Hawtest guy in Advent Children?

This thread totally cracks me up because the original poster is so obsessed with Cloud it's like she envisions herself with him. xD "Fuck you, Tifa" olawl. :wacky:
*coughs and is over her amusement now*

Cloud is a good looking character for sure. So is Reno and Vincent. Zack is also pretty good looking too, so it's hard to decide who looks best. Probably Cloud if I had to pick out of those four, then Zack, then Reno and then Vincent.
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Hmm, I'll go with...Red XIII? He's my favorite character of VII!
Oh, humans...than I go with Zack! Even if he's dead and shows up for 10 seconds...

...well, Nanaki only had 1 line so I'm even...
Aaaah I can't choose....Cloud is very hot in AC, Vincent too (although a bit less than Cloud), then there's Zack...and come to think of it Reno is also pretty hot xD WOAH and Kadaj! he's sexy, in a crazy way.
So...I can't decide which of these guys is my "number one" ;__;
It's a shame.
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