Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

They can love eachother, but their love is mixed by lust.
You can do a simple research and see that all of them if love eachother, their love is mixed with lust. but in stright marriage , you can find couples who just love eachother and sacrefice even their life for the other one without wanting them for sex.
Love is not sexself.
in stright marriages, people marry because they love eachother at the first place, but in homo marriage , lust is in the first place
in stright marriages, people marry because they love eachother at the first place, but in homo marriage , lust is in the first place

Well guess what? In straight marriage some people marry because their finance is hot, for the attention, or their finance have money. Another reason why most people get married is because they depend on each others income. Gee, I wonder why divorce rates are so high in the US!?
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They can love eachother, but their love is mixed by lust.
You can do a simple research and see that all of them if love eachother, their love is mixed with lust. but in stright marriage , you can find couples who just love eachother and sacrefice even their life for the other one without wanting them for sex.
Love is not sexself.
in stright marriages, people marry because they love eachother at the first place, but in homo marriage , lust is in the first place

Simple research? Like what? Reading the Bible? Do you happen to KNOW any homosexuals?

And let's talk straight marriages for a moment. According to you, people marry each other because "they loved each other in the first place." Is that why 50% percent of first marriages in America end in divorce? That sounds like pretty faulty love to me. Anna Nicole Smith married a 90 year old man for his money. Britney Spears married someone for a few hours then got a divorce. Is this the pure straight love that you're talking about?

You're making complete blanket statements about homosexuals (such as insinuating that they wouldn't die for each other, or that they only want each other for sex), and you just sound ignorant.Why is lust first in homosexual marriages? What's your proof?

Romantic straight love is mixed with lust just as much as romantic homosexual love. Sex is a part of romantic love. You can't sit there and claim to KNOW whether the "lust" came first in the case of either homosexual or straight love.
They can love eachother, but their love is mixed by lust.
You can do a simple research and see that all of them if love eachother, their love is mixed with lust. but in stright marriage , you can find couples who just love eachother and sacrefice even their life for the other one without wanting them for sex.
Love is not sexself.
in stright marriages, people marry because they love eachother at the first place, but in homo marriage , lust is in the first place

Um, no. That's blatant ignorance. Sex and love go hand in hand. It exists not only as a way to reproduce, but also as a further means of bonding with your mate.

And there are just as many straight people who marry out of pure lust as gays. Why do you think there's so much divorce? Two people screw, get a baby and get married because of that. The other common scenario is when two people screw and think it's love, then marry, only to find out they argue too much and can't learn to compromise so they divorce.

Yes, there are many types of love, but a love couples share is one where they complete each other and fill the void in each other's heart, one where they would do anything for the other person, i.e. devotion and adoration. Anyone can feel that toward another person, be it a straight or gay or lesbian couple.
I know many of my friend who are homo and all of them married because they lust eachother at the first place
I did not said bible etc. I don't want to talk about religions. Just do a reasearch and ask homosexuals why did they get marry , and then see if they are lying or not.

And Crewden

Not all of them are for money and sex.. just some. but in Homo all are for lust for sure and in other hands they care about love.

And the most important reason of marriage is cloning human for surviving

I am agree that sex can complete love somehow, but read what I said
Love in first place for marriage ..... lust in first place...
It does not mean solo
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Not all of them are for money and sex.. just some. but in Homo all are for lust for sure and in other hands they care about love.

No. You can't make one generalization on all gays just because the gay people you know married out of lust. That's just a tiny percentage of gays, you can not speak for an entire people, it's just plain ignorant.
Marriage is a totaly seperate issue from love.....its just way for people, that love each other (whether they are gay or not), and are prepared to make some kind of sacrifices, and compromises, to enjoy financial security....they are forced to do so in todays society....also marriage is a commitment, you show your partner that you are ready to share your life with them.....i will only get married if i have kids, otherwise i don't really believe in it, being forced by the society.....
Eh? Your argument is that homosexuals can't "love" someone, only lust? I'm sorry but that argument is flawed, a man can love another man and a woman can love another woman. Just because their Gay doesn't mean they're totally abnormal from everyone else, they can marry out of love, not lust.

Take Elton John, for example. He was with his "husband" for a lot of years, and they married. Surely after so many years the "lust" will have fizzled out, a long lasting relationship is built on love. not lust.
Marriage is a totaly seperate issue from love.....its just way for people, that love each other (whether they are gay or not), and are prepared to make some kind of sacrifices, and compromises, to enjoy financial security....they are forced to do so in todays society....also marriage is a commitment, you show your partner that you are ready to share your life with them.....i will only get married if i have kids, otherwise i don't really believe in it, being forced by the society.....

All marriage is is a legal status. You need a license to be married, it's the same as if you were getting your drivers license. Being married means you pay less on tax and things like that.
Well that's pretty much what we've reduced it to. Also, if you follow the Christian logic of "gays cant marriage, god is against it" and such...then that would also mean you have to negate all other marriages which aren't "ordained by god."
Eh? Your argument is that homosexuals can't "love" someone, only lust? I'm sorry but that argument is flawed,

Don't misquote me.
Show me where did I say its just lust ?

Read what did I say, I said lust is in the first place and love is in other hand ...
Dont know why Christianity is against homosexuals, they kinda missed the boat there. And yeah, if the church actually bothered to do everything that it believe is holy....i think like 70% of people would die in some crusade launched by the church.....Christianity is probably the most upto date religion....they have changed most of their beliefs to coincide with the changing of the times, how convinient......so why are they still against gay marriage?

Oh, and i didn;t know how to find your font color Vengeful Ronin...
Don't misquote me.
Show me where did I say its just lust ?

Read what did I say, I said lust is in the first place and love is in other hand ...

Actually you said they're both in first place, proof-read your posts before you submit them.

I am agree that sex can complete love somehow, but read what I said
Love in first place for marriage ..... lust in first place...
It does not mean solo
I said that in your quote that told me that ITS NOT JUST LUST
I explained that I mentioned both as the first place .
Love for stright as the first place and lust in lower places...
Lust for homos at first place and lovein lower places
PLease next time read all postes before judging anything

First you misquoted me.... I answered that, then the otherone misquoted me.
If you want to continue this discusion, stop misquoting me and open your eyes
I said that in your quote that told me that ITS NOT JUST LUST
I explained that I mentioned both as the first place .
Love for stright as the first place and lust in lower places...
Lust for homos at first place and lovein lower places
PLease next time read all postes before judging anything

First you misquoted me.... I answered that, then the otherone misquoted me.
If you want to continue this discusion, stop misquoting me and open your eyes

Well pardon me, but you don't make your posts very clear or grammatical.

And you want me to open my eyes? How about you open yours and realize that you are making a broad generalization for the entire gay community by saying that lust comes first for them when you have only been exposed to a few gay friends of yours. By saying that lust always comes first for them you're saying that they're incapable of the type of love straight couples share and you might as well be calling them animals with that line of thinking.
Don't misquote me.
Show me where did I say its just lust ?

Read what did I say, I said lust is in the first place and love is in other hand ...
I actually agree, to be honest. At the beginning of a relationship, there's got to be something there to attract one person to the other and vice versa. That doesn't relate to homosexuals only, however.

Take all of those stories where the guy looks across the room and the eyes of a beautiful woman meet his own and it was love at first sight - that's not love, that's lust. The love comes later. The way you're putting your point across, Shahab, is that homosexuals can't love at all. In both gay and straight relationships, the lust comes first and the love develops later FROM the lust. You can't have one without the other.
Take all of those stories where the guy looks across the room and the eyes of a beautiful woman meet his own and it was love at first sight - that's not love, that's lust. The love comes later. The way you're putting your point across, Shahab, is that homosexuals can't love at all. In both gay and straight relationships, the lust comes first and the love develops later FROM the lust. You can't have one without the other.

I think that's a fair conclusion. I agree with that. Like you said, to say that homosexuals can't feel love for each other, or that only homosexual relationships stem from lust is so ignorant and wrong. Straight love should not be placed on some high holy pedestal that doesn't actually exist. It's not some pure and godly love. Homosexual love is the same damn thing as straight love in my books, just with different genders in the equation.
Take all of those stories where the guy looks across the room and the eyes of a beautiful woman meet his own and it was love at first sight - that's not love, that's lust. The love comes later.

yes, thats lust, but its not so always. I , myself fell in love with a girl after almost one year being together without any sex or even thinking about it.
First we were friends and then got closer, and at the end I fell in love with her. I did not fall in lust with her in the first sight blah blah.

But its so in Homo ?

The way you're putting your point across, Shahab, is that homosexuals can't love at all.
I did not say so, I said in homo, lust comes first always, but in strights it has different shapes depends on people. Some people marry even without any lust or love and its just for social positions or money. some people for lust and some people for love.
But in gay relations it always starts with lust. I explain why I say so.
Just please don't misquote me.

I love my friend ( UNDIMON who is a memeber here ) and I will do whatever I can to make him happy. I really love him. but it does not mean that I want to have sex with him.
Why GAYs marry ? because they love eachother?
I say no, because they can be together, love eachother and never seperate as friends. and there is no point in their marriage.
But why do they marry ? Whats the point in marriage that is not in very close friendship ? Is not SEX the difference ?
When they marry means they inted to have sex. but I show you a difference in strights.
I have a friend, we are not so close, but I know his family.
His uncle married a girl about three years ago.
They were so happy together...blahblabla, last year his wife died due to her cancer. and What is intresting she was still virgin. They never had sex.
His uncle could not have sex with her for her illness ( another illness than her cancer ). before marriage he knew that he never gonna to have sex with her, but he married her because he love her.
Its love, absoloutly there is no lust in that. He sacrefide himself for her. sold his house and car to pay for her treatment, he could not to marry her and marry another girl.
Some people marry because they want babies, because they love children of theirown. you can see many couples as below
the guy wants baby. the girl does not want it. but is agree to have sex. guy disagrees and break up.
Again, lust is not the first place here.

love can be without sex and lust. And you can find this just in NON homo people.

just want you to not misunderstand me as I explain below

I don't hate or dislike GAY people. Atually I have no problem with them and some of them are my friends. many of them are good people like others.
I am just expressing my opinion on being gay and why I don't like to be gay or why I am not gay. those are my reasons.
Some could be truth and some could be false as well. I am not perfect and I am not using any source except my own expriences and researches.
And sorry for my grammar.
First. English is not my primarry language. Actually its my third language
second. I did not educate English and learned it myself using fiction books, video games and watching hollywood movies. So please pardon me if sometimes my sentences don't make any sense.

In both gay and straight relationships, the lust comes first and the love develops later FROM the lust. You can't have one without the other.
Not for all strights its so. I explained mine
yes, thats lust, but its not so always. I , myself fell in love with a girl after almost one year being together without any sex or even thinking about it.
What attracted you to her in the first place? What attracted her to you in the first place? What kept you together? I'd imagine that love would grow from whatever it is you felt at that point. The 'lust' doesn't necessarily mean you want to have animal sex; I'm not using the word as strongly as that.

I did not say so, I said in homo, lust comes first always, but in strights it has different shapes depends on people.
It's always going to come in some form of lust at the beginning; how far each couple takes that lust is entirely up to them, but also irrelevant.

I love my friend ( UNDIMON who is a memeber here ) and I will do whatever I can to make him happy. I really love him. but it does not mean that I want to have sex with him.
I can say that about my female friends. I love them; I'd help them with anything; I'd do what I could to make them happy, but I don't want to have sex with them (well ... xD).

Why GAYs marry ? because they love eachother?
I say no, because they can be together, love eachother and never seperate as friends. and there is no point in their marriage.
But why do they marry ? Whats the point in marriage that is not in very close friendship ? Is not SEX the difference ?
Well, in any relationship, you've got to work bloody hard. You marry to declare your love for one another. You marry to be unified - either in the eys of God, or each other. You know the rest - sex and children are other parts of it, aye. Even in a straight marriage, you don't MARRY someone just because they're good in bed. You marry them for so much more than that; the sex is just a bonus. Why can't it be the same for gay couples?

As a side note, your grammar's a bit off, but I can understand it well enough, so no worries [: