Hardest organization XIII member?

I hated the fight with Xaldin. I remember him explicitly as being the hardest boss in the entire game, as well as the most annoying, and I believe that combination of difficulty and annoyance easily makes him the worst boss in all of Kingdom Hearts.
I would have to say luxord. I keot losing on him because he turns you into either a card or the dice. He kept on annoying me with that. I violated him. He turned me into both of them at least twice a piece
Well Xemnas was easy for me and I didn't even have the Fenrir, as much as I wanted it I just could NOT beat Sephiroth.

Xaldin wasn't too hard in my opinion. I died once I think but its just all about timing and positioning. Plus if your Drive Gauge is charged the whole way then King Mickey will come save your ass if you die.

Demyx was a wuss. I beat him fast once I figured out there was actually a reaction command. Axel was easy as well

I gotta say, the one who screwed me over the most was Zigbar or however u spell his name. For some reason unknown to me, it took me forever to beat him. He pissed me off too cuz I had gotten Final Form while fighting him and then he killed me.
I'm going to say that Demyx was second hardest for me. The ten forms in ten seconds got me game over quite a few times. There would be one form left, and one second to get it...

Ugh, but Xaldin... I thought Demyx's forms were hard enough, but Xaldin was on a whole new level. :gasp: He was pretty hard to dodge when he gets on the side of the bridge and uses his... laser-thing, and those lances will suck the life right out of you.
XALDIN is really pissing me off in proud mode :fan:

Bit more effort in your post please, tell us why he is pissing you off...although I can imagine, took me over an hour of dying to finally kill the wanker
Struggled with Xenmas the most first time round, because the computer said 'reflect Xenmas's light beams, and used reflect magic instead and kept on dieing, and dieing and kept on wondering- why ?? -__-

But then played through the game a second time round and noticed how hard Demyx and Xaldin are. Demyx took about 10 tries, and failed to get passed Xaldin- quit on him.

Going to say Xaldin.

i think the hardest organisation xiii

i have to say tht demyx is coz u do have to beat the water type forms before demy then u have to beat demy within the time limits and thts my opinion
Xaldin hands down I mean like good would you stop moving long for me to even press the triangle Damn!I thought level 43 would be enough hell was I wrong
Xaldin, for heavens sake thats an insanely annoying fight, I only manage to run that fight perfectly after I played the game through for about the 6th time, and even then it was an ass of a fight.

Mainly because of the fact that I hate hate hate time limits, they're just frustrating and annoying. Whoever made those can go die. D<
If it wasn't for the time limits it would've been fine.

Xaldin, however. Huh. That battle actually made my heart beat massively fast, and then when I died I was like HAI MICKEY. and I kept thinking he'd come save me, but after the third time.. no. D:
Xaldin. That guy is a real pain. Demyx was really difficult, but thanks to smooth thoughts and reaction commands, he is no problem.
I would definitly agree that zaldin was a *&@&^#&@itch. i died because of him countless times.diax and luxord were hard to. luxord casue of the frickin forms he contstantly put u in. and daix casue of the constant spam
Demyx was the hardest for me. I hate running on a time limit. I could never kill all those water forms in time. When I did, I just felt like I got lucky.
xaldin, definetely xaldin. he was such an arsehole. how the hell do you wield six effimg lances. if it wasnt for mickey, i would have never beat him. thank you, king mickey. it was like fighting seph, only much harder in my opinion