Hardest Boss

im really confused
so what ff2 is the same as ff4?

When it was originally released for the SNES in the US is was titled Final Fantasy II. That is because II and III were never released for the NES in the United States. Likewise, VI was originally released as III in the US. The real II was first released for the GBA and V was first released for the PS.

So for the US the GBA and PS version of IV is the same as the US SNES version of II.
yeah thats right^
oh and thanks rydia that clearly it up for me although i dont live in the us
now i know anyway ^_^
but zeromus EG is diffrent that zeromus in the final dungeon
maybe i shoulda said zeromus cause eg is only in the gba version which is named ffIV ^_^
In FFII, I'd probably say Zeromus ( FFIV for you import fools). He was insane to do without exploiting the clone excalibur trick.[SIZE=-1]I[/SIZE]
*merges thread*

Hardest boss battle... I don't rightly remember, I played FFIV ages ago.
BUT if I remember right, it was either Leviathan or Bahamut. Or one of the four fiends.

The rest weren't really a problem.
Right now Lunar Bahamut is giving me trouble. It wouldn't be so hard if Kain didn't have to fight him alone. Zeromus EG is a bugger too, because of his love of the reflect spell. The final battle against Zeromus was easy though. I didn't use the crystal until Rosa had cast haste, protect and shell on everyone. Then i pounded away with meteor, jump and Cecil & Edge's normal attacks.
Well I think its name was Vallhala. Everytime he turns into tornado so I have to use Jump with Kain.
Hardest boss

Im with you Rydia, i had it up to my eyeballs with that freaking wall myself....instantly killing players and when you try to revive them, the wall just killed someone else....if it wasnt for Rydia, id never have beaten that wall... thank god for green haired women!:P
well dark bahamut was hard because i was SERIOUSLY under leveled. but zeromus was quite hard as well, because i was underleveld again. i didn't know about dark amtter at that time so big bang did a lot
I found the wall really hard. I was way underleveled and I couldn't kill him fast enough so he just got close to me and started killing my characters one by one. I had to level up a lot and I finally beat the damn thing.
I usually get fucked up by the Wall. Rubicante is pretty hard if he starts using his strongest attack a lot. But both of them are dwarfed by some of those bosses in the Lunar Palace, including, and especially, Zeromus. Holy hell, hardest FF final boss ever. (Well, after X-Death.)
I've found this game to be the hardest I've played. I've done several runs... and not completed it.
The first time, I found Baigan really hard :S don't know why
Second time, I lost to Valvalis.
I'm going through it now actually, managed to get up to Zeromus and I'll fight him later.

Bosses I didn't find hard (which I've heard are tough) are Ogopogo, Evil Wall and the Four Fiends (beat it first try).
I had a lot of trouble with Evil Wall in the PS version (never completed it because of him) but I was young at the time. In the GBA version I found him very easy, beat him on first try.

The hardest boss for me would be Zeromus. Why people want Rydia to live for the fight, I do not know. I desperately needed the Curajas to heal after Big Bang, if I had to deal with his counter-attacks as well I would be dead meat for sure (so I just left Rydia dead/KO'd). I was at mid to high 40s when I beat him, IIRC.