Girls are better than Boys

Its epic. But Is it not your worst hazard in Mario kart?
This thread makes me go hmmmm....

No, that would be the fucking shells of various colour, and the occasional ledge
Ah the spiny shell and Rainbow Road!
Going back onto the debate and to contrast basically girls have better communication, can grow offspring for 9 months, generally live longer and have stronger hearts. Boys are more academic seem, have advanced civilisation alot longer then girls, can reproduce alot faster, stronger gender. Weaknesses girls can get more emotional making them less able to fight, can only reproduce once if successful then have to wait 9 months, weaker physically. Boys are less likely to stay and protect the girl, less social skills, are more prone to mental disabilities, short life expectancy and are more prone to social problems such as smoking or drinking. Overall girls are better mentally boys are better physically.
I think the previous poster did not realize this is Spam
I say we stick all men in farms, milk them for their sperm and have a wonderful world of pinkness and cake

And cattle prods to prod the men with when we have PMT
That's more or less my idea from a couple of months ago. Except it was women who were in the farms. Which proves that men are better because I am a man, so we are superior.
Plus we can reverse parallel park.
Are you kidding? Girls are much better than boys, for many reasons...

1. They smell better.
2. They can put cover up on zits and not get made fun of.
3. They have (somewhat) better hygiene.
4. They mind their manners.
5. You CAME from a girl. Think about that one.
Are you kidding? Girls are much better than boys, for many reasons...

1. They smell better.
Men can put aftershave or deodorant on :monster:

2. They can put cover up on zits and not get made fun of.
Girls also shove inch thick layers of makeup on to try and make themselves pretty, plus girls are more likely to get zits anyway.

3. They have (somewhat) better hygiene.
Men are the dominate species, we don't need that luxury.

4. They mind their manners.
Same as above.

5. You CAME from a girl. Think about that one.
You can only spell "Woman" if you put "Man" in it.

With one small evolutionary step, men could be eliminated. In fact, men are a detour in the reproduction process.