Hardest final fantasy VIII boss? anyone?

Omega Weapon was my hardest, even using Game Shark to hack all my characters and GF's to maximum did NOT help me AT ALL! the fight lasted over a freaking hour and towards the end of it all my GF"s except carbuncle were dead, and all of my party laid dead, thinking it was over Phoenix showed up and revived me and I went into Lionheart Overdrive and finished him. That was the hardest boss fight I ever had in ANY game I ever played, it was a hell of a victory but I will never ever fight that big bastard again.lol. When the official strategy guide said Omega Weapon was way way harder then Ultimecia they weren't kidding!!
Adel was the HARDEST for me(1st playthrough)! I thought the game would be easy and I didn't really care much about making my characters stronger. I didn't even know how to remodel weapons. In the end I had to start all over again.
Ultima and Omega weapons were kinda easy for me. It is just a matter how skilled are you with the battle system. The game just becomes too easy if you know the battle system well.
I wish I could erase my memory about it so I can enjoy the toughness again... or maybe try the no junction challenge.
There is an easy way to beat Omega boss.

1. Have Zell/Irvine (with 99 AP Ammo), Squall, Riona
2. Max everyone weapon, Junction Triple to SPEED, get all the speed and auto haste you can
3. The most important; Riona should only learn the limit break. "Angelo Strike, Wishing Star,and Invincible Moon"
4. Riona must have "Initiative" skill
5. When battle start, cross your fingers that Omega use his gay skill that leave all party member with 1 or 2 hp. Have Riona do the limit break with 33% of getting Invincible Moon. Once Invincible Moon is up and running, Limit break Until Omega die.

=o Awesome. I beat him, once, but he took me forever. xD

Just to point out. I'm pretty sure Invincible Moon has a higher chance of activating then other moves, especially when everyone is near death. I'm doing a Rinoa only playthrough right now and she uses it like every other time I use her Limit Break, and I know everything so far. xP

Anyway, I would say Omega weapon. Though, it can be kind of annoying to find. But, I always compare bosses to other games and I would say the Omega Weapon is FFVIII is easy compared to the damn one in FFV. D: I'm like lv. 50 and he kills me in like two hits. ;-;
try beating bahamut in lvl 20 xD xD but the most difficult was omega weapon since you couldnt avoid certain attacks and the time was too little sometimes. I also loved the whole quest for it.
Well, there weren't really any hard bosses besides Omega IMO, but then again, i have a tendency to pick at every sidequest, which inevitably led to me grinding all my characters to 100 by the time i hit Esther....

Omega is a bitch.
What I dont get is right, S.S/S-E made the monsters level up with the party but not the bosses? Why not? why stop there?

Only really hard bosses were allowed to go up to the 100 level limit, Omega, Ulitma, Bahamut Diablos granted thy just bosses you can/may fight if you choose, butt Bosses in Ultimacia Castle were stopped at below level 60 WTF for?

Seifer in Lunatic Pandora peaked at level 45, near the end of the game the Rival of the main dude was stopped Sub level 50?

I dont get it:ffS:

Hard bosses on this game are a paradox!
(Not thread bashing)
Ultima and Omega Weapon were the hardest bosses, in my opinion. Ultima obviously just took longer to beat since it had 750,000+ HP. I remember on my first play-through Omega Weapon had pretty much devastated my party with its Light Pillar attack (two in a row) and knocking out my third character before I could heal her. The only thing that saved me was Rinoa's "Angelo's Reverse" ability reviving her, otherwise it would have been game over which would have sucked since I had forgotten to save my progress all throughout the excavation site.

What I dont get is right, S.S/S-E made the monsters level up with the party but not the bosses? Why not? why stop there?

I don't think boss levels really mattered all that much. The late ones in the game pretty much all had devastating attacks. Likewise, character levels didn't really all that much either. These battles were more strategy than brute force. If you knew how to beat them, you could do it with pretty low stats and plenty of time, in my opinion.
Frst playthrough I sucked at boss fights xD
The brothers really gave me a hard time, I was so happy to find a way to the door in the maze and then before I knew it, my party died.
Many times actually, it took a while before I defeated them.
Later on I had trouble with Adel, the weapons and Ultimecia
It has to be the big blue tank boss that you face during Selphie's missile mission. Didn't really struggle on the game with bosses till then and had no problem with bosses after the tank, expect Ultimeca. The big blue tank boss is the hardest because he keeps on using that laser canon, which can wipe out party members or leave him with low hp. It tooks months for me to defeat him.:sad3:
Brothers are really that hard? I've always found them quite easy... even on my very first playthrough when I was little, I didn't junction magic to any stats, and like every other playthrough I went for them at the same time as trying to find the ID for the dude in Deling City :P
The hardest boss is naturally Ultimecia (well, specifically the Griever phase, so yeah, Griever), but the Weapons are pretty goddamn hard too. I was stuck on Adel for an uncomfortably long time too.
To me, Omega was kind of a pushover... If you have all of your characters MAXED with a whole bunch of the strongest spells, I took him out and only like one person died... >.> But early on in the game, when you aren't maxed out... Hmm... I'd say Diablos was kind of a pain... But that's just me.
If you junction your magic right... every boss is a breeze. It's hard to imagine losing to any boss other than omega if you mod cards and junction good magic.
lol I actually thought the sooner you fought Diablo, the easier he was...of course I didnt figure that out until my 2nd time through the game though

I think Omega Weapon is the hardest. :gmonster:
Same Here

I also thought the hardest boss was Ultima Weapon. Couldn't beat it untill i got all my party members up to lvl. 60(with all of their Ultimate weapons:holyshit:)

But i also had a hard time with that one boss(forget what it was called)that u had to fight when u have to destroy the missle base at the end of disk 2.
Disregarding the obvious Omega/Ultima weapons, on my first playthrough Diablos was a bit of a drag. Then after working out the mechanics of forcing him to heal you it was a breeze (though when a draw fails it's horrible!).

Oh, and on the first time around I used to rely too heavily on summoning GF in battle (lazy, I guess) and so the Adel fight was somewhat challenging as I'd also rushed into Lunatic Pandora without developing my characters and didn't know much about junctioning appropriately.
beating omega was hard having tons of HP...it wont work if you dont have holy war and hero

but in reality, its hard to defeat edea in disc 2. its just lucky that i had my gunblade upgraded to LH in 2nd disc so i didnt had a hard time. but in reality, defeating a ruby dragon is harder compared to some of the bosses
I'd say that if we're talking first playthrough, then it would either be the tank that you fight outside of the military base after you sabatoge the missiles or it would be probably ultimecia's last form just because of that one attack that sends you down to critical hp.