Have you cried playing this Game?

when the party first got to the calm land and Yuna dropped to the ground after all those hours of playing and all the things i'd learned i had tears in my eyes i didn't want yuna to die then Tidus said "i won't let you die i'll find away"....

and i smashed the TV
Nope never cried but my heart was moved quite a bit. This game brought out many emotions, but since there has already been an emotions thread out there... and I've posted in it I'll leave it to that.

Reason I didn't cry was Tidus I guess. I sort of hated him at the beginning and then liked him a bit more, but at the same time still had that sort of distain for him. He played his role though, definitely good character, but for some reason men/boys who cry like that make me erked inside.
I never cried but i did literally jump out of my seat and yelled WWWWATTT!!!??? when i found out yuna was suppose to die. the only FF game ive cried to was crisis core, i probably woulda cried to ff7 when aerith died if i didnt no it was coming, weird thing is i new zack was gunna die and i still cried
Everyone mentions how much it hurt to see Aeris die, but I really didn't give a shit. It's weird.
First of all It's about X not VII o.o
This game was in fact very emotional and it touched my heart quite a bit. No i didn't cry (which is weird I cry all the time xD) but was i sad? Yes. It's very sad and i got very attached to the characters and it was hard letting them go.
Everyone mentions how much it hurt to see Aeris die, but I really didn't give a shit. It's weird.

unnecessary post is unnecessary, this is the FFX section

YOU HAVE NO SOUL! lol sorry really off topic

i cried when Aeris died mainly because i lost all her abilities... and then i discovered game shark

....let's keep on topic please :awesome:
I had tears in my eyes first play at the following sections

Yuna and Tidus's snog in the water

Rikku and Tidus's conversation at Mt Gagazet (but then Seymour killed me repeatedly til I got sick of that dialogue)- this upset me the next few playthroughs as I adore Kihmari and I don't want him hurt

When Tidus holds Jecht's head

When Auron Disappears (but not Tidus, surprisingly)
IMO the saddest part of FFX was Auron being sent by Yuna. It was sad because you knew that he was dead, but at the same time I never thought that would happen to him, and then of course Jecht and Tidus just compounding the despair when they both disappear. FFX probably had the most disparaging ending of any FF game ever.
I cried at the beginning for some odd reason, I think it was the impact that the beautiful music had on me. And then I had a few tears shed at the end when Tidus had to fade away ... it didn't seem right to me, it felt like justice hadn't been delivered. That's why I was so glad X-2 came out. :awesome:
Of course I've cried! Only like a thousand times! :gasp: LOL.

Anyway this game is most definitely the most heart-wrenching for mwah! It's so life-like with the graphics, which help make the characters feel even more real than previous Final Fantasy games.

I don't think there has been any other game other then FFX and FFX-2 that has brought on the waterworks. XD

The Spring scene and The Ending in FFX totally turned me into the biggest crybaby ever. That's twice in one game! :gasp:

The Spring scene was so emotional because it was one of the only times Yuna and Tidus got to be alone together and comfort each other. This was also just after Tidus found out that Yuna was going to sacrifice her life at the end of her pilgrimage and she wasn't sure what she should do anymore.

The Ending is pretty self explanatory... "NO DON'T GO TIDUS! HOW COULD YOU?!" :gasp: This scene wins for being the most emotional and making me cry like a little girl every time I watch it. >_<

In FFX-2 The 1000 Words Concert and The Farplane did the same thing. >_<

1000 Words definitely wins for being the most emotional scene in FFX-2. It is so depressing seeing two lovers (Lenne and Shuyin) die. =( Shuyin was an idiot in all honesty for trying a stunt like that though. However, in the end it was bloody romantic and if someone tried to save me by blowing up a city then I'd be freakin' impressed. XD

The Farplane was sad in the way that it was disappointing for Yuna. =/ The look of hope on her face when she saw Shuyin emerge from the mist (thinking that it was Tidus) was almost heartbreaking. =(

The same goes for Shuyin when he thought Yuna was Lenne and then they share a hug. Even though Yuna knew it wasn't Tidus, it felt like she still needed to be close to him. He looked like Tidus after all and it was like she was pretending it was him just for a few seconds.

Also, Lenne was kind of in the scene within Yuna and that made Yuna a little more confused when she continued to hug him. She must of felt like she needed to hug him but wasn't sure why. =/
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No,I didn't cry,but this is the first game I ever played,that made me really care about the characters. It's such a great story.

Alright,maybe I choked up a little...
Most of the FF's are love stories lol. But yeah, i had tears in my eyes when i watched the end of X, it was touching. I don't really remember anything about X-2.
I found it VERY touching throughout, but it didn't move me to tears too much. If I was more open with my feelings and stuff, I probably would have cried a couple of times during this game. For me, the most upsetting part is the journey to Zanarkand, knowing what was to happen. The destruction of Home and Tidus' realisation of what the pilgrimage was for was a brilliant moment too, really emotional. And then there's his failure to accept Yuna's fate and Rikku's desperate hope to find another way. And then there's such a huge wave of relief as you realise that there is.

And of course, the end is quite an emotional experience, as you've become so attached to the characters and wanted Yuna and Tidus to be happy together forever. And as the dream ends, it leaves an emptiness in the player as real as what Yuna would have felt. AND to top it off, there's the realisation that the game is over too and that that particular section of the story has come to an end on a sad note.

It's beautifully written and just so fascinating. I could feel the tears welling up, but I held them back XD Yet another masterpiece of a game that has such a moving and in depth story with a party of heroes that you just never want to say goodbye to.
Wow, what a great monologue. XD. jk jk. I agree with every part of that. But which is more depressing, FF7 where Aeris dies or FF10 Where Tidus fades away?
FFX with Tidus. Aerith (I like to use that varient of her name more) never really struck up those feelings for me. I was always too busy thinking about Tifa for some reason. I felt more upset for Yuna when Tidus disappeared because I wanted them to be happy after everything they went through. Though I did find Aerith's death quite upsetting, it just wasn't as memorable for me.
Same for me, i hardly ever used Aerith anyway, Main party was like Cloud, Cid, Nanaki. Another memorable seen in FFX that i could watch over and over again though would be the scene where Tidus and Yuna kiss after the Macalania Temple.
In the pool in the woods? That was such a beautiful scene. If memory serves me well, Suteki Da Ne is playing too isn't it? I know it was something nice anyway. I often forget that bit, but it's a fantastic moment.
As much as I love FFX, I seem to be one of the few people who considered the storyline to be quite a weak one. It was the gameplay that appealed to me much more for this instalment and so I drew virtually no emotional empathy with the characters. So yeah, I didn't cry at the game at any point. I'd say the closest I got to being brought to tears was the horror of the laughing scene between Yuna and Tidus...