Hardest Boss in Gaming

This isn't really a "boss fight"....it's boss nightmare!!!

Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven - Co-op missions. Mainly, the level where you and a friend fight ALL THE BOSSES IN THE FRIGGEN GAME, INCLUDING TESHU'S BOSSES (meaning, ya gotta fight Rikimaru and Ayame...). It is always a 2 vs. 2 - You and a friend (can only pick between Rikimaru, Ayame, and Teshu), vs 2 other bosses. After each fight, you regain some health, but not much.

Fight 1: (forgot names)Fatty (Boss from Rikimaru mission 1) and Gunny (Fly baby! Die Baby!). Actually pretty hard. Gunny is super cheap. You can get items from fatty, when he begs. Hit him with a Shuriken.

Fight 2: BOTH OF TESHU'S GAME BOSSES (Brothers, one you fight as last boss, one near that.). One has super health (around 2-3 hundred) and the other has a ranged slash. I can barely get past them, and me and my friend are awesome at Tenchu.

Fight 3: Rikimaru and (forgot other person, I think it was Ayame or Tatsumaru)....Rikimaru is just overpowered and took out both of us.

If one player dies, then both lose.
Final Fantasy Tactics has a couple.

First one being I think Count Elmdore? You have him and his two female assassin's. It's bad enough that these guys can turn your characters into vampires where you no longer control them, but if you wear an item that prevents that, well the assassin's still have an attack that can 1 hit KO you.

Then you have Elmdore who can teleport, if I remember right, then you have to deal with his samurai attack swords that can hit multiple squares.

To make matters worst, those female assassin's turn into demons once you kill their human form.

That battle against Elmdore is what caused me to stop playing FFT for about 6 or 7 years before I played it again and actually beat the entire game.

The other battle is more like a race against time. And it deals with Elmdore and his assassin's again, but this time you're trying to save Rafa. The big problem with this is you're on a roof of a castle, and your field setup is just one small line of squares to place your characters on. So you need to place your characters with the highest movement and speed rating, plus able to dish out damage and to take it in the right spot. The only way you can win this is if you deal enough damage to the enemy, one enemy will do, before they kill Rafa. The bad news is is that Rafa will usually try to attack Elmdore, meaning she will most likely die the first move Elmdore gets.....say hello to Game Over.

Metal Gear Rex - Metal Gear Solid. This battle forced me to put this game on the shelf for about 6-8 years after it first came out since it was so damn tough. I could usually get Rex's cockpit open, but then I'd get killed.

A few years ago when I tried again for the first time since I had gotten the game, this battle still gave me fits, but I eventually conquered the treading behemoth....wait, that's the Shagohod, I think Sigint's little nightmare story in MGS 3 with the walking pile of crap that shot shit missiles describes Rex perfectly.

Emerald and Ruby from FFVII. Never been able to beat these things to this very day.

Kratos Clone Battle on the hardest difficulty - God of War. Fighting the first battle with Ares was bad enough, but fighting hundreds of clones of yourself while protecting your wife and daughter on this very hard difficulty....puhlease!! I can barely get to the part where the clones begin wielding the Artemis blade.
Final Fantasy Tactics has a couple.

First one being I think Count Elmdore? You have him and his two female assassin's. It's bad enough that these guys can turn your characters into vampires where you no longer control them, but if you wear an item that prevents that, well the assassin's still have an attack that can 1 hit KO you.

Then you have Elmdore who can teleport, if I remember right, then you have to deal with his samurai attack swords that can hit multiple squares.

To make matters worst, those female assassin's turn into demons once you kill their human form.

That battle against Elmdore is what caused me to stop playing FFT for about 6 or 7 years before I played it again and actually beat the entire game.

To be quite honest, Elmdore was nothing. But I guess it really all depends on how much attention you pay to what's being sold, and what's what you have equipped that can make him a royal pain in the ass, or just another Zodiac Brave.

All you really need to do is equip items that increment the strength status of Agrias and Orlandu, have Holy Sword as an ability, and attack Elmdore with both of them, and the jig should be up.

Of course, Agiras' and Orlandu's levels play a part in how much damage they're going to do.

But here's the long explanation: Being that Orlandu can equip heavy and light equipment, he has an advantage over Agrias.

So if you just get Agiras with a job that can equip light equipment and use swords(Recommended to be Geomancer), just set her secondary ability to Holy Sword, Equip the Twist Headband, Power Sleeve, and a Bracer, and one of your strongest swords, she should do a very moderate and pleasing amount of damage, and Orlandu should do an overwhelming amount of damage depending on levels, but I think it's safe to assume anyone who got Orlandu used him when they got him. xD

Elmdore should really die after two hits if Agrias is at an equal level, or close to an equal level.

As for Leede and Celia, just equip the Black Costume and an angel ring. Nulls stop and KO.

Now Wiegraf... Complete. Bastard. End of story.

He's one of those little bastard snots that always have to be shitheads and have gay abilities. Srsly, to like not die on the Fovoham Plains, you have to be level 30 or break his ghey sword before the Chocobo and Knights kill you. Such a bastard. :wacky:

Then there's the time at the Orbonne Monastery, you're outnumbered by at least two or three more units and the goal is to kill him, but he has a good shield and counter, so it's hard to hit the bastard without becoming half dead. Luckily, I asploded him with Firaja. xD

Then there's the time in Riovanes. What a bastard. You have to fight him one on one. Just you, him, and his ghey White Knight abilities. Completely fair, considering the fact he can kill you in three or less hits, three being the max.

I was finally able to kick his ass by aqcuiring the Shockwave(Previously known as Earth Slash) skill.

Then he goes all Baaaaaalias( O U C WOT I DID THAR?) on your ass with his Cyclops summon that can kill anyone in your party in one hit. 'Tis a shame that's it's really noticed as the time to strike him down.

I nominate him as the most incredibly cuntish boss ever. :monster:
LOL! Wiegraf is actually easy for me at Riovannes. Although, what I do makes him pretty easy. By then I will have either Move+2 or Move+3, depending on whether or not I wanted to get Ramza the Move+3 specifically for that battle. Then I'd have an item that also boosts his Move.

From there I'd make sure he is a Squire with 2 specific Squire abilities that raises his Speed, and one for his attack power. For most of the battle I'm running from Wiegraf while I'm constantly using both abilities to get them high enough and using Hi-Potion or X-Potion to keep myself healed from whatever attacks he comes under.

Once I have both Speed and Attack high enough, both right around 30, then I begin my attack. Wiegraf's human form is defeated in about 2 hits. Fortunately, my increased stats extend over to his Belias form battle and I take him out usually before he gets an attack off.
Haha, I can't be arsed with learning a ton of abilities. All I did was have Ramza equipped with move +2, get hit with Hallowed Bolt(the holy Knight move you probably used the most.) accumulate once, move over to the waterbank, got hit by Earth Slash, moved all the way over to the other waterbank so he couldn't hit me, then got close enough to get him with Earth slash again, and presto: he was down.

I died on Belias a few times until I started attacking him as soon as the battle started, though. I managed to get through pretty easily after that. :wacky:
oh jeez, depends on what game
Personally, I think the most difficult boss in an rpg (that is required to beat) is the lich from the first final fantasy
likewise, the most difficult boss in a non rpg, is Dark Link from Zelda OOT