Greatest Fighting Series

The greatest fighting series of all....?

  • Street Fighter

    Votes: 9 20.9%
  • Mortal Kombat

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • Virtua Fighter

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • King Of Fighters

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Tekken

    Votes: 11 25.6%
  • Soul Blade / Soul Calibur

    Votes: 13 30.2%
  • Other ( Specify! )

    Votes: 6 14.0%

  • Total voters

Sun And Steel

Feb 24, 2007
Caledonia, known as Scotland to young tikes.
Yes, I'm a bit of a fighting game fanboy, ever since getting hooked on Street Fighter II back when I was a nipper there's always been quite a few fighters in my collection. There's no other type of game I can lose myself like these, even games which seem mediocre or worse I can find some enjoyment in ( Death to all who slate Shaq-fu! ). Just wanted to see what other people like in this genre.

I started off as a Street Fighter fan, but with the lack of new games from that series I've had to find new substance, Tekken was the early contender with it's vibrant characters and flashy moves, to this day it remains my favourite 3D fighting series.

However, I'm going to have to opt for the games which have kept me hooked for the last 2/3 years: The King Of Fighters series. A 2D beat 'em up series which has spawned 9 canon games, 2 "Dream Matches" and numerous spin off games. Originally designed as something along the lines of a Fatal Fury vs Art Of Fighting game with numerous other SNK characters thrown in for good measure, it has become a huge franchise on it's own. After the defeat of Geese in Fatal Fury, a villain known as Rugal becomes the new host of the King Of Fighters tournament except bringing it into a team format. Actually, there's far too much story for me to cover, go to the wikipedia site for it and check it out though if you're interested, the first story arc in particular is well worth a look, it involves the attempted revival of the Orochi.The latest incarnation has a fast tag team style battle system which works very well, allowing you to switch characters mid combo almost like Dead Or Alive and also whilst you're bing hit. We've been shown the logo and a couple of character art sketches for KOF XII so it should be hitting the arcades next year or there abouts, and I can't wait.

Of course, I eagerly await the arrival in the other series to see if they can take over! The more awesome fighting games the better!
my favourite has to be the soul calibur series main because there is swords and stuff i used to be a fan of street fighter as well i made a habit of using that blast thing attack in street fighter to own everyone and that indian dude with the elastic arms and legs he owned everyone
I really enjoyed Soul Blade at the time, because like you say: it had weapons! It was great fun to play something that moved so fast, and the quest mode for single player was quite good as well. not to mention interactive endings which wern't exactly run of the mill for fighting games. However, fighting games have moved on, and I don't feel that Soul Calibur is all that much better than Soul Blade was really ( perhaps more of a plus point for Soul Blade ), perhaps that's why I never quite rate Soul Calibur as highly as a lot of people do.

I suppose I could also have added Guilty Gear and Dead or Alive to have their own options on the poll. Whatever you say of Dead or Alive, there is actually a half decent game underneath it all.:P
liked the virtua fighter games cuz the fighting styles and moves etc were mostly all real and accurate
Tekken is the greatest fighting series for me - its fun, fast, and button bashing genrally doesnt get you anywhere unless your using christie/eddie- so unlike most fighting games it requires a bit of skill to ^_^
This is really simple Street Fighter is the best mostly cause I play it more than any other fighting game and my favorite character is Ryu or Ken.I have played the other games but they were not as good as SF.
I wouldnt say Tekken is all that complicated. All you have to do is memorize the 10-button combos for everyone and you can win pretty easily.

3-d wise, I like Virtua Fighter 4. None of the combos are really canned, every character feels unique, and it truly is a game of skill. A veteran will always win. You can't button-mash to win. Plus, you acn string your moves pretty fluidly. Tekken always felt a little too stiff. ANd you also have a different defensive manuever other than guard. Thank god for the side-step. And I know most 3d fighters have side-stepping now, but the only games that do it well currently are Virtua Fighter and Soul Calibur.
Soul Caliber would be my runner up.

2D: Guilty gear. I've gone over this in another thread. Great design, great characters, great everything. Hella fun
For a 2-D fighter, I'd say King of Fighters takes the cake. Truly, if there was any rivalry between this series and Street Fighter, I can see why. At first, the continued use of low-res sprites was a complete turn off for me, since I also valued graphics with gameplay. I got addicted to it once I tried out 2002 and 2003, and it is then I discovered that though every game has a big roster, each character is quite unique, even if they all posses the same styles (Rushdown, Defensive, Grappler). As of now, I am obsessed with girly-man Ash Crimson.
I always enjyoed Street Fighter when I was a little kid, so I have to choose that, if nothing else but for nostalgia's sake. Haha
Awesome! Ash is pretty evil in XI. It felt as if he'd been toned down slightly since his HP Fireball doesn't eat everything anymore, but the new extension to his Leader Special is a nasty one, sealing off the enemy's special moves for a time.

All you have to do is memorize the 10-button combos for everyone and you can win pretty easily.
In the experiences I've had of playing Tekken, Ten Hits leave you wide open more than anything. An experienced player knows the timings and height variations of a fair few of these, and most of them have huge gaps which you can hit through.
I always loved being Ryu and using Hadoken, Street Fighter was the most bad-ass game when I was a kid. Hell, I think I put everyone on AI just to watch them fight. Haha
I'm pretty sure SSBM is a party-fighter. Also, I vote for Street Fighter, I grew up on it, and it's still fun. I like the KoF series too, but the bosses prevent me from getting into it.
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Tekken By far,the characters are far for intersting than every other fighting game,themoves and fighting syte flow nicely (especially in Tekken 3) and there just so addicting,i always play survival mode.iWOuld say street fighter but there all poodle poo apart from Street Fighter II which is a beautiful game,not overloaded with crappy anime characters (Street Fighter ALpha 3.....) just the pure good characters,RYU.M.Bision,Ken E.Honda Dhalsam all the characters in the game were good,even the SFII extra characters Cammy, T. Hawk, Fei Long, and Dee Jay.

Also Mortal Koomabt is a Brilliant series i would have chose that 2nd
I have to go with Killer Instinct. Sure, i'm a big fan of street fighter and Guilty Gear, but The reason why I like KI is because of the complex combo system and espically the Fatals that the character can perform.
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Eek, thats a toughie. I love Street Fighter, Tekken, Soul Cailber and Guilty Gear.
All great fighting games with coolio characters.