triad.

Favourite Chocobo: Runaway Chocobo (FFX-2).

Favourite Moogle: Montblanc.

Favourite save system: Final Fantasy IX.

Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy Tactics.

Favourite levelling up system: Final Fantasy X/Final Fantasy XII.
Favourite class: Mascot!
Favourite Weapon: Onion Knight.

Favourite method of transportation: Shoopuf.

Favourite reappearing name: Biggs and Wedge.

Favourite summon: Shiva.
Favourite summon attack: Diamond Dust (FFX).
Favourite "super" attack: Summon Overdrives (FFX).

Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Great Gospel or Omnislash.

Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Edea (end of Disc 1 movie).

Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Dyne.

Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Diamond Dust (Shiva).

Favourite world: Spira.
Favourite place: Gold Saucer or Bevelle.

Favourite saying: "BOOYAKA!" - Selphie, FFVIII

Favourite graphics: Final Fantasy XII.
Favourite movie: The Landing (FFVIII) and The Wedding (FFX).
Favourite music: The battling LeBlanc music.


Worst FF Hero: Vaan. Worst FF villain: Kuja. Worst FF title: FF Crystal Chronicles (Gamecube). Worst FF character: Barret. Worst FF male character: Barret. Worst FF female character: Eiko. Worst Non-human FF character: Tromell Guado. >:[
Worst Non-human male FF character: See above.
Worst Non-human female FF character: Jenova... hehe.
Worst Race: Qu.
Worst Boss: Monster Arena bosses.
Worst Enemy: Spherimorph or Mimic (FFX).
Worst Boss attack: Anything that has 'Death' attached. :P
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath.
Worst Sidequest: Sales pitching in FFX-2.
Worst Mini-game: Chocobo Racing (FFX).
Worst Chocobo: All chocobos in FFXII.
Worst Moogle: Lulu's dolls.
Worst save system: Final Fantasy III.
Worst battle system: Final Fantasy XII.
Worst levelling up system: Final Fantasy VIII or IX.
Worst class: Calculator.
Worst Weapon: Any locked ultimate weapon (FFX).
Worst method of transportation: Walking!
Worst reappearing name: Cid.
Worst summon: FFXII summons.
Worst summon attack: Daigoro.
Worst"super" attack: Trance (FFIX).
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Any MP attacks.
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Irvine.
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Vivi.
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Kimahri or Wakka.
Worst world: Time Compression (FFVIII).
Worst place: Anywhere in Crystal Chronicles.
Worst saying: Chicken wuss.
Worst graphics: Final Fantasy I.
Worst movie: The Opening to FFVII.
Worst music: Otherworld (FFX).
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Favourite Hero:
Favourite Villain:
Favourite FF title:
Favourite FF character:
Favourite FF male character:
Favourite FF female character:
Favourite Non-human FF character:
Favourite Non-human male FF character:
Favourite Non-human female FF character:
Favourite Race:
Favourite Boss:
Favourite Enemy:
Favourite Boss attack:
Favourite Enemy attack:
Favourite Sidequest:
Favourite Mini-game:
Favourite Chocobo:
Favourite Moogle:
Favourite save system:
Favourite battle system:
Favourite levelling up system:
Favourite class:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite method of transportation:
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Favourite summon:
Favourite summon attack:
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Favourite Overdrive - FFX:
Favourite world:
Favourite place:
Favourite saying:
Favourite graphics:

Use the same template for when you are doing your worsts list.

Favourite FF Hero: Basch
Favourite FF Villain: Dr. Cid, Vayne Solidor, Judge Ghis and Judge Bergan
Favourite FF title: FFXII
Favourite FF character: Judge Ghis
Favourite FF male character: Judge Ghis, Judge Bergan, Dr. Cid, Vossler, Vayne Solidor, Basch
Favourite FF female character: Beatrix
Favourite Non-human FF character: Chit or Sassan (cockatrice from FFXII)
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Sassan
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Chit
Favourite Race: Moogles/Bangaa
Favourite Boss: Ultros, Rubicante, Dr. Cid, Judge Ghis
Favourite Enemy: Ultros;Behemoth;King Behemoth;Cockatrice
Favourite Boss attack: Currently that super gun attack Dr. Cid uses when you first fight him
Favourite Enemy attack: Heave, used primarily by the Behemoths
Favourite Sidequest: Returning the Cockatrice to Giza!
Favourite Mini-game: Hunts (In FFXII)
Favourite Chocobo: Yellow
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin
Favourite save system: FFIX's
Favourite battle system: FFXII's
Favourite class: White Mage;Dark Knight
Favourite Weapon: Swords
Favourite method of transportation: Teleport Crystal!
Favourite Cid: FFXII's
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Ifrit, Cuchulainn, Belias
Favourite summon attack: Hellfire;Oblivion; Mateus and Belias have awesome main attacks
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Quickenings from FFXII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Zell's
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane's
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Auron's
Favourite world: FFXII
Favourite place: Winhill;Galbadia;Esthar - FFVIII. Luca: FFX, Rabanastre, Balfonheim, Bhujerba - FFXII
Favourite saying:
Favourite graphics: FFXII

Worst FF Hero: Cloud
Worst FF villain: Sephiroth
Worst FF title: FFCC
Worst FF character: Rinoa
Worst FF male character: Cloud, Vincent
Worst FF female character: Rinoa;Terra
Worst Non-human FF character:
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race: Viera
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy: Malboro - FFVIII
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath - FFVIII, Putrid Breath from FFXII
Worst Sidequest: Claskos Chocobo Hunting thing..
Worst Mini-game: x-2'S Blitzball
Worst Chocobo:
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system: FFVIII's
Worst battle system: FFX's, FFVII
Worst levelling up system:
Worst class: Blue Mage
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst method of transportation: Cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: Sylph
Worst summon attack: Excalipur
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limits in FFVII
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Tifa's
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Tidus
Worst world:
Worst place: Midgar
Worst saying:
Worst graphics:

More sticky threads for favourites will appear in other FF sections soon as well, so try not to make any Favourites and worsts threads.

Favourite Character: Sephiroth (obviously)
Favorite Male Character: Sephy
Favorite Female Character: Yuna
Favourite Weapon: Yuna's Nirvana, Sephy's Masamune (damn, how could I have forgotten that LOL)
Favourite Limit Break/Overdrive/Trance: OmniSlash
Favourite Area(s): Temple of the Ancients, Northern Crater
Favourite Boss: Sephiroth!!!
Favorite Enemy: Cactuar

العاب -العاب بنات - منتديات - وصلات
Favourite Hero: Tidus
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: X
Favourite FF character: Sephiroth
Favourite FF male character: Sephiroth
Favourite FF female character: Rikku
Favourite Non-human FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki
Favourite Non-human female FF character:???
Favourite Race: Banga
Favourite Boss: Jecht
Favourite Enemy: Malboro
Favourite Boss attack: ???
Favourite Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Favourite Sidequest: To obtain the Golden Chocobo
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: Golden Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite save system: Crystals
Favourite battle system: Turn Base (FFT)
Favourite levelling up system: EXP
Favourite class: Dark Knight (FFT)
Favourite Weapon: Tidus's Caldasbarg
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Ifrit
Favourite summon attack: Pain (Anima)
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limit Breaks from FFVII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:???
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:???
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Auron's
Favourite world: FFVII
Favourite place: Besaid
Favourite saying: "What of you Delita? You now play party to their plot?"
Favourite graphics: XII
Favourite Hero: Zidane
Favourite Villain: Kuja (with Sephiroth running a close second)
Favourite FF title: FF9
Favourite FF character: Zidane
Favourite FF male character: Zidane
Favourite FF female character: Garnet
Favourite Non-human FF character: Zidane
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Zidane
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Black Mages
Favourite Boss: Trance Kuja
Favourite Enemy: Trance Kuja

Favourite Sidequest: Chocobo's Hot and Cold
Favourite Mini-game: The Card Game in FF9
Favourite Chocobo: Golden Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: Slitzkin.
Favourite save system: The Moogles
Favourite battle system: FF9
Favourite levelling up system: FF7 Exp..
Favourite class: Warrior/Knight/Paladin/Thief/Black Mage/Red Mage (yes I know, that's a lot of favorites lol)
Favourite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Overdrives/Limit Breaks
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Grand Lethal
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Tidus'
Favourite world: FF9 (Gaia)
Favourite place: Alexandria/Memoria
Favourite graphics: FF9/FF10

Worst FF Hero: Squall
Worst FF villain: Vayne
Worst FF title: FF12
Worst FF character: Squall
Worst FF male character: Squall
Worst FF female character: Quina
Worst Non-human FF character: Quina
Worst Non-human male FF character:Quina
Worst Non-human female FF character:Quina
Worst save system: FF8
Worst battle system: FF12
Worst class: Monk.
Worst method of transportation: On Foot
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Quina