Have you cried playing this Game?

Everytime i watch Ending i'm just about to cry :D And when i watch X-2 secret ending i can't belive what i was seeing!!; ]] ohh... Final Fantasy is so Emotion game! Did you also cried when you watch some of cutscenes?:awesome:
The game's emotional of course, but haven't had any tears roll down the face yet. I've seen it a couple times and the person who actually got me to buy the game and told me all about it at first, said he was close to it the first time he saw the ending when he was in sophomore year of high school. But nah, I haven't.
of course i did!!! anyone didnt????

bt the secret ending in x-2... the new yuna & old tidus dont match. haha.
I'd say the closest I got to being brought to tears was the horror of the laughing scene between Yuna and Tidus...

LOL That scene was horrendous..

But I did cry at the end. There is something about the music in the game that is also very touching and makes me teary eyed. XD I'm a baby.
I think the scene when Yuna is crying in Macalania Woods and Tidus holds her close is pretty moving.
The whole sequence gave me the "aw" factor!
But probably the ending got me close...
(Nothings made me blubber more than a baby that Aeris's death!) =/
No, but damn near. Damn near.

tad more effort in your post lease flower, this is considered spam, we'd like to know why it pulled on the old heart strings and not just that you nearly blubbed

Ta very much
it was a tearjerking ending BUT it should have been left at that. Tidus's loss was whatmade the ending so powerful and when they made X-2 they took alot of meaning awayfrom the oringal ending. X-2 was just to blah
It made me cry, I put my hand up! There are only 2 scenes. The first is the kiss. That moved me because it was so sweet and tender. I love Yuna and how she felt for Tidus was just so beauitful and just so adoreable. The second was the ending when Yuna ran to Tidus and fell through him. Her face was just pure pain and I was so upset for her. I was like "NOOOOO!" because she was finally happy and it as taken away from her!

But when she said "I love you" and he hugged her I couldnt breathe I was so uspet. It chokes me up thinking about it now.
I shed a tear at the ending, but the main cutscene which got me was the one where Tidus finds out that Yuna will die if she summons the Final Aeon, and how no one told him she would die. The music really fiddles with your emotions in that scene, it was really good.
I never really cried during this game per se. But the scene with Tidus and Yuna in the water was a very beautiful scene. Probably my favorite of the game. Heck, might even be near my top of favorite scenes during FF games. The part that made me sad was of course the ending and
when you have to kill the aeons at the end. It was rather depressing.
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I sure did! It takes so many twists and turns in the end, it's hard to not feel bad about what the result is. I can take it a lot better now, but the first time it was pretty tough. My theory as to why they made a sequel for this game is just that. Think about it, if kids were playing this game (the main demographic), it would break their heart to see the result. So the next game comes along as to show that Tidus and Yuna can still be together. It's much happier the next time around.
i dont think there ever was one when i cried. When sin destroyed kilika i was like " Ill kill ya, ya basterd!!!" lol. that really hurt me lol. When u find that thing about auron (after Yunalesca) i was like "OMG!!" lol
Ok I am a male and I can honestly say the ending brought a tear to my eye and made the air escape my lungs. I loved the ending and how it totally did a 360 when you thought yuna was the one to....it turned out it was tidus ultimately
Sure the ending was pretty sad, but I didn't cry, I'm not really the crying type. >_>
It was sad how Yuna had to kill all her aeons and Tidus had to go back to where ever he went back to Zanakand dream land? o_O.
I cried like a baby when I got to the end. I already knew what was going to happen before I played (read the spoilers :whistle2:) and I still cried. Even now when I watch the video of it on youtube I start crying.

I'm a pretty emotional person. :P