PC Guild Wars

I played it, then deleted my account and sold the game. Its good cause it costs nothing to play, but its a bitch when you have to invite people to play in your world. WoW is by far more superior.
Played it for about 3 weeks then got bored with it, nice enough and it was free which is a big plus over the likes of WoW but don't have the time to put a lot of gaming time into it and it was boring to play at times. May look back into it if they improve things with GW2.

Name was Isaac Fyrn.
Here's my guy:

Twilight Allsie

Seriously, I love him. This game kicks ass.

~SapphireStar~ said:
WoW is by far more superior.


lol, jk. Seriously though, i found guild Wars much better. Plus, ti's free internet, unlike warcraft, which you have to pay for.
Guild Wars.

Just wondering what are you thoughts on Guild Wars,and who has the game. I have factions,and soon prophecies and nightfall,but i got a lot of saving sadly before i can get eye of the north.
Had the first Guild Wars and to me it had everything I hate about MMOs. Shallow repetitive gameplay with lots and lots of grind. I preferred the style to most others in the genre and the fact it's free is a major plus in its favor since I can go back whenever but it really becomes too much of a chore after a while.
I have every Guild Wars out to date. Guild wars is more about skill in battle than it is "im a higher level then you haha!". Since the level cap is only 20 you reach it very fast (as i have done it in a little over a day with the right quests from several chapters), but it really is a great game. I have 4 or 5 level 20 characters so if you ever want to play PM me or something.

Had the first Guild Wars and to me it had everything I hate about MMOs. Shallow repetitive gameplay with lots and lots of grind. I preferred the style to most others in the genre and the fact it's free is a major plus in its favor since I can go back whenever but it really becomes too much of a chore after a while.

I have to admit that I did play it for a day before leaving for NZ back in August when a few of my mates picked it up but lost interest when again it bored me and also my Hard Drive blew so was probably saved although it did cost me £600.
It is to be expected that if you were to install something as dangerous as Guild Wars on a PC, it is likely to blow, much like the game.

A lot of people tell me it is great since it is online without a fee, but then 5 years ago a lot of games were like that and the only one that people really remember is Diablo 2.

Sure if wasn't the deepest of games, but it was definatly better than Guild Wars. Something about the level 20 cap and the instanced world that just ticked me off.

Sure you can play online, but unless you have friends wanting to join you, you are most likely going to be doing the quests yourself. The graphics are no bad but I really hate all the spell effects.

Being free online sadly is not enough for me to want to pick up this game again, I actually own everything from Prophesies to Eye of Night (or something). Just can't get into it anymore.
I play everyday. I own all the expansions. My main character is Xxx X Xxx
But I'm also known as X Nxaiver X . I love every aspect of the game. As far as I'm concerned it's up there with Final Fantasy. They are close in my world.
Hope I am not bumping much...but...I play it =D My name is: Gabe Williams
I'm a level 10 noob.
My main character remains Twilight Allsie, but now I have a runner (Acolyte of Allsies) and a Petmaster (Allsie Petmaster). The others are random assorted PvP characters. Twilight and Petmaster are my main campaigners, and the Acolyte is just a general runner.

If ever you need help in Factions or Nightfall, don't hesitate to add me or PM me or summat. I'm not far in Prophecies, but I'm near end-game for Nightfall, and one mission away from end-game Factions.

Anyways, if you need help or advice, drop me a line; I'd be more than happy to help.
i used to play, but everyone in my guild went AWOL. i have them all completed but Prophecies, my main characters (at the time) were Trogdor Effect (shitty name, but all the other versions were apparently taken) and my all time favourite; Vale Majesco.
ive only had this game for about 3 weeks, but i really love it.
it's basically WoW that you dont have to pay for monthly. a good choice of character classes, large range of abilities ranging from elemental spells to attack enhancing spells, rather good graphics, excellent storyline in all 3 games,
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Bought this game for my bro actually. I might try it out when I'm bored or something.
I used to play, but when you realise you can only lvl to 20 it get's rather boring and old quickly. Most of the armor looks the same =/