Happy Birthday ♥Sayuri♥

Awwww, I'm sorry Cassy. :gasp:

Anyway, thank you :D And thanks to everybody else! My birthday was ROCKIN!

Let's see, where do I begin. First, my son brought me breakfast in bed (him and Daddy cooked it together :P) which consisted of bacon, scrambled eggs and toast! It was so sweet! Then I got my birthday present from Logan which was a stuffed panda bear and a mug that says "World's Greatest Mommy" on the front of it. =D After that, Dave cleaned house for me while I laid in the sun for about an hour while Logan played outside. After that, he took me shopping and bought me some new clothes and jewelry for my modeling. ^_^ Then we came back home, I showered, changed, did my hair and my parents and a couple of friends of ours took me out to dinner for my birthday at Applebee's. Everything was going just fine, I was just finishing up my dinner when this whole crew of Applebee's employees comes trudging up to the table with a birthday cake. I was like OMG here it is, we're sitting in the middle of packed Applebees and we've got the waitresses and waiters, the manager, my family and friends all starting to sing really off-key and really loudly to me...I wanted to crawl under the table. xD But it was all in good fun. Rather enjoyable evening! Then we came home, I played FFX for awhile and now I'm back online :P We're just waiting for our son to go sleep after the evening's excitements. Then we're gonna snuggle on the couch and watch a movie together. All in all, I'd say this has been one of the best birthdays in a long time! ^_^
That made me smile. xD (Not about the sex part, but your actual day yesterday). Applebees are sooooo good! My favorite dessert there is the maple butter blondie. I keep asking my husband to take me there not to eat dinner since it can be somewhat pricy for us, but just to have that dessert. xD

Anyway, a guy cleaning the house for you is really sweet. xD And...a stuffed panda bear?! My favorite animal. =O Tell Logan I want one tooooo.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! *throws confetti*

At least I got the right day this time!

we've got the waitresses and waiters, the manager, my family and friends all starting to sing really off-key and really loudly to me...I wanted to crawl under the table. xD

If you think THAT'S bad, you should be in my high school during Valentine's Day. The choir (of which I'm a part) will sing serenades to people if their boyfriend/girlfriend wants to buy one for them. For an extra buck, the reciever gets a cute stuffed animal and a carnation.

you don't know embarassment until the Men's choir hunts you down during lunch and serenades you in front of everyone!!

But at least they sing in tune. ^^

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I expected a sex part too as well xD

I know its a bit late but happy birthday anywayz. all the best..

Luv Wolf :wacky: