Hardest Boss?

Who was the Hardest Boss in FFVII

  • Emerald WEAPON

    Votes: 7 13.2%
  • Ruby WEAPON

    Votes: 31 58.5%
  • Lost Number

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Seraph Sephiroth

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Bizarro Sephiroth

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Demon Gate

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • Jenova-BIRTH/LIFE/DEATH (indicate 1 in post)

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Ultima WEAPON

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Triple Turks

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • Other (specify in post)

    Votes: 2 3.8%

  • Total voters

Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
Ok, who do you guys think was the hardest, most difficult annoying boss in the game? Personally, I'm torn between several ones:

Emerald WEAPON: Highest HP, only took me 1 try, but was still annoying as hell. Thank god he couldn't heal himself...

Ruby WEAPON: Totally pissed me off. Hated how he auto-status induced your guys with his tentacles. You really need Ribbons here, or you're f*****.
(Best way to get them is to morph the Master Tonberries)

Triple Turks: these three (Reno, Elena, and Rude all together) annoyed me a lot. Just wouldn't give up and kept trying to stat-induce me.

What about you guys? The poll is up for votes
Demon Gate was very hard for me sicne I was extremely underleveled and I was totally unprepared! I could only hit like 500 max at that time, It was extreme luck that had me win.
Demon gate was the most annoying thing I had ever come across. Aside from being underleveled at that particular moment, he was a massive leap up from the other bosses. The Red Dragon was a push over, but the demon gate was soemthing else. And on top of that I had not trained Aerith in the least on my first play through and so I pretty much stood no chance against him. I re started the entire game after that, because if there was no way of me beating him, then I stood no chance.
Demon Gate took me a few tries, but Ruby Weapon hurt my feelings. There's no reason for anything to be that hard.

Tifa: "'S'up, guys?"
Ruby Weapon: "Out of the battle with you."
Really? I didn't find Demon's Gate to be that hard actually. Of course, that might be because I had level 30 people and had uber trained Cloud, Nanaki, and Aerith. Personally, I find that using all your Stat Sources on Nanaki (preferably Power Sources) is the best way to go. He could deal like, 2200 damage each time I attacked with him since I used the Power Sources I found on him.

All in all, I found Emerald and Ruby WEAPON to be the hardest boss. they tied. I agree with Cecily on that comment only for me it was:

Vincent (a.k.a. Vinny): ...Stupid big red thing...don't make me bring out Ch... *falls in sandhole*

Ruby: Hahahahahaha! Now Omega's little lapdog can't touch me your turn Cloud...

Cloud: Damn you you stupid red thing...Omnislash! Haaa! Shit... *get's swallowed by sandhole*

Ruby: Mwahahaha! Time to kill the tiger. Too bad my lair can only hold 2 people...

Red XIII (a.k.a. Nanaki): Oh screw you...Knights of Round! Come forth!

Ruby: AAhhhhhhh!!!! No, not knights of Round. Ultima! *shoots Ultima* *dies*
um ive never acctually had all the people in my party die so they all seemed preety easy,apart from that weapon in the golden saucer sand stuff-i think its called ruby weapon?
Ruby weapon was always the hardest boss to me I wouldn't fight him at all if it wasn't for the desert rose item he gives out when you beat him.

I kinda think that ruby was definately the hardest, mainly beacuse its big, red and kinda hard looking, but also cause it could just flush one of your characters away easily, and if that was cloud, then you were kinda screwed right...

also though, what about ultima weapon. sure, eeeeaaaaassssyyyy to fight, but how could catch the darn thing in the first place- lets just say that was several hours spent well
Emerald is a close second it's Ruby that takes the cake for me. I hated having to go into the fight with only Cloud and playing the waiting game for when it was best to throw out KotR. And if Hades didn't work....argh!
Emerald was pretty hard with his Arie Tram but really not quite as hard as his cousin.
I agree that it was hard, but not the hardest. It had 1,000,000 HP, so it was really tedious. I beat it without KoR. Wasn't that hard surprisingly, just long and boring. But you do have to be at least a level 80 before taking it on, otherwise, your boned.
I would say that Ruby Weapon was the hardest to kill, and the most annoying.

There was really only 1 way to kill it, and that was hard to figure out, It took me hours to figure out how to kill it.
Hera Ledro said:
But you do have to be at least a level 80 before taking it on, otherwise, your boned.

Hah, you are right about that. I was in the mid-sixties with no Underwater materia when I first tried to beat Emerald Weapon. It was so pitiful that it was funny. (Well, my little brother laughed, anyway. I think I just quit playing the game for a couple of days.)
I agree that it was hard, but not the hardest. It had 1,000,000 HP, so it was really tedious. I beat it without KoR. Wasn't that hard surprisingly, just long and boring. But you do have to be at least a level 80 before taking it on, otherwise, your boned.

You can beat him at any level as long as it is 25 +

My hardest boss is Ruby though he is impressive
Ruby is very hard...harder than the boss of the game. It took us forever to find a good stradegy to beat that weapon