Hawtest guy in Advent Children?


Blue Mage
Oct 25, 2006
For first I'd say Cloud, because he IS and you know it.

Second, Zack. I likes me some SOLDIERS.

And then it's too hard to pick third. Cid, Rude, Loz, Kadaj, Vincent... hmm.

Zack is so handsome! I definetely love the way he looks in both AC and LO. AC a bit more though. Mm. <3 Vincent is handsome also. No, gorgeous. That's the word. Same for Rufus. But I never really was a big fan of the evil president type...

Lame thing is, I love Cloud so much, that he's the only character I think about! I think he has the best body and looks out of all of them. And he's so... so pinchable. Freaking fatass. *fecks* Damn he's so cool. Fuck you Tifa.

And uh... he's awkward. Dorky. It's endearing. XD

I'd totally hit Kadaj too. I love his childishness. <3 That momma's boy. ARGH!

Oh look. I totally forgot to add a poll...
It's totally Kadaj.
Nothing like an emotionally unstable guy.

That & pretty hair makes me weak in the knees. :P
Sephiroth....................... Well... Don't look at me like that, It's da looks not personality. It's not his foult he want's to destroy da world
First guy to post! Wait...so now I havta say who the hawtest guy is......let's see, uh.....Cloud Strife, for reasons I won't go into.

EDIT: Oh, not the first guy to post, whoops....awkward......

I wonder how many times I've answered a similar question like this.
Oops,I forgot to count those times.
Clod is soooooooooooooooooooo hawt, but I think he ties with the almighty sefir0s.
they're both so gorgeous

also Darkblade is a fag
I would have to say that Rude is the hawtest. That badass look and the glasses, It would make any girl fall to her feet.
Rude doesn't get enough credit. Wouldn't you feel intimidated he came up to you? I know I would want him to intimidate me.
Okay, I like in AC:

1. Cloud. I agree with whoever said this earlier: He's a real pretty boy.
2. Kadaj. I don't know what it is about him. Maybe it's his Sephiroth side.
3. Vincent. I'm pretty sure he's not a vampire, but he's got that appeal of the darkness to him.
I'm stuck between Vincent and Reno!
I super love them both ^_^
fine... I'll vote for Reno!
or... Vincent... uhh... *confused*

Whatever... I'll vote for... Vincent.
I like his personality ^^

Sepiroth (bad guy look wins!)
Cloud (true *nods*)
