Hardest Boss

Evilwall. I never bothered to slow him, as status attacks so often fail against bosses. I imagine if I would have slowed him, the fight would have been a bit easier. Jump and Edge's throws are all that saved me, and I think in the end Cain was the only one left standing

Actually, slow works on almost every single boss in the game, if not every single one.
Actually, slow works on almost every single boss in the game, if not every single one.

Thanks, good info. I started the series later (with 7) and am only now going back through and playing the classics. I suppose I just shied away from status attacks so much due to the later games that it is hindering me in these earlier installments. Thanks!!!
When you meet all the four fiends together. God. It was too much hard strategy thinking for me. I always ended up in getting killed when I came to either Cagnazzo or Rubicante.
It was the wall for me. It wasn't just the boss for me but getting to him that was tough. All those trap doors...ugh.
From what I remember, since I haven't played FFIV in forever, I found Leviathan to be ridiculously hard >_> His water attacks absolutely devastated me, if I remember correctly, and he kept killing Rosa and Rydia, who I needed the most for healing and damaging him :ness:

Although, this could just be because I was stupidly under leveled.
From what I remember, since I haven't played FFIV in forever, I found Leviathan to be ridiculously hard >_> His water attacks absolutely devastated me, if I remember correctly, and he kept killing Rosa and Rydia, who I needed the most for healing and damaging him :ness:

Although, this could just be because I was stupidly under leveled.

Yea, if you were underleveled deluge would most likely wipe out everyone except for cecil. >_>

It was pretty damn annoying.
Yeah, Levithan(of course) started out with deluge and only cecil was left. Of course I was under leveled at level 45. But right now I'm still working on the game. I still need to get to sealed cave.

To me Rubincate was the easiest boss, and barbarica was the hardest. Normally Kain would become the last one standing, the first time I faced her Kain had about 50 health left and I had him continue to jump, but soon he died. Then I was finally able to beat her with everyone alive.
Zeromus was both the hardest and most rewarding battle I have ever had the pleasure of fighting. In the end I was down to Rosa and Cecil, with a simple attack/Cure cycle. Towards the end, Zeromus missed with his meteor spell, giving me the opening I needed to revive Kain.

I didn't have trouble with some of the bosses people are mentioning, like the Wall, although I was fairly lucky when I fought it, and it might have gone horribly wrong. Bahamut deserves a mention for being a tough cookie too.
If Barbarica didn't have that reflect move(The one she used when you used magic on her) It might have been a bit easier.
Im playing the Ds version and Golbez was the hardest for me. I was like 10 levels over the norm for beating him and it still took me like 15 tries.
I never had trouble with the Wall, but the CPU could be annoying. I'm just happy they jacked the difficulty for the DS remake, the SNES original seems EZ mode in comparison.
Bahmoth?!(am i spelling it right?) I beat him without taking any damage at all!(I was over leveled at level 52-57) The wall, I was like, OMG, all I got left is Kain, and the wall is about to use crush! I got smart and used jump instead of attacking. If I had normally attacked, I'd probably be dead, but since I jumped, I beat him. Kain went up to either LV.49-55 or LV.50-55.
The hardest Final Fantasy IV boss for me was Zeromus. Well it was just because of his big bang attack! Also His hp. I used Cecil with ragnarok blade and all my characters were in the mid 80s and sometimes I still lost. The wall was the easiest boss. I beat it at level 45 lol! Im serious. All I did was revive everytime I got crushed. I managed to kill him at such a low level.
I guess i over lvl all my chars.. hah I never had problems with bosses in FFIV but I can tell you a funny story.

The last Boss fight of the game I had a plan to just dominate and kick his ass.... well.... I had Rosa do Holy(dont do that at first) Kain was to Jump (hmm his name escapes me at the moment) The ninja was to throw the spoon dart Rydia Summmon Leviathann (dont ask me why)
And Cecil attacked....
Well I must have screwed around to long cause he killed everyone before anything happened but Cecil's attack.
So i used a pheonix down and brought back rosa and together we raised Kain and Edge(got it).
This went on for far to long..
I had to say its now or never so I had Kain ready to jump and Edge to throw the spoon dart...
Well.. at least Cecil was able to attack...(poor Kain and Edge died.... never did get to use that damn Spoon Dart..)
So I said screw it... its been far to long since I saved it and I am going to win this fight!
I had Cecil hit twice then use an elixer over and over again til I killed him...
A long and scary fight.. but I solo-ed the last boss...Boom Baby!
The first time I played FFII (US port)... I don't even remember! I must have been 6 or 7 years old. So let me tell you, the ammount of hours I poured into this game made it so the most difficult bosses evolved throuought my playthroughs. I am currently playing the PSone version, but have finished the SNES one so many times it hurts.

However, let's list some easy ones for me :
Golbez : maybe I was overleveled, but never was a case
Four fiends : Use an elexir on Milon and you're a quarterway there
Obviously the first few bosses, Mist Dragon, Antlion, Octommamom
White Dragon : By this point, those enemies didn't have enough oomph to make it difficult.
Dark Elf : One word : Weak (Wind, Tornado, whatever) spell. Use it, and win.
Zeromus : Honestly, I've NEVER had trouble with the end boss... Maybe I was way too high leveled. I have a tendancy to level up and have fun spending hours fighting wave after wave of enemies. Oh well.

Bosses that I had trouble at a certain point in time with :
Obviously evil wall. Although it sometimes isn't that bad. It was normally quite difficult. I used to always use Virus against the enemy and try desperately to bash it, but it seems like a coin toss to me.

Baigan : Sometimes I had such a hard time with him. But I recently beat him, wondering why I feared him as a boss before...

K. and Q. Eblan. : Clearly it depends when you attack them. But I never liked those boss fights

Plague : For some reason, I remember my childhood being haunted by this one eyed freak. Maybe I had too much of an imagination.

Bosses I hated :
The sisters. I just HATE them.
Mom Bomb : Just never seem to be strong enough not to get wailed on so bad.

Bosses I loved :
Four fiends
Rubicant : He looks so damn cool
Ogopogo : I know I'm near the end, and he seems fairly easy. Always a good sign.

Oh well. I do love FFII/IV. It was my first FF, and I played it when i barely spoke (let alone read) English. Imagine with the botched translation waht I could understand... But such good memories. I love this game!
Which version is the harder one?

I recently completed FF4 (FF2 for SNES) and I don't recall many hard bosses. And I beat Zeromus on my 2nd try with all my characters between level 50 and 55 using Bahamut, Ninja stars, Cure 4, Life 2, and regular attacks. I didn't even get protect, shell, or meteo yet (are the former 2 even in the game?)
Why does this word keep being used? "Hard.."

I would say which one is easier and which is the least easiest boss.

hah...ha... uhh high five anyone? .. no? Alright more for me. :highfive:
Why does this word keep being used? "Hard.."

I would say which one is easier and which is the least easiest boss.

hah...ha... uhh high five anyone? .. no? Alright more for me. :highfive:

With respects, some people enjoy blazing through a game without spending hours on end leveling up. I do believe that people having trouble with non-strategy pecific bosses (such as the Dark Elf's Dragon form) are simply not spending two hours prior leveling up, or whatever it may be for that matter.

That being said, the SNES version was far from "hard". But as a six year old, it sure was deep!
Interesting reading all your experinces!

Ok, I played the nds version of it and the hardest boss I remember was Dr. Lugae. It took me days to beat that stupid thing because it keeps on casting revesal gas and I cannot get the timming correct and all my spells worked againts me! (I know the trick of using Elixir...etc but I don't like using those tricks)

I beat the Demon wall on my first attempt! haha! Don't know why many found it hard. All I need to do is be really quick with the buttons. I beat Bahamut and the four friends on my first try too! Weird.

Other than that, harder ones for me are Dark elf, Cabrina, Odin, CPU and Levathian which took me several tries.

I beat Zeromus after the 3rd try. The final battle with Zeromus, my character are all at level 63 only and I got all of them still alive at the end! Rydia with her Bahamut and Edge with his Fuma Shuriken does most of the damage, althought the final blow was from Cecil himself! Woohoo! Rosa was very useful with her healing, haste and slow power but Kain was pretty useless! hahah!
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The bosses were actually rather easy in FFIV... The hardest one I can recall is the Four Fiends because the female one (can't remember her name for the life of me) used Malestrom. Got me every. single. time. I got lucky one time when she didn't use it and then killed Rubicante easily, but jeez.