Has anyone actually used cloud?

First of all Leo, lengthen up your post. Way too short and it's
spam. I'll let you off this time.

But about Cloud, problem is with him that his actual 'Limit Breaks'
had to be charged. (Which was the dumbest idea ever XD) And
secondly, if i'm right, he starts off on level 1 or on a low level.
(I don't even really know) I don't think i've used him, because I
never did get the chance to get him.
yeah unforgiven sorry about that and yeah he starts at lv 1 and it was just to to much trouble to get him .
i used him. although because he was a low lvl. all i did was pick someone from my team and took the hit and lvl'd off of him. lol. cause cloud still gets his exp even if he hits his own people. so i lvl'd him up really fast. considering i was already at lvl 70 +
Cloud wasn't the best team member because:
1. He can't use his limit breaks unless he had the "Materia Blade" equipped.
2. The Materia Blade is not the best sword in terms of attack power for Cloud.

I did manage to successfully hit a boss with Cherry Blossom once. Of course the guy was "Stopped." Awesome though. Oh yea, another thing was that, though Cloud's limit breaks may be awesome, they take a long time to charge especially Cherry Blossom.
it took me a few run throughs to get him..so of course when i got him i used him...

i just made him attack my charecters....have my main charecter yell to speed up the proccess
Cloud wasn't the best team member because:
1. He can't use his limit breaks unless he had the "Materia Blade" equipped.
2. The Materia Blade is not the best sword in terms of attack power for Cloud.

I did manage to successfully hit a boss with Cherry Blossom once. Of course the guy was "Stopped." Awesome though. Oh yea, another thing was that, though Cloud's limit breaks may be awesome, they take a long time to charge especially Cherry Blossom.

ever tried double weaponing cloud. so he can have haste on him and then his charge would be less?
Yeah, it took a lot of training (mostly Cloud attacking my characters at first), but I definitely trained Cloud to a high level and earned all of his abilities. To me, with all the work it took to get him, it wouldn't be worth it just to let him take up a slot in my Formation. I was going to use him.

I think I probably used Climhazzard and Finish Touch more than anything else.
I never actually used Cloud, I just got him to see if he was really in the game... never found the materia blade though... >.> wish I could have seen the limit breaks in action...
My sister has him and he starts at level 12 or so,but after leveling him to 60 or so,she says he's awesome.I have him but never used him,so I can't comment.
I leveled him up and at level 99 Cherry Bomb only takes 4 turns to charge... anyways if you wanna make him good just put all the best stuff on him just make sure he keeps his blade.
I put short charge as his support so he attacks a lot faster now and I used my ramza to calculate haste on him so he attacks really quickly.
its hard to even pull off a braver or cross slash

You think that's hard? Try Cherry Blossom. Once I trapped a monster and waited 30 turns or so to unleash it. Ridiculous. Also, to answer this thread's question, yes I did. My Cloud is level 99 and I use him all the time. But I don't ever use Limit; You need the Materia blade to make it work and it's a piece of crap. it only has 10 attack power.
I used Cloud just to see all of his abilities. After that I thought he wasn't a very useful character so I cut him from my team.
I leveled Cloud up once to see how good I could make him. ...what a waste of my life :(
Using Cloud was awesome. I had mine equiped with the "Two-Handed" ability to double his strength to 20 which made a difference then I equiped him with this auto-haste thingy and that short charge ability.

Took alotta work but by the time I was finished I could take on the final boss with Cloud And Ramza by themselves. Total badassness
I leveled Cloud up a bit, then tried out his awesome Limits. I enjoyed the short charge ability with Cloud's Finishing Touch Limit. As for equipment, I kept him well up to date with the other guys and gals in my group. Although I didn't enjoy the Materia Blade because of it's power, but it's needed for his Limits.