Serious High School (Tips and Tricks)

Are/were you popular in highschool?

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Chocobo Breeder
Jul 14, 2009
Ok, I'm not one of those people who's obsessed with being popular or anything, but I would like to change my current social status. I'm one of those 10th graders who isn't disliked by the most, but still doesn't get invited to parties and get-togethers. Im starting this thread to make a collection of advice, what-to-do's, what-not-to-do's, and other things to be liked and have an all around good time through the 4 years that can either be the best of your life or the worst.
I almost believed this had something to do with "High School Musical" :dry:

Congratulations! :dave:, you were almost shot ;)

Anyways, for starters, the first and most important rule is:
1. Be yourself. People sometimes pretend to be something they aren't in order to draw attention. Don't, it makes you look stupid and believe me when I tell you, most of us notice when someone is acting :monster:

2. Socialize More: The more people you know and get involved with, the more chances that someone will invite you to a party :elmo:

3. Don't be an "attention-whore", the more you seek it, the more it will slip through your grasp. ;)

4. Did I mention to be yourself? Well I'll mention it again :monster:

5. Take care of your looks. Usually appearence is not everything, but obviously people won't approach you if you are either: A) Anime-cosplay rip off, or B) If you look like someone who escaped from Arkham Asylum ;)

6. Do you do sports? If you don't, practicing one won't hurt! You will socialize with new people, you will be part of a team, and whenever the team makes a big bash to celebrate a victory, most of the times being part of the team assures you VIP Access :monster:

7. Dance. If you have two left feet and don't know how to dance, why would someone invite you to a party? XD Besides, you don't want to go to a party only to be the only one who just looks and never takes part in the action ;)

8. I'll remember more later...
One: ALWAYS learn to stop talking when you need to! (very important)
Two: Shower Frequently, if you don't already. ;)

Hey, I just noticed this, but it says you are 14. I'm 13 and am in 8th grade. Did you skip a grade or something?
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Lol i shower at least once a day, sometimes twice haha.
My birthday is september 20th, so I'll turn 15 as soon as i start this next year (10th grade)
ok dude,im heading torwards my sophomore year also,and there are a few things ive learned freshman year the Judge himself has already said,dont dress like you just got out of arkahm asylum,so,no purple suit with a green tie(my biggest mistake) the Judge also already said,be yourself,even if it means bringing up the millenium falcon everytime you hear somebody mention harrison ford something so hilllariously funny one day,youll definetley get noticed,keep in my wearing a chicken suit works

4.dressing like a power ranger during halloween is a big no no,instead,dress like spiderman,usually works,or wear a suit and say your james bond

5.whenever you hear somebody talk about something you like,join the conversation,its always a great way to make friends

6.dont,and i mean DONT ever mention anything about the apocalypse while tying in something about fallout 3,its like a cure for being popular

7.reading comics or playing yugioh during lunch does not make you any cooler than the sun,so,its only a great way to make friends with the guidance counselar

8.when a girl you like comes to ask you a question,dont look down and give her the answer,talk to her,or else your going to call liva racci(i dont care how you spell it) for the rest of your life

9.and when your at partys,dont yell,"WERE GOOING STREAKING!!!!!!",then run outside in your underwear,itll only ruin you

hope this helped dude
Ah, thank you for more good advice. (although alot of that is common sense haha)
Ah, thank you for more good advice. (although alot of that is common sense haha)
if theres one thing you learned in highschool larry,its that teenagers dont have common sense,so,thats another thing that you should try to learn,as im still learning,so,it could take a while
Got anything for getting invited to parties?
And on that note, getting rides to parties so as to avoid being taken by parents?
Got anything for getting invited to parties?
And on that note, getting rides to parties so as to avoid being taken by parents?
a note on how to get invited,there will always be someody passing around a note or something with a list of who will come to their party.put your name on the list,if they read the list and say you cant come,tell them you can bring something,if something like that never happens,do the unthinkable,make a scene that will get you noticed,see someody picking on someone else,stand up for them,even though you know that person will beat the shit outta you,a dean or teacher will come anyway,so you get respect and people will now be your best friend,and parties will be a sinch,or do the funniest thing ever,become a dj and start passing out cards,whatever,even if you have to bring a pre mixed cd,but,it all works,now avoiding your parents,you will always have a friend with really cool parents or a sybling that can drive,hitch a ride with them,ad get invited to a party and your parents say you cant go,always say your going to another frieends house to study,first,say the party is on a different day and time,if they say yes,tell them later it was changed to the real date and time,if no,tell them your going to hang out by your friend(preferably the one with the really cool parents)and give them the number,they will say your there,so,this shoul help
course not, 4 years isn't all that important.
I just wanna have some fun during these 3 last years.

and Wow Noctus, you sure are a fountain of knowledge. no sarcasm*
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just trying to help out larry,i was an asshole my freshman year,nobody talked to me,and i had no friends,seeing as i went to a different highschool than all my friends in middle school,i didnt know anybody,so,from my first year,i had to learn the hard,and after reading every damn book,every freaking website,watching every god damn movie about it,i finally found a way to get through highschool,if youve ever seen the movie hitch,im like him,except for getting through school
I know what you mean dude.
What movies/books would you recommend on this subject?
mainly,i checked out a book at the library called highschool for dummies,and the movie 10 things i hate about you helped,or the show degrassi,those pretty much are the best things
i remember that the dud at the librbary it should be called high school for dummies,he told to look in th e advice section,if i couldnt find anything,to go to barnes and noble,im pretty sure if you went and ask them for a book on high school advice,there would be quite a few