Have you ever...

So wait...the clear sphere clears ONE node, or all of them???
I never knew about that!!! O_O
I've completed it only with Tidus, but my stats didn't get to max, so now... you know
No, i can't seem to catch any marlboros!!!!!!!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRGGG!
what are your stats?
ultima buster is hard and has over 5000000 hp and can deal 99999 damge
No, I haven't even unlocked Break damage, or break HP limits yet!!!
But I'm playing on a really old save file from years ago.
I might need to start over and remax my stats. =x
yeah that would be wise lol
an easy way to max em out is to beat omega wep and get his armour he drops(it usally has break hp limit)
one thing though do you have the american version or europe version?
cause if you have europe version you cant fight the dark aeons
Hmm I have the American Version. Dark Aeons? Like Yojimbo??
well dark yojimbo
you fight them in certain places
its not like the one you fight in that cave
they are super stated with millions of hp and when you beat all of em you fight penance (hardest boss in game with 12000000 hp)
i think you can still get clear spheres though
well its only in the european version so you'll have to import it from europe or australia and get a chipped ps2
it depends which one your gonna fight so like dark valefor is in besaid village but dark anima is on mt gagazet
Uckkgg. I have to get it imported AND chipped??? O_O
Talk about complications!
I'm sure my brother in law can chip it for me, he's a genious with that stuff. I just have to import it ^_^
Yeah but I've noticed that the older the FFs get, the more pricey they are!
Try getting your hands on the original FFs and see how much money you spend. LOL.

Luckily this one is still in high demand.