Hardest organization XIII member?

Devil Summer

ShinRa Guard
Dec 2, 2006
In your opinion who was the hardest one to beat ?
I think the hardest one was probably Demyx, because you had to kill those water forms before time ran out...and most of the time it ran out :(
I didn't find Demyx hard really just use the reaction command it helps a lot, however if you want the hardest Organization XIII member then I would say Xemnas since he annoyed me with all his forms, but if we don't include Xemnas I say Xaldin though he wasn't very strong though >.>


That is all Im saying on the matter since I have ranted about him in various threads. I think everyone knows my love for this guy -_-
Hahaha I died on Axel at the beginning aswel. Infact I died on them all repeatedly apart from Luxord and Saix....

They were all butt heads IMO really...
x2. On my first play through, I had my arse handed to me countless times, even on Beginner Mode. I never lost to anyone else until him and even Mickey failed to save me from Xaldin. However, once I learned the secret of storing Jump reactions, he was almost a cakewalk.

I know how difficult Demyx can potentially be but it appears that every player other than me has lost to Demyx at least once. I had a close shave in Hollow Bastion but I've never lost to him.

I did lose to Luxord, once ... but I'm still not sure how that battle works, to be perfectly honest.
I found Xigbar and Xaldin to be hardest, Xaldin kept killing me with his fast speary attacks and Xigbar just didn't give me the chance to hurt him at all
I had to fight Xaldin again, and again, and again. I gave up a few times too.
Saix was pretty challenging as well. Most of the Organasation's members were easy to me, apart from those two. I'm afraid to know what they're like in Proud Mode :P
xaldin definitly, he kicks my ass. alot of his attacks are really hard to dodge and even at higher levels he can be tough. I fought him at level 35 and that is rediculously hard.
Xaldin was easily the hardest. I can't remember what I was trying to do to beat him since it's a while since I've played Kingdom Hearts II, but it was the complete opposite of what I should have been doing...so basically I got my ass kicked all over! -__-
Personally, none of the Organization members were that hard in my opinion. Well, Xaldin was at first, but then I got used to his pattern and now he's no trouble to me at all.
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organization 13 never gave me problems strangely enough. maybe that's because Marluxia died so quickly on my CoM :)

I'd say it's because the game is painfully easy.

The Org XIII who gave me the most problems was Demyx. I had some difficulty defeating his water clones within the time limit. During my first attempt, I had Auto Limit equipped to Goofy and Donald, making it impossible to use the reaction command where Sora grabs a clone and whips it around, destroying large amounts of enemies. I'd hit the triangle button, and initiate a limit technique instead of the reaction command.

Once I unequipped that ability, Demyx kept activating his little timed mini-game when I was clear across the battlefield. By the time I arrived to him and his clones, it was too late. I was a victim of circumstance. Ohhh, well.
Demyx is still very easy with Auto Limit equipped, Knocksmash rapes them, especially cosmic boost.
The only one who I had a little bit of trouble with was Xaldin, but he is still pretty easy.
I forget which limit technique I had equipped. It definitely wasn't ideal for destroying enemies in a short amount of time, though. The reaction command makes for a much easier fight, I feel.

Luxord sometimes gets the jump on me. I don't have a problem staying alive; rather, I occasionally struggle with depleting his meter. Honestly, I'm still a tad unsure of how that "game" works. I just beat him up until the match is over.
Xaldin was the hardest for me the other other organization members were so easy to me.I think it took me 3 hours just to beat Xaldin and to learn his pattern.He was just so hard with those lasers and he moves around alot. X_X
Demyx was a bitch for me thanks to the time limit. At least three or four times, the clock would run out when I only had two water clones left.
I started my KHII game on Proud Mode. It seemed okay, dying quite a lot in normal battles until at Beast's Castle... XALDIN!!

Oh gawd, how many times did my ass get handed to me? The King didn't even help much. :(

The second hardest was Xigbar, but he wasn't much of a problem. His laser things were pretty easy to dodge.
well they were all very easy to beat even on proud mode, but the hardest would be xaldin since he could have killed me so many times when i fought him