Have you ever...

Im not even close XD Yuna has more HP than Auron XD My main 3 Yuna Lulu and Auron can all take off 9999 - Yuna is the only one with break damage limit so she takes off about 24k - however her Magus sisters take off 99999 with each attack - icluding passado

My friend Adam (Adamski-sins) DID complete the sphere grid with everyone but he has way to much free time XD
I'm only 1/3rd through. I will get round to completing it some time though.
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Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? What? lol No, I've never completed the sphere grid. I've known people who have but I personally haven't. I didn't find much of a point to it, tbh. <- (Look I've e-nerd leveled up thanks to Dark Tifa)
you dont get anything for it but it looks cool once you fill up all the empty nodes s well
I have completely the sphere grid with all my charactors, it can be kinda stupid because they lose their role when everyone can do everything but it's a fun accomplishment
If you want to get far in ffx (by getting far I mean killing penance, of course) filling the whole sphere grid isn't enough. You must erase the whole sphere grid and than refill it with those ...+4 spheres you gain in the monster arena (and hp+300, although those aren't so relevant). This process can be considered the main preparation for fighting penance, and it takes circa 200-300 hours. But the answer is yes, I filled my whole sphere grid, and then I erased it all and refilled it in that way :cool:
Absolutely not. Damn this abomination to the flames of hell, where it shall stay inside Satans asshole. God I hated the SG.
If you want to get far in ffx (by getting far I mean killing penance, of course) filling the whole sphere grid isn't enough. You must erase the whole sphere grid and than refill it with those ...+4 spheres you gain in the monster arena (and hp+300, although those aren't so relevant). This process can be considered the main preparation for fighting penance, and it takes circa 200-300 hours. But the answer is yes, I filled my whole sphere grid, and then I erased it all and refilled it in that way :cool:

My brother's friend did this. Assigned them to each corner of the sphere grid to make it easy to follow. Took him +400 hours.

Also, looks like I'm not the only one who has had their game deleted by their brother. Only problem was I only had 1 save. :mad:

He's promised that he would get me back to where I was. It probably won't feel right but I was kinda pissed.
Yep finished it 3 times now since the game's out and on the run for it again! Love FF10 ;)
well i think someone might have already said this but i can't really be bothered reading through 70-something replies to check :D anyways, yes i have beaten the sphere grid with the characters i use most of the time and the others

but there is a whole other section to powering up your characters. i think its called uber-izing or something. anyways ive been doing it 4 ages and its taking 4 ever... you need to unlock clear spheres from the arena and then set aside the next 100 hours of your life lol.

put shortly; clear every sphere on the grid and rebuild it using the +4 spheres you obtain from defating the arena bosses. you will end up with some very UBER characters if u can be stuffed. anyways im sorry if ive said what somebody has already said :D