General Final Fantasy Favorites/Worsts

Favourite Hero: Firion
Favourite Villain: Garland
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy II Favourite FF character: Vincent Valentine Favourite FF male character: Vincent Valentine
Favourite FF female character: Yuna Favourite Non-human FF character: The Thief from FF1. What? He's an elf :P Favourite Non-human male FF character: Thief from FF1 Favourite Non-human female FF character: Rikku Favourite Race: Human, elf, dwarf Favourite Boss: Astos Favourite Enemy: Gilgamesh Favourite Boss attack: Favourite Enemy attack: Favourite Sidequest: None Favourite Mini-game: None Favourite Chocobo: Yellow Favourite Moogle: None of them. I hate moogles. Favourite save system: FFX Favourite battle system: FF13 (I know it's not out yet, but from what I heard it's gonna be great :D) Favourite levelling up system: FF2 Favourite class: Black Mage. Duh :P Favourite Weapon: Either Masamune or Excalibur. I dunno. Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid Favourite summon: Ramuh Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limit Breaks from FF7 Favourite Limit Break - Multislash Favourite Trance Mode Attack - None really.
Favourite Overdrive - None really
Favourite world: FF1's world. Favourite place: Pandaemonium from FF2 Favourite saying: "I pity you. You just don't get it." -Cloud, before kicking Sephiroth's ass with the Multislash limit break in Advent Children Favourite graphics: FF1-2 Dawn of Souls Worst Hero: The Onion Kids
Worst Villain: Exdeath
Worst FF title: FF8 Worst FF character: Caith Sit. Really, what the heck? A dumb, talking cat? :blink: Worst FF male character: Caith Sit Worst FF female character: Maria, FF2 Worst Non-human FF character: Exdeath Worst Non-human male FF character: Exdeath Worst Non-human female FF character: None Worst Race: Moogles Worst Boss: Kraken. He looked dumb. Worst Enemy: Vampire, FF1 Worst Boss attack: None Worst Enemy attack: None Worst Sidequest: None Worst Mini-game: None
Worst Chocobo: Blue Worst Moogle: All of them Worst save system: None Worst battle system: The first few FF games. Worst levelling up system: FF8 Worst class: Monk Worst Weapon: Kadaj's katana from Zdvent Children, with Sephiroth's Masamune on the second place. Worst method of transportation: Airship Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Biggs and Wedge.
Worst summon: None Worst summon attack: None Worst "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: None Worst world: Ivalice Worst place: The White Magic Shop in FF1 Worst saying: "Hali-Ho!" -Any dwarf. Worst graphics: FF7, they suck.
Favourite Hero: Auron Favourite Villain: Sephiroth Favourite FF title: VII Favourite FF character: Reno Favourite FF male character: Auron Favourite FF female character: Tifa Favourite Non-human FF character: Sin Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII Favourite Non-human female FF character: Jenova Favourite Race: Human? Favourite Boss: Ultima Weapon Favourite Enemy: Dragons Favourite Boss attack: ...... Favourite Enemy attack: ..... Favourite Sidequest: Aeons Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball Favourite Chocobo: Black Favourite Moogle: Dead Favourite save system: wtf? Favourite battle system: Turn based Favourite levelling up system: Classic Favourite class: Red Mage Favourite Weapon: Sword Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Bahamut Favourite summon: Ifrit Favourite summon attack: Hellfire Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Chaos Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Chaos Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: ??? Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: ??? Favourite Overdrive - FFX: I cant remember them all Favourite world: Gaia (VII) Favourite place: Midgar Favourite saying: "When I grow up, I want to be a blitzball" Favourite graphics: The good kind?

Im too lazy to do the worse...the favorites was hard enough xD
Favourite Hero: Balthier
Favourite Villain: Kuja
Favourite FF title: FFIX
Favourite FF character: Auron
Favourite FF male character: Auron
Favourite FF female character: Garnet
Favourite Non-human FF character: None
Favourite Non-human male FF character: None
Favourite Non-human female FF character: None
Favourite Race:
Favourite Boss: Kuja
Favourite Enemy: none
Favourite Boss attack: Ultima (Kuja)
Favourite Enemy attack: none
Favourite Sidequest: none
Favourite Mini-game: none
Favourite Chocobo: Gold
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite save system: FFIX
Favourite battle system: Active
Favourite levelling up system: Sphere grid
Favourite class: Samurai
Favourite Weapon: Yuna's Nirvana
Favourite method of transportation: airship
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon: Anima
Favourite summon attack: Terraflare
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: none
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Dragon fang
Favourite world: Gaia (FFIX)
Favourite place: many from FFIX
Favourite saying: none
Favourite graphics: FFXII
Favourite FF Hero: Zidane

Favourite FF Villain: Kefka

Favourite FF title: IX

Favourite FF character: Vivi

Favourite FF male character: Vivi, Auron or Locke

Favourite FF female character: Celes or Freya

Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi

Favourite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII or Vivi

Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya

Favourite Race: Moogles, Ronso

Favourite Boss: Kefka

Favourite Enemy: Behemoth

Favourite Boss attack: Sephiroth's inexplicably bizarre, long "Supernova"

Favourite Enemy attack: Trine-especially when I got to use it :)

Favourite Sidequest: Hunts

Favourite Mini-game: Tetra Master

Favourite Chocobo: Boko

Favourite Moogle: Mog

Favourite save system: FFXII

Favourite battle system: FFX

Favourite class: Black Mage, Thief, Summoner

Favourite Weapon: Gunblade for the absurdity

Favourite method of transportation: VI's Airship

Favourite Cid: Cid Highwind in VII

Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid

Favourite summon: Anima, Bahamut, Ifrit

Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare

Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limit breaks from VII

Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Cloud

Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: None

Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane's and Vivi's

Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Kimhari

Favourite world: FFIX

Favourite place: Midgar, Lindblum, Floating Continent

Favourite saying: "You spoony bard!" -Tellah

Favourite graphics: FFXII

Worst FF Hero: Squall

Worst FF villain: Ulticima

Worst FF title: FFX-2

Worst FF character: Cyan

Worst FF male character: Cait Sith, Umaro, Cyan

Worst FF female character: Rinoa

Worst Non-human FF character: Cait Sith

Worst Non-human male FF character: Cait Sith

Worst Non-human female FF character: Fran, Rikku

Worst Race: Viera, Al Bhed

Worst Boss: N/A

Worst Enemy: N/A

Worst Boss attack: N/A

Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath

Worst Sidequest: Chocobo BreedingWorst Mini-game: Blitzball

Worst Chocobo: N/A

Worst Moogle: N/A

Worst save system: FFIV

Worst battle system: FFI

Worst levelling up system: FFVIII
Worst class: Dancer, Mime, Bard

Worst Weapon: Stave

Worst method of transportation: Cars, FFVIII

Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: N/A

Worst summon: Carbuncle

Worst summon attack: See above

Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: FFVIII limits, Quickenings

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Cait Sith

Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: All

Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eiko

Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu

Worst world: FFI

Worst place: Too many annoying dungeons to list

Worst saying: "I, Garland, will knock you all down!" - Garland

Worst graphics: FFIV

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Favourite Hero: Vincent
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: 7 and 10
Favourite FF character: Sephiroth
Favourite FF male character: Sephiroth
Favourite FF female character: Garnet
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Jenova
Favourite Race: Moogle
Favourite Boss: Ultimecia
Favourite Enemy: Yiazmat
Favourite Boss attack: Supernova
Favourite Enemy attack: Tetra Graviton
Favourite Sidequest: Hunts
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: Gold?
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin
Favourite save system: 12
Favourite battle system: 10
Favourite levelling up system: 10
Favourite class: Black Mage
Favourite Weapon: Death Penalty
Favourite method of transportation: Airships in 9
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Yojimbo
Favourite summon attack: Delta Attack/ Oblivion/ Zanmato
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: 7s Limit Breaks
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Grand Lethal
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Attack Reels
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: Tera
Favourite saying: Any Sephiroth ever says
Favourite graphics: 12
I may have done this already, but my mood changes. ^.^

Favourite Hero: Zidane or Cloud
Favourite Villain:
Ultimecia or Kefka
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy IX
Favourite FF character: I'll answer that next!
Favourite FF male character: Zidane, Zack
Favourite FF female character: Terra, Garnet
Favourite Non-human FF character: I'll answer that next!
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Nanaki/Red XIII
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Terra; she's half human. ^.^
Favourite Race: I wish there were more of Red XIII's race...
Favourite Boss: Ultimecia
Favourite Enemy:
Favourite Boss attack:
Favourite Enemy attack:
Favourite Sidequest: FFX's sidequests, and chocobo breeding
Favourite Chocobo: There is no such thing as a favorite chocobo =[
Favourite Moogle:
Favourite save system: FFX
Favourite battle system: FFX or FFVIII
Favourite class:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite method of transportation: Airship or Train
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon: Neo Bahamut
Favourite summon attack:
Favourite "super" attack: Overdrives or FFVIII limit breaks
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Slot - Selphie
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: I didn't like trances
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Mix
Favourite world: Gaia - FFVII
Favourite place: Ultimecia's Castle
Favourite saying:
Favourite graphics:

Worst FF Hero: Squall
Worst FF villain: Shuyin or Seymour
Worst FF title:
Worst FF character: The cast of FFVIII
Worst FF male character:
Worst FF female character:
Worst Non-human FF character:
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race: Hypello
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy: Malboro!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Catching butterflies in FFX! UGHHH!
Worst Chocobo:
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:
Worst battle system:
Worst class: Blue Mage

Worst Weapon: Staff
Worst method of transportation: Cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Worst summon:
Worst summon attack:
Worst"super" attack: Trances - FFIX
Worst Limit Break - FFVII:
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Irvine
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Kimahri
Worst world: Final Fantasy II
Worst place: Corel Village
Worst saying:
Worst graphics:
Favourite Hero: Cloud
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FF7
Favourite FF character: Cloud
Favourite FF male character: Cloud
Favourite FF female character: Riku
Favourite Non-human FF character:Fran
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran
Favourite Race:Viera
Favourite Boss: Ultima Weapon/Omega
Favourite Enemy: Tonberry
Favourite Boss attack: Super Nova (Sephiroth)
Favourite Enemy attack: Light Pillar (Ultima Weapon)
Favourite Sidequest: none
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Racing
Favourite Chocobo: White(Trickster)
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite save system: FF7
Favourite battle system: wait
Favourite levelling up system: Sphere Grid
Favourite class: Warrior
Favourite Weapon: Ultima Weapon
Favourite method of transportation: Gold Chocobo
Favourite reappearing name: Squall
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Megaflare
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Grand Lethal
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Blitz Ace
Favourite world:
Favourite place:
Favourite saying: none
Favourite graphics: FF12

Favourite Hero: Cloud
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FF7
Favourite FF character: Cloud
Favourite FF male character: Cloud
Favourite FF female character: Aries/Aerith
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Fran (FF9)
Favourite Race:cant think of any
Favourite Boss: Sephiroth
Favourite Enemy: Cant think i like alot of them
Favourite Boss attack: Super Nova (Sephiroth)
Favourite Enemy attack: cant think of a specific one
Favourite Sidequest:
Favourite Mini-game: Chocobo Racing without a doubt
Favourite Chocobo: Gold
Favourite Moogle: montblank is the only one that comes to mind
Favourite save system: FF7, FF8 & FF9's save system was the best
Favourite battle system: turn based!!!!
Favourite levelling up system: older FF's, experience
Favourite class: Warrior
Favourite Weapon: Buster Sword
Favourite method of transportation: airship
Favourite reappearing name: Cid
Favourite summon: Neo Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Chocobos sitting on you...
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Lionheart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack -
Favourite Overdrive -
Favourite world: FF7's world...
Favourite place: Midgar
Favourite saying: none
Favourite graphics: FFVII
Favourite FF Hero: Vivi
Favourite FF Villain: Judge Gabranth, Kuja, Garland (both I and IX)
Favourite FF title: FFIX
Favourite FF character: Zidane
Favourite FF male character: Zidane
Favourite FF female character: Tifa
Favourite Non-human FF character: Vivi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Frog Cid
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Moogles
Favourite Boss: Adremmelech
Favourite Enemy: Adremmelech
Favourite Boss attack: Grand Cross (Necron)
Favourite Enemy attack: Rake
Favourite Sidequest: Moogle letters
Favourite Mini-game: Ragtime Mouse (IX)
Favourite Chocobo: Red
Favourite Moogle: Artemicion
Favourite save system: FFIX's
Favourite battle system: FFXII's
Favourite class: Ninja/Dragoon
Favourite Weapon: Greatswords
Favourite method of transportation: Chocobo
Favourite Cid: FFVII
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Zodiark
Favourite summon attack: Final Eclipse
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Quickenings from FFXII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane's
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Auron's
Favourite world: FFIX
Favourite place: Lindblum, Ipsen's Castle
Favourite saying:
Favourite graphics: FFXII

Worst FF Hero: Tidus
Worst FF villain: Seymour
Worst FF title: FFX/X-2
Worst FF character: Tidus
Worst FF male character: Tidus
Worst FF female character: Lulu
Worst Non-human FF character: Kimahri
Worst Non-human male FF character: See above
Worst Non-human female FF character: Any female ronso
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Boss: Sin
Worst Enemy: Any from X

Worst Boss attack: Any from X
Worst Enemy attack: Any from X

Worst Sidequest: Any from X
Worst Mini-game: Blitzball
Worst Chocobo: Yellow
Worst Moogle: End of Ice Cavern (Mois i think)
Worst save system: X
Worst battle system: FFX
Worst levelling up system: X
Worst class: Scholar
Worst Weapon: Rod
Worst method of transportation: Cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: Mateus
Worst summon attack: Gunge Lance
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: OverDrives
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Vincent
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Amarant
Worst Overdrive - FFX: All but Auron
Worst world: X
Worst place: Besaid Isle
Worst saying: Anything said by Tidus
Worst graphics: I - VI original releases (just because they seem dated now)

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Favourite FF Hero: Tidus
Favourite FF Villain: Seymour
Favourite FF title: FFX
Favourite FF character: Rikku
Favourite FF male character: Tidus
Favourite FF female character: Rikku
Favourite Non-human FF character: Montblanc
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Montblanc
Favourite Non-human female FF character:
Favourite Race: Al bhed
Favourite Boss: Omega in X
Favourite Enemy: The Vegetables in FFXII, I always find them funny
Favourite Boss attack: Nova in X
Favourite Enemy attack: The Marlboro's bad breath in X
Favourite Sidequest: The Cactus gatekeepers in X-2
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball in X
Favourite Chocobo: Red
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite save system: X
Favourite battle system: XII
Favourite class: Dark Knight
Favourite Weapon: Swords
Favourite method of transportation: Teleport Crystal
Favourite Cid: X
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: The Magus Sisters (Wierd I know, but they always pull through when they have an overdrive!)
Favourite summon attack: Delta Attack in X
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Quickenings
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII:
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: The Magus Sisters
Favourite world: Spira
Favourite place: Dorter(Tactics), Calm Lands(X/X-2), Rabinastre(XII)
Favourite saying: Rikku:"Duck Soup!", Paine:"Duck What?"
Favourite graphics: XII

Worst FF Hero: Yuna when she was in X-2
Worst FF villain: Sin
Worst FF title: VI
Worst FF character: Brother
Worst FF male character: Brother
Worst FF female character: Terra
Worst Non-human FF character: Kimahri
Worst Non-human male FF character: Kimahri
Worst Non-human female FF character: All female Ronso's
Worst Race: Ronso
Worst Boss: Any Machina in X, too easy
Worst Enemy: Small Machina, steal, anyone?
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack:
Worst Sidequest: Chocobo training
Worst Mini-game: X-2'S Blitzball
Worst Chocobo: Any of Clasko's
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system: VI
Worst battle system: VI
Worst levelling up system: XII, I completed the Licence board way too early
Worst class: Blue Mage
Worst Weapon: Lulu's Voodoo doll's, (couldn't she just have a wand???)
Worst method of transportation:
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: The XII espers, they get KO'd too quickly
Worst summon attack: Anima's Pain, most bosses were inmune to it's instant death effect
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Lulu's overdrive
Worst Limit Break - FFVII:
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII:
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Lulu
Worst world:
Worst place: Mt Gagazet, you get lost so easily!
Worst saying:
Tidus:"I knew you were trouble when I first laid eyes on you!", Seymour:" sincerest apologies..."..... We all knew he was trouble!!!
Worst graphics: VI
Favourite Hero: Tidus
Favourite Villain: Kefka

Favourite FF title: FFVI
Favourite FF character: Either Kefka or Locke.
Favourite FF male character: ^
Favourite FF female character: ...Quistis?
Favourite Non-human FF character: FFX's Bahamut... Fayth... Aeon... Whatever.
Favourite Non-human male FF character:
Favourite Non-human female FF character: FFIX's moogle.
Favourite Race: Humans are fine by me.
Favourite Boss: As far as normal bosses go, any enemy with a certain method that's unclear.
Favourite Enemy: Tonberries are lulz.
Favourite Boss attack: Supernova had such an awesome animation... then only 4000 damage. D:
Favourite Enemy attack: Slots. Nothing beats the occasional friendly fire.
Favourite Sidequest: Any FFVI sidequest.
Favourite Mini-game: 15 puzzle in FFI GBA.
Favourite Chocobo: Normal.
Favourite Moogle: Mog from FFVI.
Favourite save system: Good ol' FFIV-VII and X/XII.
Favourite battle system: ATB.
Favourite levelling up system:... Leveling up.
Favourite class: *cough*
Favourite Weapon: Abel's Lance.
Favourite method of transportation: The Blackjack.
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Gilgamesh.
Favourite summon: Odin.
Favourite summon attack: Zantetsuken/Gungnir.
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - Mirage dive got me out of sticky situations in FFVI.
choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Desperations/FFVIII LBs.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash, if that counts.
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Renozokuken, or however it's spelled.
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: MultiCast.
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Shooting Star.
Favourite world: Spira.
Favourite place: Oh jeez... Flying in FFVI was always nice, but... I guess the starting garden in VIII.
Favourite saying: "Son of a submariner!"
Favourite graphics: VI for 2d, X for 3d.
Favourite FF Hero: Terra (FF6)
Favourite FF Villain: Judges (FF12)
Favourite FF Title: Final Fantasy VII
Favourite FF Character: Terra (FF6)
Favourite FF Male Character: Balthier (FF12)
Favourite FF Female Character: Terra (FF6)
Favourite Non-human FF Character: Fran (FF12)
Favourite Non-human Male FF Character: Red XIII (FF7)
Favourite Non-human Female FF Character: Fran (FF12)
Favourite Race: Viera
Favourite Boss: Jenova Birth (FF7)
Favourite Enemy: Chocobo
Favourite Boss Attack: Supernova (FF7)
Favourite Enemy Attack: White Wind
Favourite Sidequest: Wutai (FF7)
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball (FF10)
Favourite Chocobo: Black
Favourite Moogle: Montblanc
Favourite Save System: Final Fantasy X
Favourite Battle System: Final Fantasy VII
Favourite Levelling System: Final Fantasy X
Favourite Class: Lancer/Dragoon
Favourite Weapon: Spears
Favourite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok (FF8)
Favourite Cid: Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT)
Favourite Reappearing Name: Cid
Favourite Summon: Shiva (FF10)
Favourite Summon Attack: Diamond Dust (FFT)
Favourite "Super" Attack: Limit Breaks (FFT)
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Satellite Beam
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Renzokuken + Lion Heart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Eidolon
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Master Summon
Favourite World: Ivalice
Favourite Place: Balamb Garden (FF8)
Favourite Saying: "It's only a matter of time before Sephiroth uses Meteor... . That's why I'm going to protect it... . I'll come back when it's all over." -Aerith Gainsborough (FF7)
Favourite Graphics: Final Fantasy X

Worst FF Hero: Bartz (FF5)
Worst FF Villain: Seymour (FF10)
Worst FF Title: Final Fantasy XI
Worst FF Character: Quina (FF9)
Worst FF Male Character: Algus (FFT)
Worst FF Female Character: Balmafula (FFT)
Worst Non-human FF Character: Quina (FF9)
Worst Non-human Male FF Character:
Worst Non-human Female FF Character:
Worst Race: Seeq Worst Boss: Queklain (FFT)
Worst Enemy: Malboro
Worst Boss Attack: Nightmare (FFT)
Worst Enemy Attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Celestial Crests and Sigils (FF10)
Worst Mini-game: Tetra Master (FF9)
Worst Chocobo: Red
Worst Moogle:
Worst Save System: Final Fantasy III
Worst Battle System: Final Fantasy VIII
Worst Levelling System: Final Fantasy VIII
Worst Class: Squire
Worst Weapon: Cloth
Worst Method of Transportation: Balamb Garden (FF8)
Worst Reappearing Name: Biggs/Vicks
Worst Summon: Shemhazai (FF12)
Worst Summon Attack: DeathBlow!! (FF7)
Worst "Super" Attack: Trance (FF9)
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Slots
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Slots
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Blue Magic
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Slots
Worst World: First World (FF5)
Worst Place: Narshe (FF6)
Worst Saying: "Ain't no stoppin' this train we're on." -Barret Wallace (FF7)
Worst Graphics: FF1
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I forgot worsts?

Worst FF Hero: Cloud*shot*
Worst FF Villain: Exdeath
Worst FF Title: Final Fantasy XI
Worst FF Character: Exdeath
Worst FF Male Character: Cloud
Worst FF Female Character: Tifa
Worst Non-human FF Character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human Male FF Character: Cait Sith
Worst Non-human Female FF Character:
Worst Race: The bird things in Crystal Chronicals.

Worst Boss: Seymore Flux
Worst Enemy: Goblin
Worst Boss Attack: Particle Beam
Worst Enemy Attack: Delta Attack
Worst Sidequest: Celestial Weapons
Worst Mini-game:
Worst Chocobo: White
Worst Moogle:
Worst Save System: FF III
Worst Battle System: FF VIII
Worst Levelling System: FF VIII
Worst Class: Bard
Worst Weapon: Excalipur
Worst Method of Transportation: Airship (FFV)
Worst Reappearing Name: Cloud
Worst Summon: Fenrir(FFVI)

Worst Summon Attack: Chocobo Kick
Worst "Super" Attack: Limit break(FFVII)

Worst Limit Break - FFVII: Slots
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Slots
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX: Fury
Worst World: Gaia(FF7)
Worst Place: Midgar(FFVII)
Worst Saying: Anything coming from the mouth of Quina Quen.
Worst Graphics: FF7 looked like lego. D:
Favourite Hero: Zidane
Favourite Villain: Kuja

Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy XII
Favourite FF character: Balthier, Zell, Red XIII
Favourite FF male character: Balthier
Favourite FF female character: Rikku
Favourite Non-human FF character: Red XIII
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Zidane
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favourite Race: Moogles
Favourite Boss: err cant remember (the hunt in FFXII 'whos the strongest')
Favourite Enemy: Adamantine
Favourite Boss attack:
Favourite Enemy attack:
Favourite Sidequest:
Favourite Mini-game: snowboarding FFVII
Favourite Chocobo: The golden chocobo in FFIX
Favourite Moogle: Nutsy (because of his name)
Favourite save system: save crystal
Favourite battle system: FFXII
Favourite levelling up system: FFIX
Favourite class:
Favourite Weapon: Bow, Ninja sword, Shrukien
Favourite method of transportation:
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid

Favourite summon: Bahamut, Anima
Favourite summon attack: Oblivion
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: limit breaks FFVII
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Cloud omnislah
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Squall Lion heart
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:Zidane grand lethal
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Rikku mix
Favourite world: Ivalice
Favourite place:
Favourite saying:
Favourite graphics:

sorry very incomplete....:confused:

god this is long winded maybe someone should summarise it lo
Favourite Hero: Chuck Norris
Favourite Villain: Darth Vader
Favourite FF title:Final Fantasy 9
Favourite FF character: Beatrix
Favourite FF male character: Balthier
Favourite FF female character: Beatrix
Favourite Non-human FF character: Bahamut
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Balthier (he's a freakin' god)
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Beatrix (she's a freakin' goddess :monster:)
Favourite Race: Those dudes that say Kupo all the goddamn time.
Favourite Boss: Trance Kuja
Favourite Enemy: The Chipmunk Liberation Army
Favourite Boss attack: Ultima
Favourite Enemy attack: Redundant question is redundant
Favourite Sidequest: Getting Anima
Favourite Mini-game: Blitzball
Favourite Chocobo: They have names?
Favourite Moogle: They have names?
Favourite save system: lol whut?
Favourite battle system: Final Fantasy XII's
Favourite levelling up system: Final Fantasy X's
Favourite class: DEFENDER OF JUSTICE!!!
Favourite Weapon: Huge-ass swords
Favourite method of transportation: Those giant yellow chicken things
Favourite summon: Bahamut
Favourite summon attack: Mega Flare
Favourite "super" attack: Chuck Norris roundhouse kick to the face
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane's
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Tidus' last one was pretty damn epic
Favourite world: Ivalice
Favourite place: Strip Bar
Favourite saying: "It takes a real man to quote himself"
Favourite graphics: Final fantasy XII's
Hello all. I'm new to these forums but certainly not to Final Fantasy. Anyways, thought this thread sounded fun so here I go:

Favourite Hero: Squall
Favourite Villain: freaking X-Death!
Favourite FF title: Final Fantasy VI
Favourite FF character: Squall
Favourite FF male character: Squall
Favourite FF female character: Tifa
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Kupo
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Terra (I'm counting her as Esper)
Favourite Race: Mog
Favourite Boss: Kefka
Favourite Enemy: X-Death
Favourite Boss attack: Fallen One

Favourite Enemy attack: Wrench (FFVI)
Favourite Sidequest: Chocobo breeding
Favourite Mini-game: Tetra Master
Favourite Chocobo: Boko
Favourite Moogle: Kupo
Favourite save system: VI
Favourite battle system: VIII
Favourite levelling up system: XII

Favourite class: Summoner
Favourite method of transportation: Airship
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Diablos
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Final Heaven

Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII: Renzokuken (sp?)
Favourite world: VI
Favourite place: Midgar
Favourite quote: "Hold on to your pants and don't piss in 'em!" -Cid Highwind
Favourite graphics: VI and XII
Doesn't any body know what a Moogle is anymore?? They say Kupo :omg:


Favorite Hero:Cecil
Favorite Villain: Kefka
Favorite FF title: FF IV
Favorite FF character: Cid Highwind
Favorite FF male character: Zidane
Favorite FF female character: Porom
Favorite Non-human male FF character: Stiltzkin
Favorite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favorite Race: Veera
Favorite Boss: Gilgamesh
Favorite Enemy: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Boss attack: Big Bang
Favorite Enemy attack: White Wind
Favorite Sidequest: Chocobo breeding
Favorite Mini-game: Tetra Master
Favorite Chocobo: Boko
Favorite Moogle: Mogri
Favorite save system: VII
Favorite battle system: X
Favorite levelling up system: Tactics
Favorite class: Dragoon
Favorite method of transportation: Airship
Favorite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favorite summon: Alexander
Favorite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favorite Limit Break - FFVIII: Duel
Favorite world: Spira
Favorite place: Costa Del Sol
Favorite quote: "That the most Kupo story I have ever heard" -Montblanc
Favorite graphics: N/A

Worst Hero: Tidus
Worst Villan: Necron
Least Favorite FF Title: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Least Favorite character: Edward
Worst male character: Quina
Worst female character: Quina
Worst Non-human male: Kimahri
Worst Non-human female: Queen Brahne
Least Favorite race: Bangaas
Least favorite boss: Wiegraf one on one in Rivoanes castle
Least Favorite enemy: Tiny Mage
Least Favorite Boss attack: Bad Breath (Dark Cloud)
Least favorite side quest:
Least Favorite Mini-game: Dodging lighting in X
Least Favorite Chocobo: N/A
Least Favorite Moogle: N/A
Least Favorite save system: I
Least Favorite battle system: XII
Least Favorite levelling up system: II
Least Favorite class: Bard
Least Favorite method of transportation: School
Least Favorite summon: Ixion, what ever happened to Ramuh? (Sp?)

Least Favorite world: The Moon
Least Favorite place: North Cave
Least Favorite graphics: N/A
Favorite Hero: Edge
Favorite Villain: Kefka
Favorite FF title: FFIV
Favorite FF character: Seifer Almasy
Favorite FF male character: Edge
Favorite FF female character: Rinoa Heartilly
Favorite Non-human male FF character: Red XIII
Favorite Non-human female FF character: Freya
Favorite Race: Mog
Favorite Boss: One Wing Sephiroth
Favorite Enemy: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Boss attack: Big Bang
Favorite Enemy attack: White Wind
Favorite Sidequest: None
Favorite Mini-game: None
Favorite Chocobo: Fat Chocobo
Favorite Moogle: Mog (FFVI)
Favorite save system: XII
Favorite battle system: X
Favorite leveling up system: VII
Favorite class: White Mage
Favorite method of transportation: Airship
Favorite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favorite summon: Cactuar
Favorite Limit Break - FFVII: Chaos
Favorite Limit Break - FFVIII: Shot
Favorite world: World of Ruins
Favorite place: Gold Saucer
Favorite quote: "It's like killing two pigs with one stone." - Laguna Loire
Favorite graphics: FFVIII

Worst Hero: Zidane
Worst Villan: Necron
Least Favorite FF Title: Final Fantasy IX
Least Favorite character: Zidane
Worst male character: Zidane
Worst female character: Aeris
Worst Non-human male: Kimahri
Worst Non-human female: Quina
Least Favorite race: Qu
Least favorite boss: Ultimecia
Least Favorite enemy: Tonberry
Least Favorite Boss attack: Bad Breath
Least favorite side quest: Card game in VIII
Least Favorite Mini-game: Blitzball
Least Favorite Chocobo: Black Chocobos in IV
Least Favorite Moogle: N/A
Least Favorite save system: None
Least Favorite battle system: XII
Least Favorite levelling up system: XII
Least Favorite class: Blue Mages
Least Favorite method of transportation: Walking
Least Favorite summon: Eden
Least Favorite world: FFVIII Disc 4
Least Favorite place: Phoenix Cave (VI)
Least Favorite graphics: IX
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Favourite Hero: cloud
Favourite Villain: Sephiroth

Favourite FF title: VII
Favourite FF character: sephiroth
Favourite FF male character: sephiroth
Favourite FF female character: jenova
Favourite Non-human FF character: kimahri (unless you can't sephy as non human)
Favourite Non-human male FF character: kimahri
Favourite Non-human female FF character:fran (cus she's the only one i can think of)
Favourite Race: human
Favourite Boss: sephiroth
Favourite Enemy: dragon zombie
Favourite Boss attack: supernova
Favourite Enemy attack: doom
Favourite Sidequest: hojo's experiments (ffvii:crisis core)
Favourite Mini-game: sniper one (from ffvii:crisiscore)
Favourite Chocobo: Golden Chocobo
Favourite Moogle: Mog
Favourite save system: save crystal(ffvii)
Favourite battle system: VII
Favourite levelling up system: X
Favourite class: samurai
Favourite Weapon: masamune
Favourite method of transportation:The highwind
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Anima
Favourite summon attack: giga flare
Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVII: Omnislash
Favourite Limit Break - FFVIII:
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: renzokuken
Favourite world: VII
Favourite place: Midgar
Favourite saying:My dream is to sail the darkness of the cosmos with planet as my vessle as my mother did long ago (FFVII advent children)
Favourite graphics:FFVII crisis core

Worst FF Hero: vaan
Worst FF villain: edea
Worst FF title: FF x-2
Worst FF character:zidane
Worst FF male character: zidane
Worst FF female character: rikku
Worst Non-human FF character:
Worst Non-human male FF character:
Worst Non-human female FF character:
Worst Race:
Worst Boss:
Worst Enemy: flan
Worst Boss attack:
Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath
Worst Sidequest: Clasko's Chocobo hunting
Worst Mini-game: X-2 Blitzball
Worst Chocobo: Normal
Worst Moogle:
Worst save system:
Worst battle system: xii
Worst levelling up system: ffvii crisis core
Worst class: Theif
Worst Weapon: Staff
Worst method of transportation:
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge:
Worst summon: pandamona

Worst summon attack:
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Trances in IX
Worst Limit Break - FFVII: beat rush
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII:
Worst Trance Mode Attack - FFIX:
Worst Overdrive - FFX:

Worst world:
Worst place:balamb garden
Worst saying:
Worst graphics: FFI
Favourite FF Hero: Hard one....Yuna probably.
Favourite FF Villain: Sephiroth
Favourite FF title: FFX
Favourite FF character: Yuna, Rikku, Sep, LuLu, Tifa, Aerith

Favourite FF male character: ...ViVi! XD
Favourite FF female character: Yuna, Rikku and Tifa

Favourite Non-human FF character: Kimarhi
Favourite Non-human male FF character: Kimarhi
Favourite Non-human female FF character: Chit
Favourite Race: Moogles

Favourite Boss: Yunalesca
Favourite Enemy: Yunalesca,

Favourite Boss attack: Yunalesca's (cant remember its name) where her hair goes under the ground.
Favourite Sidequest: Returning the Cockatrice to Giza!
Favourite Mini-game: Sphere break FFX2 (yeah I actually like it.) and mini card game
Favourite Chocobo: Yellow
Favourite Moogle: Stiltzkin
Favourite save system: FFIX's
Favourite battle system: FFXII's
Favourite class: White Mage;Dark Knight
Favourite Weapon: Swords
Favourite method of transportation: Teleport Crystal!
Favourite Cid: FFXII's
Favourite reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Cid
Favourite summon: Shiva, Anima, Valefor, Belias
Favourite summon attack: Oblivion, Heavenly Strike, Meteor Strike

Favourite "super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Tidus Blitz Ace, Rikkus mix
Favourite Trance Mode Attack - FFIX: Zidane
Favourite Overdrive - FFX: Tidus
Favourite world: FFX
Favourite place: besaid island, Calm lands & mt gagazet, FFX

Favourite saying: a-heh-heh-heh-heh -rikku, thunder plains proceless lol FFX
Favourite graphics: FFX

Worst FF Hero: Cloud (defo over rated)
Worst FF villain: Seymour
Worst FF title: FFCC
Worst FF character: Seymour
Worst FF male character: Cloud

Worst FF female character: Paine
Worst Race: Viera
Worst Boss: FFX2 machina thing
Worst Enemy: Malboro - FFVIII

Worst Enemy attack: Bad Breath - FFVIII, Putrid Breath from FFXII
Worst Sidequest: ./.
Worst Mini-game: x-2'S Blitzball
Worst save system: FFVIII's
Worst battle system: FFXII
Worst levelling up system: FFXII
Worst class: anything from FFX2

Worst Weapon: Rod or lulus puppets (though they are cool)
Worst method of transportation: Cars
Worst reappearing name i.e Biggs, Wedge: Biggs
Worst summon: Sylph
Worst summon attack: Attack lol jk.
Worst"super" attack i.e - this concerns your limit breaks, overdrives - choose which one out of the game you like overall, for instance, you choose Overdrives from X: Limits in FFVII
Worst Limit Break - FFVIII: Quistis
Worst Overdrive - FFX: LuLu
Worst world: all of FFVIII
Worst graphics: well, the early ones of course.
