Help Help With EVRAE the WYRM of BEVELLE


Dec 4, 2008
Help with (All of) Final Fantasy X...GUIDES - POST HERE - See inside for details.

Konnichiwa, all my wonderful Fantasy Dorks :-)3)
I have finally edited this so I can come back every so often to get fresh guides...Thank you all for posting :)

*Please post stratagy / boss / secret / etc. Guides here, It's not just for me - It's for everyone.*

Thankies...With love from, 'Siddo'
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Moved to Help Booth, and please remember not to double post. ^^
For the EXP, HP and MP, you need 50 posts to access the RPG, however, due to the strain on the server the RPG is temporarily turned off.

To everyone else; please continue the discussion on the Final Fantasy Help Question. ^_^
It's been a little while since I faced Evrae but if I remember correctly I used this strategy (by the way you should make sure you have plenty of Al Bhed potions):

The very first thing I did was I moved the airship away from Evrae then spent my time buffing my party by casting haste, focus, cheer and other buffs I had, while Cid fired his missiles at Evrae. At this point my party was Rikku, Lulu and Wakka, I had Wakka attaking, Lulu casting magic on Evrae and Rikku using Al Bhed potions to keep the party healed.

I was able to cruise through the battle comfortably from a distance because Evraes long range attacks are pretty weak. Eventually though Evrae closes the gap and you are forced to fight it close range. When it did this I switched Lulu and Wakka for Tidus and Auron (my two strongest physical attackers). So my party was now Rikku, Tidus and Auron. I immediately had Auron use powerbreak and made sure everyone had haste on them. Now I just kept hacking away at Evrae and had Rikku support the team with Al Bhed Potions, Evrae went down pretty easily. Just watch out for poison breath, but the good thing is that you can recover from poison breath pretty quickly with the help of Al Bhed potions.
i did almost the same but never had Wakka on my team... didnt need him. I Dodged back and forth with the ship... used alot of al bhed potions... you really need those things... unless you have crap loads of remedys as well... I Attacked with the Salvos (Cids missiles) Used haste alot... and slow... and every time i was close to evrae or when evrae came to me i attacked with my Tidus... who had Darkness and powerbreak attatched to his sword at this point... i killed it first time with this strategy
(My first play through MANY years ago)
I used a similar tactic to this too, I kept Rikku in my team with a ton of Al Bhed Potions and always kept my distance using Wakka to attack and Lulu casting the second level spells, when Evrae gets close to you switch to Tidus and pull back or if it's Rikku's turn pull back with her. There should hardly be any injuries at all with this strategy. Use Slow on Evrae when he casts Haste on himself as that makes him even more of a pain (He casts this when his hp is 50% I think) or use Haste on your party members to even the odds. Hope this helps! :)
Haste/Slow has an important role in this battle.

First of all you should use Power Break on him and make him blinded when possible. Then, cast haste on your characters and slow on Evrae. But remember, when Evrae gets under 10.000hp he casts haste on himself. If you cast slow on him after he uses haste on himself, he'll cast another haste without losing a turn so casting slow on him after he starts using haste is a waste of turns.

Also like some of you already mentioned: Use a lot of Al Bhed potions.
I think that the Al Bhed Potions are the most important asset of this battle as they heal many status effects and also heals 1000 HP each.
Try to stock as many as you can before the battle, although you'll probably have loads from Biakanel Desert
wow, one night and so many Answers!

thanks Guys!

I tried last night. So close but When i went Physical, it all went wrong!
i died... Also lost Lulu in battle with that STONE GAZE!

THe al bhed potion was just outta time...

Thanks guys so very much!

Anything else *** NO SPOILERS PLEASE *** that will help me train on the shiop or, Get ready. Good weapons, good base plans.. Anything. Please reply!

Untill next time ^^
FFX is the easiest and one of the best final fantasy's.
Ok get all your party members on overdrive and try to use Auron when it gets close also just build up your characters.
If you have a ton of 'Special' items get Rikku's overdrive full and see what happens, She can normally suprise you with Mix. Check her list although I can't remember which website it is on XD. Just Google it and you should be fine. Something like 'Rikku's Overdrive List FFX' should do.
One method i tried to beat evrae (my most common one) was to make sure lulu could dish out 2000 damage with her spells (since evrae halves damage it's 1000 every time) had auron doing similar levels of damage and having as many breaks and status attacks as possible and had tidus with use/steal as well as some white magic buffs like haste, shell, protect etc as well as debuffs like slow.

When I got in the battle I sent cid back so he could volley his missiles while lulu used her spells, auron stuck with defense and tidus at first casted shell on everyone, then switching to haste and then protect. By the time these were done evrae would usually be on to his last 10000hp so when he swooped back in lulu continued her magic, auron started hacking him up while tidus supported with al-bhed potions and attacking (and occasionally hindering its attacks with slow)
Let me tell you that Evrae is freakin easy all you need to do is be careful of his poison breathe. This dragon is a piece of cake if you have so many al bhed potions. Try using Mighty guard with rikku. Well after you beat him that is where the pain starts you have to beat 5 battles in a row without saving. I lost alot of times but evrae is easy and you should not be frustrated with him but the flamethrower monks are freakin hard. Just have auron keep attacking.
Yeah, I had a bit of trouble when I fought it in my first I decided to start a new one and when I got there, I beat it the first time.
What I did is made sure I had A LOT of Al-Bhed potions, then I cast them all on haste, my attacks were fairly strong so yeah, it wasn't too hard plus Rikku's overdrive helps a lot...if you don't have haste mix I think it was lunar curtain and something else to make super mighty hyper G, and then it casts on your party and they will have haste, protect, regen, stuff along those me, that particular overdrive helps a lot when you fight boss's.
Oh and when you get to the part where you have to fight Evrae in zombie form, remember it's a zombie...I didn't so it took a while the first time...but just use like two elixirs and it dies.
More than one battle?! iyea... I still havnt finsihed... I should REALLY train on that Ship...

If you're really that desperate, then I guess you'd better try my strategy. Also, the Guados can be found in corridors on the ship.

Now when I first fought Evrae, my characters were really weak too, mainly due to my reliance on aeons. As others have stated before, Al Bhed Potions are the way to go. Basically, as soon as the battle starts, get the ship to pull back straight away. As it unleashes some barrages of rockets, buff your characters. Any spell that will help you, use it. Recommended:


I can't remember who, but some member stated they just cast Cheer on their party till all three barrages were done. When he engaged the boss, he did insane amounts of damage. That might help, casting Cheer a few extra times. I kept Tidus in for a while, before switching him with Kimahri, which made my party Auron, Kimahri and Rikku. When he does the attack which I can't remember the name of, the one that inflicts a vast variety of ailements on your guys. Use Rikku to use an Al Bhed potion, curing all of the ailments, and giving your characters another 1000 HP recovery. Use Auron's heavy damage (or it was on mine) to beat down the Evrae with the help of Kimahri's strikes. If you're Kimahri is too weak, Tidus is the next best thing. Evrae will cast Haste on himself when he reaches a certain amount of health, which you can counter by either

1. Casting Slow on him
2.Casting Haste on your party.

If you do both, then you will have the upper hand. The layout of your characters are as following:

Tidus-Support & Striker

If you continue with the method of attacking I used, he'll go down easily. If Rikku has a free turn in which she does not need to heal, if she has overdrive, use it. A list of Mixes can be found by searching it on Google. Or else just "Use" something like a grenade, or some other damaging item.

Hope this helps.

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Godspeed has quite a good tactic there but yeah.
It's 5 battles in a row to my memory. I think that if you're having trouble with Evrae you should keep a main healer in your team in the next 5 battles, Rikku (if you use her) is the best way to do this, she's fast. Automatically has the skill 'Use' and provides as a good supporting character. I never really struggled on this bit but my advice would just to be constantly using Al Bhed potions on the same persons go again and again, even if they haven't had that much health depleted as the enemies can get their sneaky hits in. :monster:
I need to train and train untill i do get those Supports, I have Luck cheer and a couple other Weak ones... i usually have RIkku Lulu and...Tidus! but now whilst i think about maybe it should be Auron Tidus and Rikku, or Kimahri Auron and Rikku... I havn't really played for a While... and i mean A VERY VERY VERY VERY LONG TIME!!!. Since then, ive just been playing Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. Children of Mana. Harvest Moon. Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime. and a couple more -.-"
Okay guys,

I finished Evrae off!

But what's this?

I'm versing him AGAIN!?

Tidus, Rikku and Wakka...Bad mixture...

Although Rikku is good with her hazardous shell...

Tidus got stone gazed -.-

Wakka...well throwing a ball doesn't really help...

Now i need a strategy for THIS battle...
Throw two Phoenix Downs. :monster:

Seriously, it's that easy. Evrae Altana is undead, so this will work wonders. I'd recommend stealing from him as well...but otherwise this should be a cinch.
Well, there's an easy way, and a more conventional way. This time around, Evrae is undead, so 2 Phoenix Downs will kill him instantly. Conventionally speaking, he's a lot easier this time around, even though you only have 3 party members. Wakka's ball should be effective, in the earlier stages of the game, he's one of the strongest, so he'll pack the biggest punch. Using Stone Ward (or Stoneproof if you have it) for Defense will hopefully nullify the Stone Gaze. He's definitely a lot easier this time around, give another go.
First time, Haste yourself, have lots of albhed potions, use rikku, auron, and tidus ONLY . Use Rikku for albhed potions only. Fight close, only pull back to dodge poisonous breath, then go closer. If possible, slow him before he uses haste. When he uses haste, If all 3 characters are hasted, the battle evens out. any time rikku has a turn, go to special use al bhed potion. Cause I gaurantee that your characters will be injured alot. Once dead, you go to bevelle.

When you fight everae atlantica, throw 2 or 3 pheonix downs at him and then move on. He has the Zombie effect on him. So this battle is very easy.

Hope this helps, Signed Ifrit. :ifrit: