Healing from a stab wound.....

Well a while ago, I do not know if this theory is still valid, but Sephiroth's masamune may have been a holy weapon and would kill anything it would touch?

But then that would not explain how Tifa and Zack survived, unless that was just an inconsistency.
Heh. I'm sorry to say that that theory is completely implausible. Quite a few people have survived being stabbed or otherwise touched by Sephiroth's Masamune (namely Zack, Tifa, and Cloud) and with very little scarring, no less. Hell, Cloud was impaled twice by it. In fact, the only named characters who actually died from it were President ShinRa and Aerith, and they were both stabbed through their vital organs. There's absolutely no indication of Sephiroth's Masamune being a holy weapon. It's just a normal sword that happens to be wielded by a legendary warrior. I mean, if the Masamune were capable of killing someone instantly just by touching them, don't you think the game would've made a bigger deal about it or at least have told you directly?

Really, it's not that much of a stretch to assume that a thin girl stabbed through the gut with a 6 foot sword would die from her injuries or that a middle-aged man would die from being stabbed through the torso. The fact that the party survives being shot, stabbed, etc. is nothing more than a Gameplay Mechanic. Cutscenes, Crisis Core, Last Order, Advent Children...basically everything EXCEPT gameplay battles prove that the characters are vulnerable to ordinary weapons and such.
It works if you see HP not as life. (because you can't assign a number to life, e.g you cannot be half dead or half alive there are only two outcomes.) See HP as the stamina of having to dodge/block attacks. After a while you'll most likely pass out as you do in the game. That would also esplain why your hp grows as you get more expreience, as an experienced runner quite obviously has more stamina than a couch potato.
its a game, its not real. althought the battle scnes require you to drain an enemies hp, there are no rules in cut scenes. theres nothing you can do to stop or change naything. i think you just have to take it with a pinch of salt really.
I think ya all looking into it too much. I do not think the designers thought it out that well. It is all story, things work to make something else possible , and to happen.
I think ya all looking into it too much. I do not think the designers thought it out that well. It is all story, things work to make something else possible , and to happen.
my point exaclty. dont think into it too much else it stops being fun.
The reason Aerith could heal from all the other attacks but not from Sephiroth? It'd break the plot if she lived and the writers were too lazy to create even a clumsy solution.

Though I never used Aerith anyway, so I don't really care about this particular gameplay/story segregation.
i think its quite simple. non-scripted battles = non canonical, scripted scenes = canon
i'm guessing she most likly got it through her heart, or another artery that results in death. But some what i do agree with u. Technically, if you do get slashed, im pretty sure that wouldnt just knock u out. I was always curious why they didnt just throw a pheonix down on her.. xD
It is because Sephiroth's sword is super huge. But then now with CC and AC it makes no since why see died and cloud could live twice?
Yeah it is really confusing with AC. I was going to mention the fact that Cloud got stabbed through the chest in the original game/CC (can't remember about Last Order) but he was practically dead when
Hojo found him and started experimenting on him and Zack
, so a phoenix down probably wouldn't have helped there either (heck, not like the game people even thought that much about it :wacky:)

But AC just blows any explanation away because not only does Cloud appear unhurt by the masamune when Sephy stabs him with it, but also he gets up and quite happily finishes Sephy off. It's Yazoo's gunshot that kills him after that, and why he comes back after that, I don't know (phoenix down in Aerith's pool?).

I think the whole thing is a lack of canon, as is usually the case with FFVII, as much as I love it. It's such a mess :mad:
There are two ways we can look at this. The first method would be the logical method, in which case the fact that Cloud didn't have JENOVA Cells/Mako Enhancements when Sephiroth stabbed him at the Nibelheim Reactor probably had a lot to do with him being near-death that time around and is certainly worth mentioning. Sure, even after undergoing the SOLDIER Treatment, Cloud is most definitely vulnerable to such things as swords and bullets, but his stamina has probably increased drastically. In other words, though the Masamune is still able to pierce his skin, Cloud's Mako Enhancements probably provided him with the endurance required to continue fighting despite having sustained serious injury. I mean, it's not like Sephiroth pierced one of his vital organs or anything. With proper tolerance for pain, it's theoretically possible for someone to keep fighting after being stabbed in the shoulder. The fact that Cloud was undoubtedly experiencing an extreme adrenaline rush further supports my claim.

Besides the fact that Cloud was a lowly, unenhanced ShinRa MP the first time Sephiroth stabbed him, I believe he was also stabbed through the stomach...oh, and he was lifted off the ground, too. That aside, yes, I'm fairly certain that Cloud was stabbed through the stomach, which meant that, for all intents and purposes, his spinal chord should've been severed (come to think of it, Sephiroth's should've been severed, as well...). Logically, Cloud should've been paralyzed from the waist down, if that were the case. Clearly, getting stabbed through the shoulder is not nearly as bad as getting stabbed through the gut. The former is really just a matter of intense pain, whereas the latter requires the person to defy physics just to continue walking. But hey, speaking of defying physics...

Explanation #2 would be following the Laws of Anime. This means that Cloud was able to continue fighting despite having been stabbed in the shoulder because he had SUPAH HONORABLE RESOLVE to continue fighting. To hell with any previous limitations Cloud might have had, his RESOLVE allowed him to overcome previously-unsurmountable odds. Logic and physics be damned. If Cloud wants to lift and swing around a 200+ pound sword in one hand after just being stabbed in the shoulder, then damnit, he can, as long as he has enough RESOLVE. Through sheer determination and willpower, Cloud has overcome the laws of reality.

As for the whole "Shot in the back" thing...Don't you think the fact that Cloud was caught in a massive explosion mere seconds after being shot in the back had something to do with his near-death experience? I mean, call me crazy, but generally, being caught in massive Materia-influenced explosions doesn't do most people a whole lot of good. Doing so after getting shot in the back probably wouldn't lead to the best of results, either. That being said, yes, Cloud was put into a state of limbo for (I think) a day or so before Aerith helped to revive him. However, it's perfectly reasonable for this to happen, considering, again, Cloud had just been in the middle of a massive explosion visible from the outskirts of Midgar.
It works if you see HP not as life. (because you can't assign a number to life, e.g you cannot be half dead or half alive there are only two outcomes.) See HP as the stamina of having to dodge/block attacks. After a while you'll most likely pass out as you do in the game. That would also esplain why your hp grows as you get more expreience, as an experienced runner quite obviously has more stamina than a couch potato.

I quite like this explaination.

Think of FFVIII as another example of this. Those little Ice Columns Edea uses doesn't do much damage HP-wise (as evidenced later in the game), yet, at the end of disc 1, Squall takes a near-fatal hit from one of them, thus ending their encounter. Obviously he wasn't ready for such an attack.
About AC, Sephiroth obviously didn't want to kill him that stab, just injure him, play with him, watch him suffer and all that. A master swordsman such as Sephiroth can knows where all vital points are and can hit him if he wants to..

Now about the game, Sephiroth was as surprised to see Cloud stand as we were, why he seemed confused for a second.

As for me, goin into any more thought as to where he was hit or what should have happened is pointless. If Phoenix Down should have saved Aeris it should have saved Zack and everyone else that dies along the game and movie. The story is the story, and the battle system is another thing, so dont get to into it, you're ruin FFVII for yourself :monster:
everyone its okay heres what you do. when jenova boss battle starts, use a smoke bomb and use a phoenix down on aerith(sarcasm););)
Explanation #2 would be following the Laws of Anime. This means that Cloud was able to continue fighting despite having been stabbed in the shoulder because he had SUPAH HONORABLE RESOLVE to continue fighting. To hell with any previous limitations Cloud might have had, his RESOLVE allowed him to overcome previously-unsurmountable odds. Logic and physics be damned. If Cloud wants to lift and swing around a 200+ pound sword in one hand after just being stabbed in the shoulder, then damnit, he can, as long as he has enough RESOLVE. Through sheer determination and willpower, Cloud has overcome the laws of reality.

I think this is also why Sephiroth was surprised when Cloud was suddenly talking about moving on. Cloud has always been negative about most things.

Also, about Aeris dying by the blade of Sephiroth... Well, there wouldn't have been much of a story if he didn't. Sephiroth didn't kill Aeris, Square Soft did. :wacky:
I thought it was something about Sephiroths sword too, lols.
Just realised that she probably did get stabbed through the lungs that does definatly mean death. xD
quick question: if it killed aeris, why didn't it kill tifa? if you think back to cloud's flashback, tifa was also stabbed by seph (seph hates me)