Grand Dragons!


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Does anyone else use these to train? At the moment I'm at the start of Disk 3, and I've just gotten Steiner, Freya and Quina back into the party. Now, before I started training with the Grand Dragons, they were like, 15 levels behind the rest of the party, now, they're the highest leveled people =] I killed off Zidane, and focused on training the three of them.

It's certainly made me think higher of Quina, his level 5 death spell is a Godsend!
I think everyone does. :wacky:

It's possible to take them on at disk 1 before you leave for Burmecia too, though it's entirely down to luck and timing on your part. I was at level 30 before I could say "random encounter!"

... not that I'd say that.
Yeah, Grand Dragons are a great way to level up. I never attempted to fight them on disk one because I actually wanted to be at a fairly low level before I was able to get all the stat increasing equipment. When I finally got it all I divided my eight characters and equipped them with a setup that would allow them to defeat Grand Dragons and also gain more stats through levels. Grand Dragons are so straightforward that it's easy to defeat them.
yea, when i was at Disc 3 i train on them too.I like ur idea killing off Zidane so u can focus training other memebers. I did something similar
I always train on Grand Dragons, did it for the first time on Disc 1 recently :)

Disc One:
Note; it is wise to have a decent amount of Phoenix Downs on you at this point.
Also have all your characters have the ability Antibody equiped and make sure you are in possesion of the Coral Ring (allow Freya to win the Festival of the Hunt).

After you leave Lindblum for the first time (from the Dragon's Gate), head North in the direction of Gizmaluke's Grotto. Stop of at the Marsh like area named Qu's Marsh. Play the mini game, etc and allow Quina to join your team. Now your main aim is to get the Blue Magic Skill Limit Glove. This is done by defeating certain enemies by using Quina's Eat skill. The closest enemy is the Mandragora (sp?), however I chose an easier enemy, the Axe Beak (has a lot lower hp than the latter and is a lot easier to eat). Re-enter Lindblum, go to the business district and leave via the entrance.Get into a fight with this wierd looking enemy (orange body with two legs and a green head/beak). It only has around 295 hp, get it down by at least 75% and gobble it up with Quina. You have not learnt Limit Glove. Limit Glove unleases extroadinary unelemental damage to an enemy if Quina is at 1HP (9999 to be precise, regardless of Quina's level).
Now retrace your steps and proceed to Gizmaluke's Grotto. Continue through the sotryline. When you get to the room where the Moogle escapes from the massive Bell, enter the room it runs into. Read through the transcript, give the moogle the Kupo nut and save your game.
Now your aim is to re-enter the door to the main Bell room and encounter a random battle. Purposely kill Quina. Go back to the Moogle couple, and once again save your game. Now it is a matter of luck. Press the Menu button and use a Phoenix Down on Quina. If it does not revive with 1HP, RESET. If you are lucky this should only take a few attempts. Now climb the vine (ignore the Moogle's warning) and run to an open bit of land (not forest area). You are now at Popos Heights. SAVE your game before you encounter a random battle (ensure Quina is at 1HP).
Now your aim is to run into a random battle against a Grand Dragon! The only enemys (on the open grass land) is Grand Dragons. Right, you are now relying on a lot (I do mean a lot) of luck. I'll break it down for you:

- Always have Quina at 1HP, Limit Glove only unleases 9999 damage if Quina is at that amount of health.
- Make sure all your characters have Antibody equipped - this will protect against Venom Breath.
- Equip one Character (not Quina) with the Coral Ring, this will absorb Thunder elemental damage, thus healing the Character when Thundaga is cast. However, as Limit Break requires 1HP, and 1HP only, Quina must not be healed. This ring is only really useful for keeping a party member alive so it recieves exp (a turn isn't wasted on using a Phoenix Down on them).
- If the Grand Dragon cast's Thundaga on your entire Party reset, Quina must not die. (You can use a Phoenix Down on it to revive it, however it is a completly random chance it will be 1HP. Therefore, it is probably more time efficent to reset).
- If the Grand Dragon kills Quina - reset.
- Only ever attack with Quina by using the Blue Magic Skill - Limit Glove.
- Once Limit Glove has been casted, the Grand Dragon is now available to be eaten using the Eat Skill.
- Always Save after each Grand Dragon is defeated. It is very likely that with your next encounter Quina or your entire party will be wiped out. However once your charavter's HP does get higher, it does get more easier to survive and you can actually 'chain' Grand Dragon victories.
- Oh, and one more thing. Pray that Lady Luck is on your side :)

So there you have it. This technique requires a lot of luck, and maybe a bit of skill. It is more than likely that the Grand Dragon will end up Killing your party/Quina a fair few times before you succesfully defeat it. However, once you do... you can recieve as much as 32k exp for Quina alone or approxamately 8k exp each for your entire party.
- The Limit Glove technique is also useful for Bosses when at a low-mid level -

From that technique (just wrote it lol, pretty long eh?) I got to level 45 on all my characters and level 52 on Quina before Burmecia :)
However awesome it does seem, it is much more sensible to play through the game and come back to the Grand Dragon's when Quina has learnt the Blue Magic Skill - Level 5 Death. Bosses can be defeated fairly easy at low levels without worrying about getting Quina to 1HP and relying on Limit Glove. Yet.. I still chose to do it for the pure thrill of being so kick ass :)
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I tried using them to have a go at levelling on disk one and got my arse handed to me -_-

Burt yeah, other than that once I was on disk 3 I just found me a little island that they were on and trained on there for abit, I just get bored though so I can't spend all that much time training :gasp:
Put on the fire proof crap and put on the poison thing that keeps you from getting venomed. That pretty much de-claws the grand dragons, provided you have enough HP to stand through his physical attacks (Which he doesn't seem to realize is his best option after his fire and venom doesn't work) and enough power to put him to sleep. Great way to level up, because once you get leveled up enough, they're baby dolls and still give you quite a bit of exp. I have grand dragons down to three hits. After everyone in my party hits him, he's sleeping.
Put on the fire proof crap and put on the poison thing that keeps you from getting venomed. That pretty much de-claws the grand dragons, provided you have enough HP to stand through his physical attacks (Which he doesn't seem to realize is his best option after his fire and venom doesn't work) and enough power to put him to sleep. Great way to level up, because once you get leveled up enough, they're baby dolls and still give you quite a bit of exp. I have grand dragons down to three hits. After everyone in my party hits him, he's sleeping.
GD's dont use Fire attacks. Never. They use Thundaga.

At the end of the game i didnt had to put quina in my party. Guess what - i have beaten the asses of {number of GD's needed to make dragon's crest deal 9999dmg}, meaning that i couldve deal 9999dmg and a psyh or 2 to kill gd's. So yeah, a good deal of exp.Btw - an even better way to level up is to beat chimeras - you equip zid with masamune and soul blade your way to victory :monster:(And tons of xp!).
very easy experience when you have quina in your party, right now every character is at 40 from training on them except for quina who is level 50 and Zidane who is level 56 or something like that definately good for training if you dont mind the repitativeness
I definitely loved those guys man... The moment i went past Gizamaluke's Grotto (I might have spelt it wrongly), and got Quina to learn Lv5 Death, I camped at the areas above the Grotto where the Grand Dragons usually hang out.

Thats how i began training there non-stop till the experience gain slowed down. After that training experience, enemies became literally level 1s to me.
GD's dont use Fire attacks. Never. They use Thundaga.

At the end of the game i didnt had to put quina in my party. Guess what - i have beaten the asses of {number of GD's needed to make dragon's crest deal 9999dmg}, meaning that i couldve deal 9999dmg and a psyh or 2 to kill gd's. So yeah, a good deal of exp.Btw - an even better way to level up is to beat chimeras - you equip zid with masamune and soul blade your way to victory :monster:(And tons of xp!).
Lol sorry. I haven't played the game in a while and forgot which element they hit with. In which case, I should've said the thunderproof crap in place of the fireproof crap. If we're bragging, I used to beat Grand Dragons at the grotto, where you first see them in the beginning of the game without Quina just to get a HUGE jump on levels before you really get into the hard parts. =]
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Wow, that must be tough. When the area is first made accessible, your party should be fairly weak.. Furthermore, if the Grand Dragon strikes out with a bad mood and cast Thundaga to hit everyone, its a screwed case...

But of course, if successful.. I suppose the game will just get as easy as it already is!
Yeah, if I remember correctly, the first one you beat jumps you about six or seven levels. They get easier after that. And, yeah, Thundaga is a deal breaker at that level.
But if you're resourceful enough, perhaps it might be possible to get something that absorbs lightning..

That'll change the tide totally, but I don't seem to know of any, unfortunately.. Tsk!
Yeah that early into it you don't really have a lot of elemental based armor or anything like that. You just have to heads up with him and keep losing until you win lol. I like the moogles that say "It's dangerous out there, kupo." because that is quite an understatement, they really should have said, "Kupo! Don't do it, kupo! There are enormous dragons up there that will mince meat all of the people that you're with in one attack!" I think that would be a far more reasonable warning for Grand Dragons at level like 13 lol.

They start like jumping up and grabbing you, trying to pull you back down off the rope. I think the newbs deserve some sort of stern sign. Hope they saved. Or run into the bird enemies.
...I never did train on them.
I always advance so fast the game would fall behind me in level somehow.
In Bermicia I was level 23 when I entered it and left at level 36. course I used the expgain abilities.
I don't like Grand Dragons, not on the first disc anyway. I ignored the moogles' warning and decided to go up the ladder, the first dragon I fought killed in me in one turn with Thundaga on my party
Does anyone else use these to train? At the moment I'm at the start of Disk 3, and I've just gotten Steiner, Freya and Quina back into the party. Now, before I started training with the Grand Dragons, they were like, 15 levels behind the rest of the party, now, they're the highest leveled people =] I killed off Zidane, and focused on training the three of them.

It's certainly made me think higher of Quina, his level 5 death spell is a Godsend!

Yeah, you can also beat them in disk 1 if you're using the right things like thunder rings and the best arsenal equiped
Where do the monsters hang out that Quina can eat to gain Limit Glove and/or Lvl 5 Death? I'm on disk 1 and returned to the Eunorus Plains but can't find any Mandragora's etc... Can't go back through Lindblum so I'm stuck. Is there a particular forest I need to run around in?