Hardest Boss

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Zu from Wutai. I've honestly never had a problem with Demon Wall it's always Zu who screwed me up. Not being able to use healing and summoning materia really screws me over and i despise having to use elixers and x-potions unless i really have to.
Not including Ruby huh? Well that's a tough one.....I'd say Jenove-LIFE. The one you fight after Aeris dies. I wasn't prepared for a boss fight then and was nearly killed. Bahamut saved me though.
well that boss that you fight on the elevator where you're only stuck with Red XIII, Barret, and Aeris........ well atleast that's what i chose as my party after Cloud and Tifa seperated from the group........ Aeris was weak, Red XIII had a decent Limit and so did Barret, just my items on stock made it hard for me lol.....
First off, that's the only people you can choose for the party as Tifa decides to wait for Cloud. Second, Aeris works well with spells. Next time you attempt that fight, equip her with bolt and restore+all materias
Not including Ruby huh? Well that's a tough one.....I'd say Jenove-LIFE. The one you fight after Aeris dies. I wasn't prepared for a boss fight then and was nearly killed. Bahamut saved me though.

how can you lose to that Jenova? you get an item on the way that is not a secret that drains every attack it can use, you just skip your turn till it runs out of skill points, revive whoever didn't have it equipped and enjoy mass exp.
Sephiroth right before you fight him alone as Cloud. It took me millions of time to defeat him before getting to the very last fight of the game.
Well I guess the fight with Reno, Rude and Elena on disk 2 in Midgar caused me the most grief, it took me about 5-6 tries in the end -__-
alright......i think for me it would be the wall in the temple of the ancients, i cant count how many tries that took me.
Not including Ruby and Emerald, Imgoing with:

Rapps - He was pretty hard, no materia and an attack that did too much damage for my liking = all phoenix downs used

Also Godo, Im really struggling this time round on him for some reason, it wouldnt be HALF so bad if the stupid git didnt keep healing -__-
If you have to take Ruby and Emerald WEAPON out of the mix, then the hardest boss for me was Ultima WEAPON, simply because he would do one massive attack, and run away, and i normally forget to heal and save before the next round.

another hard boss for me was the Demon Gate in the Temple of the Ancients.
the rush attack and the boulders it had fall on you was difficult to heal from on a low level, like most are on their first play-through of the game.
Honestly, the first time i played, i found all bosses relatively difficult because i had no idea where to place materia and i was seriously underlevelled : /
^ hurrr I just remembered my first play through, I think I was in the same boat as you. I think I must have died on almost every boss through being under levelled and not knowing what I was doing xD

I was struggling so much, that I just could NOT beat Sephiroth.....I gave up and restarted my game, Id kill Jenova and scrape through the few fights as you worked your way down to him........xD
^ hurrr I just remembered my first play through, I think I was in the same boat as you. I think I must have died on almost every boss through being under levelled and not knowing what I was doing xD

I was struggling so much, that I just could NOT beat Sephiroth.....I gave up and restarted my game, Id kill Jenova and scrape through the few fights as you worked your way down to him........xD
After dieing against a few, i re-started and was in the opposite boat and was really over levelled >.<
but atleast it made the bosses easier.
Deliberate under-levelling makes the game so much more fun if you like a challenge.

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I never trained when I played the game the first time(I was like 11 I didn't want to fight that much) and the boss in the temple of ancients was really hard, Also Jenova in the city of ancients almost always pwned my whole party with her Aqualung(didn't equip the Blue Ring) in the second CD things were easier as I trained more.
In all honesty I do not remember any boss being very tough at all in this game.

Many people say the Demon Wall is a tough take-down, but I can't remember spending more than one battle on him at most. I think I took him out in one shot. Then again I do like to spend 5 pointless hours in every part of the world leveling up before I move on so my boss battles are cake.

Optional bosses though: Emerald by far.
You cannot have taken Demon Wall down in one shot because it has 10,500 HP unless I am mistaken. I found Demon Wall a challenge, but I was seriously under prepared
He meant it only took him one try to take down Demon Wall. It takes most people a couple of tries because of Demon Wall's difficulty.

My choice for this game is easily Demon Wall. The difficulty spike is enormous from any of the other bosses in the game. There was no real "trick" to beating it, unlike other bosses. The only strategy that really worked was hit it hard and fast. Your attacks are basically worthless with the exception of summons. You literally had to cast all your summons to knock down 4/5th of his health and then just pray that your team had enough in them to pick the rest away.
Honestly, I cannot choose my hardest boss because none were actually hard to me. I'd beat the crud outta all of them in basically one or two turns of KotR.