Hardest Boss in Gaming

Honestly, no RPG or Action boss are as hard as those fighting game bosses...here's to name a few.

SFII:WW M. Bison - Most retarded Psycho Crusher in this version, has a horrible start up, but goes completely across the screen. Does huge damage, and stupid damage on block, almost as much as if you got hit. Scissor kicks that require no charge and can instantly put you into dizzy. His throw range is as far as Zangiefs and his Headstomp goes flying out of the screen and has homing locking capability. Stupidly overpowered and caused many quarters spammed into the machine to defeat this Evil Dictator.

Guilty Gear 1 - Justice was stupid, his Sword of Michael covered a complete 180 degree swing, making it impossible to dodge, so you had to block regardless. His long range game added with the fact that he was one of the fastest in the game made him a combo king. His Super Specials was retarded, it took out half of your first bar on block and it completely refills his Super again, allowing him to spam it over and over again.

Street Fighter Alpha 2 Akuma (Shin Akuma as you will)
- This was dumb period, two aerial fireballs traveling at different points made it impossible to dodge both of them. If he just stood back and shot aerial fireballs all day, you'd be in blockstun until time ran out...yes...it was ridiculous. But wait...that's not all, he had the best Asura Warp out of any Akuma version, because he had insant recovery from it, making it near impossible to punish him on this.

He could combo off of his c.mk, c.lk, hurricane kick into his Super, and his Shungokusatsu (Raging Demon) did over half-life damage, which was madness. He had almost no weaknesses, which is what makes him near impossible to beat, even today.

I had so many headaches trying to beat these guys.
Meh, of the games I’ve played… <o:p></o:p>
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Ozma - FFIX<o:p></o:p>
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Omega Weapon - FFVIII<o:p></o:p>
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Mike Tyson - Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!<o:p></o:p>
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Rick & Nick Bruiser - Super Punch Out!<o:p></o:p>
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May add more later... <o:p></o:p>
I don't remember if it is the 3rd or 2nd to last fight of in Star Ocean 2 but I still can't beat it no matter how hard I try and level up... It is irritating and I have been working on it for 3 years!
I am adding Shadow of Colossus and Colossus no 12. to the list - a right royal pain in the backside no 12. is. Damn..took me ages trying to figure it out how to hurt the damn thing and got nowhere after an hour...finally had to refere to the guide for the first time.

DiD I say Colossus no12. no no no no no. I was wrong, so I take it back.....

No 13. takes the buscuit! Took me over 2 hours last night TRYING....and I finally gave up, and at that point after two hours I was about two stabs away of finishing it, but I just could not take any more of the torture.

IT IS NOT THAT YOU DO NOT KNOW, LIKE WITH 12, WHAT TO DO TO KILL IT, ..no, you know straight away what to do, it is how to execute the whole chase and the kill that is the problem.

With no12. It was the first time in the game that is was quite difficult to figure out exactly what actually you have to do to get to the point when you can hurt the monster....climbing on it is easy....but once you are on it, it is WHAT NOW that is the problem....

No. 13 and apropriatelly wears that 13....damn the blasted thing, is the case of the perfect fighting nightmare scenario, as you put this three factors together:

1. riding Argo full speed in circles while chasing the colossus and be precise so you do not outrun the monster...riding that damn horse can be a story on it own....
2. location is desert and every thing is blinding white, sky, sand, colossus,...you get near it, from sand and blinding light you cannot see a damn thing
3. it is a flying one...so gotta use bow and arrow

And all that is just to get on it....once you are on it there is the second half of the nightmare you gotta deal with.
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Ozma - FFIX
A status effect whore. If he used no move other than Curse in this fight, he'd still pose a ridiculously large threat. Considering the need to equip various other fighter-enhancing skills in the Abilities menu, you don't have enough slots left to guard yourself against the crap he sends out at you. Also, Holy, Meteor and Flare? Oh please. Die slowly, Ozma. :shame:

Nelo Angelo 3 part 2 - Devil May Cry 1
He doesn't apply huge pressure on you, but the moment you want to take up an offensive position - he's already advanced on you. Avoiding those damned swords is hard enough without attempting to damage him as well. That strength is... well, I hate him too.

Argosax the Chaos - Devil May Cry 2

Not at all challenging except on Dante Must Die mode. Where he'd normally only attack you with the boss you currently faced, he sends everything all out in this mode, hurling a barrage of what... 5 or 6 bosses at you simultaneously? Piss off already. xD

Gabriel Celesta - Star Ocean 3
Oh. My. God. I walked in there at around level 120 at the time, but I might as well have been level 1. I was dead before I could even take off... well, anything really. Horribly fast guy, with power to match.

Lenneth - Star Ocean 3
Being located where she is, it wasn't so surprised she'd win before the fight really started, with one attack. She hits the entire field with death-inducing damage, no matter how much HP you actually have. Standard attack is pretty ghey as well - causing Confusion on whomever it hits... which is everyone.

Freya - Star Ocean 3
This game really does provide. :P She's got the most HP I've ever removed from a boss, and by far the most annoying string of attacks. She's got a similar attack to Lenneth where she hits the whole field, but this variation hits for MUCH more, but in smaller increments. Standard attack hits several times, with a Death effect, AND with wide range. Strong attack hits a huge range for repeated damage. Not even maxing out Defensive values would help all that much.
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Mike Tyson - Mike Tyson’s Punch Out!<o:p></o:p>
Rick & Nick Bruiser - Super Punch Out!<o:p></o:p>
I remember being young and trying to beat Mike Tyson and failed every time, I was a little older when I fought Rick and Nick Bruiser and a little more experienced in games. Once you follow a certain tactic in the fights the Bruiser brothers become really easy.
Giant Minotaur from God of War - the freaking monster has an armour that you must break to deal the normal damage.

Elder Wyrm from FF12 - I barely beat him beacuse of his Sporefall limit.
I can't tell you the hardest boss but I can say the least hardest were the one in Zelda Twilight Princess and the ones in Jade Empire.All the bosses did absolutely nothing>
Jade Cocoon - when you fight Poacher for the third time.

Suikoden 4 - Grand Tree, the last boss, still haven't beat him because his attacks are very strong, plus he has two more monsters by his side that heal Grand Tree and they also put you're characters to sleep.

Kingdom Hearts 2 - Xaldin was a tough boss for me.
Ahem, there's a video link near the end of page 3 with a strategy that makes Xaldin much easier.
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I said Xaldin was hard for me. Then when I watched the video I saw you can learn Jump from him.
I can't tell you the hardest boss but I can say the least hardest were the one in Zelda Twilight Princess and the ones in Jade Empire.All the bosses did absolutely nothing>

The bosses in Jade Empire were terrible. They were on the level of the random henchmen you fight.

It's been awhile since I've fought a truly difficult boss. I struggled briefly with the final boss on Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, but some minor tweeks made him a breeze.
SFII Turbo: M. Bison
While this cheating sod poses little threat to 'shotos' like Ryu and Ken, when other characters were used esp. those having 'charge manoeuvres,' he's like the hardest boss in gaming I've ever come across. With the difficulty and speed setting ramped up to max, 5 moves in a single round is enough to beat you…if you're lucky that is.
bloody hell...why is everyone finding KH 1 and 2 hard in bosses deparment.....

Going back to the SoC..final colossus was the hardest of them all....but incredibly gorgeous..the most awesome one...definitelly a wow moment when you see it...took me a long time trying in attempts to kill the last one

Dead Rising - the butcher was annoying, not hard but I could not for some reason get off the hook when he would grab Frank... but then I wasn't sure I had time to go all the way to the other end of the mall and pick up mini chainsaws either cos my wepons were not doing much to him either...which then it was pointed out to me I have plenty of time to do that....but then ....final final boss in true ending...????...I could not even grasp what the hell to do with him at first....not to mention you get one bite from a damn zombie if you fall down in the zombie crowd and you lose at least 4 bars away from your health....annoying bastard, annoying section/part....not to mention the true ending wasn't that good in my opinion..., and then there is a tank just before... and no save point in between the two sections....next time I replay I am not gonna even bother with true ending....cos it is not worth the trouble

Halo - now I am gonna get slaughtered by the Halo loving community...since there is no bosses really, not hard but what damn irritating game from the begining to the end.....and let's not go into the whole warthog whatever it is called bloody car issue...if I could just get my hands on the person who invented that irritating shitty little vehicle.....not to mention you seen one corridor in the game you have seen them all,....I spend at one point spinning around the circle over 45 minutes in the same two freeking corridors....that was a total time waster for me.
SFII Turbo: M. Bison
While this cheating sod poses little threat to 'shotos' like Ryu and Ken, when other characters were used esp. those having 'charge manoeuvres,' he's like the hardest boss in gaming I've ever come across. With the difficulty and speed setting ramped up to max, 5 moves in a single round is enough to beat you…if you're lucky that is.

SFII Bison is nothing, play him in SFA3 for ultimate cheapness. A Psycho Crusher that can pretty much come from anywhere and if you're at half health and aren't defending then it's instant KO really. Complete bastard.