Hardest Boss in Gaming


Blue Mage
Apr 3, 2007
They can be from any game. So I'll start this off by saying that Onslaught from Marvel vs. Capcom was hard as hell in my opinion, especially in his second form. And pretty much any boss from MegaMan Network Transmission. That game was hard as crap! I would say Fire Leo from Viewtiful Joe, but he's not so bad when you figure out how to beat him. Until then, well, I hope you have an truckload of lives to spare.
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Magaki ( King Of Fighters XI ): Stands on one side of the screen and blasts you with his several high priority projectile moves or grabs you from the other side of the screen OR hits you with his full screen MAX special, his cheapness is at times depressing.

Tanket ( F.F. 10 ): I'm sorry but...what the hell? If you lose two characters he just automatically takes enough turns to finish off your last character without a chance to heal or revive, please...

Sorcerer ( Castlevania: Vampire's Kiss ): Hovers around the area, taking up most of the screen and damaging you if you happen to touch him, hitting you with projectiles which slow you down and summoning skeleton enemies to help him out, not nice.

The Cloud Thingy ( Ghosts And Goblins ): A pain in the jacksey alright, if only because the weapon he's weakest against is perhaps the least useful one ( alongside the axe ) and you probably purposely got rid of it during the level, plus the fact he could always duck down into the ground part where you couldn't hit him at all.

The Creature - Tag Team ( Castlevania Portrait Of Ruin ): This was probably the mightiest incarnation of The Creature to havebeen in a Castlevania, but he wasn't too bad once you figured out the attack pattern and how to get round them. But then they go and throw two of them at you at once and it became a whole different story....

I'd also like to nominate this dude:

At one point Wikipedia did have an entry for SNK Boss syndrome, and this guy pretty much epitomises it, give him a shot if you dare.

Or alternatively.....Johann from Rage Of The Dragons....but he's just silly.
I'll need to put more thought into this to get a list but I'm putting up this bastard from SFIII: Third Strike.


Now fighters usually have cheap bosses but this guy really pushes it at time, if you beat him while he has a full special bar then he'll get back up with full fecking health only minus the ability to max it out again. Also his two specials are an absolute bastard to block nevermind parry (especially the one with the wings which I'm pretty sure you can't do either).
I cant say the hardest boss in gaming because i haven't played all the games :P but my personal hardest boss was Jinpachi mishima.

he has that cheap freezing move, and unblockable conmbos, and that fire canon thing, which even if you dodge once its still pretty hard to dodge twice, since the second you move he blasts another fireball at you :/ hardest tekken boss ever IMO. and Tekkens the only fighting game which never seems to give me trouble...except Jinpachi ><
Hm i beat him 3rd try...
I have to say either Nelo angelo 3 on dante must die mode (3 hits and you dead)
Or Es on critical mode on kh2 final mix
I cant say the hardest boss in gaming because i haven't played all the games :P but my personal hardest boss was Jinpachi mishima.

he has that cheap freezing move, and unblockable conmbos, and that fire canon thing, which even if you dodge once its still pretty hard to dodge twice, since the second you move he blasts another fireball at you :/ hardest tekken boss ever IMO. and Tekkens the only fighting game which never seems to give me trouble...except Jinpachi ><

Yeah, Jinpachi Mishima was a cheap bastard.

I'd have to say the hardest boss I can remember fighting is Ryu from Karnov. Albeit this was ages and ages ago, I remember never being able to beat him. I just recently reacquired the game though so I'll have another go at him. :P
The hardest boss in any game I've played would undoubtedly be Indalecio, the final boss from Star Ocean: Second Story. God, I had a real tough time beating him. Being able to cast while moving just isn't fair. I won by pure luck in the end. And that's with his limiter on. On my next playthrough I'm gonna try and beat him without it, but I really don't know if I'll be able to manage o_0
One of the hardest bosses I have faced in a game was Cerberus in Devil May Cry 3 because you have to face it while still getting the controls down. Also the third Nelo Angelo fight in Devil May Cry gave me some trouble.
Lol fusoya we think alike on Nelo 3rd form eh ?
His stupid summon swords attack and his ULTRA high attack power especially on dante must die mode.....
Krauser on pro mode of RE4 he killed me like 50 times hes evil and yes i knew the knife trick. It was the way there he kept getting me.
Soul Caliber 2 was hard since soul edge was like trying to kill a brick that hits back hard.
Devil May Cry 3 Agni and rudra. They are hard to keep on top of.
So far....one game drove me nuts twice in particular....POOPTT

First - charriot race and double boss fight afterwards was the first moment when lost all my sanity during playing and almost broke that controller ...lucky they make those controllers tough...:D....the boss fight is dificult enough, but no...let's have the damn race before...a sheer bundle of joy. Wonderfull...

Second - final boss fight...it wasn't so much the fight cos I was damn good in executing those dagger moves ...but the fact that I do not see to good one way or another. The whole fight drove me nuts cos the colours are just insane. It all goes bright and gold and screaming, my eyes started crying after like 5 minutes of looking at the screen. Gold dust everywhere plus the boss is white and gold, the rock is white, the floor is the same range of colours......I could not see the damn bastard at all. Not to mention that in that final moment...I was sweating it off really badly cos I thought my game froze...literally...lol :D I thought, wth just happened. That was a nice moment, in retrospect, when you think of it afterwards..but damn it, when you are playing it right then, it is not amusing at all...there he was just dangling in the air with the damn dagger...frozen...for a whole bleeding minute... I was that close to pressing that reset button.....

Then there is GOW2 - Second example of a particular fight that drove me nuts, not really a boss fight, but more like the damn area...the Phoenix chamber...probably a peace of cake to someone else, but I hate that room. I was stuck in that room for what seemed an eternity. It is not enough you have hell legionares and endless number of harpies attacking you ...oh no....let's add a fire wall pushing you down and buring you to crisps, and you gotta push some damn statue to the top of the room, press three switches in the middle of all commotion, open two side rooms to get those 4 damn chests and if after all that you are still sane, you gotta time your jump cos you got about 5 sec before the damn gate closes.... oh lovelly....
Half Life had a pretty hard boss but could be easily beaten with a certain tactic.

Secret of Mana (End Boss) - I needed two guys to beat this dragon.

SFII - Only when controlling Dhalsim and fighting M. Bison. Almost impossible even on medium level.

Battletoads - Not a boss but the level with the speed bikes.
Data Vexen (KH2FM+): I hate Anti-Sora (when I'm not using him), I hate the stupid ice blocks, I hate the ice shuriken, I hate the icicle attack, I hate his goddamn shield, but most of all, I HATE HIS FREAKIN' YELLS AND SCREAMS!!!!! Am I the only one who thinks that Vexen's voice is extremely annoying?
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First - charriot race and double boss fight afterwards was the first moment when lost all my sanity during playing and almost broke that controller

That pissed me off soooooo bad >_<

Battletoads - Not a boss but the level with the speed bikes.

lmao, i've heard soooo much about that level...never actually played the game though <.< There's a stage on Mega Man X5 much like it though, it's frustrating as hell.

So tough bosses for me:

1. Xaldin from Kingdom Hearts. UGH. Need i say more?

2. Final boss (or any) in Jak and Daxter. The whole game is insanely hard since if you take three hits you die. Your health bar never grows.

3. Ozma of IX. Although what makes that battle hard is luck (or lack thereof), not skill (or lack thereof), so i dunno if it should be counted

4. Sakon of Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. He hits hard and his spear has a very long reach, can only attack him from the back. Way hard without loads of magic or Oni power.

5. Luis Frois of Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. Hard to deflect those knives when he teleports away, hard to deal enough damage to him to make that countdown on you stop.

6. Ophelia of Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. Not only do you need to absorb the poison she leaves around the ground to take away her shield so you can attack her, but you also have to deal with enemies she spawns
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Xaldin was pretty simple for me once I got the hang of it. And I hated that level in Mega Man X5! I was so glad I finally got pass it!
Xaldin...simple? How? O_O There's no pattern to him that you can learn to make things easier, no weak spot to exploit. You just have to hack away and hope to god you arent killed by his spears and dragon attack.

Yes! Someone who shares my pain on that X5 level! Come to think of it, that game had some evil bosses, like the Black Devil.
Terra >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Xaldin in terms of toughness. He is so goddamn unfair, even at level 99!!! At least with Xaldin I can regularly come out on top. Terra... that fight's just not fucking fair. Even KH1 Sephiroth is a wimp compared to him.
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The final boss in Both Parasite Eve 1 and 2....
PE 1's was even harder ...I been killed to kill it :P
Xaldin ? cannot remember which one is that one...cos the only boss ever that game me trouble is that stupid optional flying boss, the Reaper or something like that...it irritated me so much, I mean the whole flying affair around Big Ben was iriitating that I the end I thought the hell with that,...that is the only thing I have not donne in KH and will probably never will..just cannot be bothered...