Hardest Boss

Big Casino

Money for Nothing
Mar 4, 2007
ok who do u think was the hardest boss to beat in ff7?? im excluding emerald and ruby weapon cuz they were....tough.

At the time i thought the materia keeper in the niebleham mountains was pretty difficult. which limit break with cloud did u have at the time?? think i had climhazzard, when i fought him.

haha a m8 of mine sez he thot that the scorpion boss u fight at the start with barret was hard. lol. :P
Emerald and ruby were easy if you had the right materia combinations
i would then say materia keeper or reno rude and elena the last time you fought them.I had cross slash cause i always underlv in ff's
Hardest boss huh? The first time through I had a hard time with the Red Dragon & the Demons Gate in the Temple of the Ancients. The 5 warriars of the Pagoda in Wutaia was difficult for me too. I thought Emerald was easy, I had a harder time with Ruby.
ruby easier cause if you have the correct materia equipped you can just leave it on
If I play FF7 again, no boss would even hold a candle to me now that I know all the little tricks and strategies.I was just stating that these bosses were hard the first time around.

I know now that you can stop Ruby for the whole fight, but I didn't know that the first time through, that's why I said she was harder.
None. it was all too simple. No regular boss could match my strength and power. i did have a little trouble with the weapons and afterwards...cakewalk
First time I ever played the game I found the Guard Scorpion fairly hard. Don't laugh! I never took note of Clouds warning and always got raped by its Tail Laser >_<

But more properly would definitly be the Materia Keeper. That guy is a nightmare if you don't know what your doing. Simply set-up Big Guard, hit it with Ice 2 magic and Limit Breaks, healing and recasting Big Guard when necassary and watch the bugger go down! (Not forgetting to learn Trine either :P )

Other notable mentions are Godo (especially at lower levels), Demons Gate can be abit of a basterd at times, and even Dyne if you haven't been using Barret all too much (his two attacks in one turn can really screw you over if your weak!). Other than that its not really much else.
Well, through the regualr storyline game I really didn't have a problem with any bosses. I'd say though the hardest in the game is the only one I have yet to defeat: Emerald WEAPON.
Demon Wall, easily. Every time I play that game... it's the only thing that ever beats me. lol It's such a bastard. Bastard of plaster. I hate it. *cries* So mean...
First time I ever played the game I found the Guard Scorpion fairly hard. Don't laugh! I never took note of Clouds warning and always got raped by its Tail Laser >_<

But more properly would definitly be the Materia Keeper. That guy is a nightmare if you don't know what your doing. Simply set-up Big Guard, hit it with Ice 2 magic and Limit Breaks, healing and recasting Big Guard when necassary and watch the bugger go down! (Not forgetting to learn Trine either :P )

Other notable mentions are Godo (especially at lower levels), Demons Gate can be abit of a basterd at times, and even Dyne if you haven't been using Barret all too much (his two attacks in one turn can really screw you over if your weak!). Other than that its not really much else.

I never learnt trine this time round, Materia keeper got raped by 3 limits and then ice magic and died before he used trine :(

the Demon Wall is fucking irritating, unless your on the backrow, and/or power level he can kill each character in one turn with that white thing that falls from the ceiling :(
DEmon's Gate was very annoying. I think that thing was the reason why I power leveled for the rest of the game in the first place. But after that everything was easy if you knew what to do.
I share the opinion with many that Demon's Wall is one of the hardest ( if not THE ) compulsory bosses of the game. The only other I remember giving me so much trouble was the Carry Armour last time I played through, but that was a speed run and could be to do with me being under-levelled at the time.
I never learnt trine this time round, Materia keeper got raped by 3 limits and then ice magic and died before he used trine :(

the Demon Wall is fucking irritating, unless your on the backrow, and/or power level he can kill each character in one turn with that white thing that falls from the ceiling :(
Demons Gate is a piece of piss really, just got to remember to keep yourself healed.

My general stratagy is:
Everyone back row and with 'Fury' status.
Cast 'Big Guard'.
Cast 'Bahamut'. one of the only magics avalible to you that will do some decent damage.
Because of 'Fury', your Limit Guage will fill up fast. Simply pound away with Limit Breaks when they become avalible.
Once your health starts getting low, use 'Cure 2'. Recast 'Big Guard' as soon as it expires to keep your defences up.

Simple :P
I'm gonna have 2 go with emerald, ruby and safer sephiroth goddamn he was a pain in the arse! i hate his nova attack I got pwned about 10 times until i beat him. other than those no prob
i'm going with ultima as 2 of my normal people you could not use, and it was just after a big boss fight so i could not be bothered to go back and train the other two. I did get through it but it was hard to me