Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

I can't see anything wrong with gay marriage, who's to say that two people in love cant benefit form the legal security....i do find it funny also how most religions are extremely opposed to it, if they wanna do some good for a change, go help some orphans, (not the gay ones obviously, they're evil...) i say everyone should enjoy their life the way they want it, gays don't bother me, but a lot of people i know think its wrong. I don't understand why a lot of people waste a lot of time and energy campaigning against gay marriage, i think its quite sad...
in all honesty i don't care about it. if allowing them to marry gets the gay people to shut up and stop complaing about how unfair the world is then so be it.
I was referring to the attitudes of some religions about homosexuality, they think that its 'evil', so for example if they helped out an orphanage, they wouldn't help the 'evil' gay orphans, if that make sense, its just me trying to be synical and sarcastic, obviously failed.
So there was some hidden sarcasm in that second quote. I'm with you now. Although, I'm not sure that anyone religious "wouldn't help" someone because they are gay - that'd be a direct contradiction to what religion is largely about. They're all about forgiveness and whatnot, so it wouldn't make sense if they abandoned someone who needed help because of their sexual preference.
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Riku, please try to make your posts a little more substantial. I understand you get excited by these types of discussion but you need a little meat in your posts next time. Thanks.
im gay
we should be allowed to marry
love is love is love
whos to say that if two people love and are dedicated to each other that they cant marry
haha gay people= terroists=im too pretty to die
dont think so some of you people are so
ive also noticed that only ugly people are homophobes
funny much??
I agree with everything you've said up until this following point:
dont think so some of you people are so
ive also noticed that only ugly people are homophobes
funny much??

That's a bit of a contradiction as well, no?

not as in physically ugly
as in ugly on the inside
maybe i need to clarify more

it takes an emotionally ugly person to say
i hate people just because they are different then me

I have taken criticism lightly since the age of five. ever since I brought my barbies to show & tell, I have handled harassment head-on, and never once have I ever looked inward for an explanation for the ingorance of others, thrown my way. never.

call me an old soul, say I'm numb to it. I've just always known how to navigate through it, and in a way- what to do with it and how to use it to my advantage. so I figure, why not share?

hate is an interesting thing. It's just as contagious and deadly, if not more contagious and deadlier than any plague. In my opinion, it is the only plague. not a plague cast by a higher power, but a plague cast from grown to young. hate is a movement and it has to be stopped. It is transferred to innocent minds that know no better.

the sad part is, the ones doing the transferring were once innocent-minded their self. which brings me to my point slash question. at what point is someone responsible for their own hate? for the hate they were taught to have for their fellow man. at what point is someone not responsible to think for themselves? to think maybe the hate they were taught might be wrong? take gay bashing for instance. at what age, at what point in someones life are they inexcusably wrong for gay bashing?

no one is born a basher. no one is. one of the main ingredients in the recipe of homophobia is fear. at what point is fear excusable? I myself don't have the answer. all I have are the questions. some idea, but mostly question.

the most important thing to remember, when faced with hate- is just to remember who you are. ask yourself if the person doing the hating really knows you. If what they're saying is the truth, or merely a jab at you. an attack to do anything to get to you.

these people do, and always have reminded me of the poor unfortunate souls from the movie 'The Little Mermaid', because if you think about it, all they're trying to do is drag you down. they want to drag you down in hopes of making you feel as miserable as they are.

haters are some of the most lost and sensitive people out there. they're lost because they don't know how to stop doing something they were taught. they're sensitive because deep down they know it's wrong, and they're paranoid someone might call them out on it. haters are just waiting to be set straight. they're usually the loudest, because in their oqn minds, they're the quietest. they can't think for themselves. they have everyone elses opinions and voices in their heads.

so, haters, hatees; If there is one thing I want you to take from this, it's the possibility that you may think for yourself. for that is the only key to success, happiness, and most importantly- understanding.

-chris crocker

i so agree with this
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Haha, well I'll admit I merely skimmed past this last page since there's no way in hell I'm going to wade through 50 pages. But my opinion in this kind of matter is pretty much the same sentiment that embodies the quote "I do not agree with what you're saying, but I will fight to the death your right to say it."

I'm not gay, I don't agree with being gay, but fuck it! That's why I'm not gay. Who cares if someone else is. That's their business. Stay true to your beliefs and your lifestyle. And if your beliefs go against what someone else does then just leave them be and don't partake of it yourself. Why can't it be as simple as that? So yeah, I don't see why they can't get married.
I think that if two people love eachother,they should be allowed to get married.Why stop it? It's just like telling a guy and a girl who want to be together that they can't get married.
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I have no problem with it - people who want to marry should be able to. I myself would not particularly like to see the couple kissing or anything, but i dont see why they shouldnt be able to.
I agree that it's quite unjust to take away a human beings rights just because they are gay. They're still human and no different than you or me (other than the fact that they've fallen in love with someone whom they wish to spend the rest of their life with). And if they want to be joined together, that's completely fine with me. But I do think that this issue could be solved without too much headbutting. Since you religious folk think you own the word "marriage" you can keep it. All the homosexuals who wish to be married can be "joined" or "united" or whatever they want to call it, BUT also given the same rights as a married couple in terms of financial issues, partnership, owners rights, health issues and so on and so forth. None of that restricting certain rights just because you're gay.
im gay
we should be allowed to marry
love is love is love
whos to say that if two people love and are dedicated to each other that they cant marry
haha gay people= terroists=im too pretty to die
dont think so some of you people are so
ive also noticed that only ugly people are homophobes
funny much??

This is entirely untrue. Most "homophobes" are "homophobes" for either ignorant or religious reasons. Option A, ignorance ensues when ignorant parents teach homophobe behavior to their children. Option B, religious reasons for the disapproval of homosexual behavior is something that should be respected, but it should also not be pushed on homosexuals that their views are wrong either.

In short. Everyone should keep their opinions to themselves. If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all.
And by stating that only ugly people are homophobes...you are just as ignorant as they are for making such statements towards you and the rest of the gay community.
There are a lot of mixed feelings on this. and so i get this clear, I am not gay. I give you my word on that. That would be all i need, getting acused of being gay, i'd be forced out of FFF.

Anyway, yes i beleive in gay marrigiage. They are human and deserve to be treated as one. If anyone says gays shouldn't marry they are wrong. They simply dont have that right. If two people truly love each other then they should be allowed to be together and should be allowed to be married.

What i dont get is this sudden uprush of anti-gay behaviour nowadays. I personaly have nothing against them at all and have a few gay friends. they are actually really nice people.

Solus Lupus
Why does everyone keep saying "I'm(not) gay"

No one really cares about your sexual orientation in this thread, it's for your opinions on the topic at hand.
I agree with it. The way I look at things is if they love eachother then let them express it through getting married. They have as much right as any other couple and so I agree with it. I know a buch of homosexuals and they are the best people I have ever met and though they have relationships they don't outwardly express it in public all as much as some think they do. They mostly keep it to theymselves with the odd kiss here and there, but its all cool with me. I have no argument what so ever with it.
I agree that ....but sometimes people has no info bout things and they choose a wrong choice...so sharing our Idea may be helpful for them .....
also sometimes we are in a condition that we can't make a right choice;)

and bout my Idea :D i don't agree home sexual coz girl and boy are completemen of each other ...like a puzzle
Well, I don't bother myself to read all the posts above, but have a question


Is not marriage because two people love eachother and the love is not lust ?
in love you just give and give, but in lust you just get and get and won't give

But in homosexuality ... why guys marry guys ? is that anything except sex ? which means lust ? ... if they love eachother and its not lust, why do they are not just very close friends without sex ?

I and Undimon are so close and very friendly , we love eachother, but we both are stright.

When I love someone it does not mean to F*** him. I have to care about him but not any physical relations.
Love is something moral. but all the homosexualls mistook love with lust.
They marry because of sex and think its love.

I am disagree with Homosexuality itself, and its marriage is convicted by me and billions of people
Is not marriage because two people love eachother and the love is not lust ?
in love you just give and give, but in lust you just get and get and won't give

But in homosexuality ... why guys marry guys ? is that anything except sex ? which means lust ? ... if they love eachother and its not lust, why do they are not just very close friends without sex ?

I and Undimon are so close and very friendly , we love eachother, but we both are stright.

When I love someone it does not mean to F*** him. I have to care about him but not any physical relations.
Love is something moral. but all the homosexualls mistook love with lust.
They marry because of sex and think its love.

I am disagree with Homosexuality itself, and its marriage is convicted by me and billions of people

ORLY? So...according to you, homosexuals and lesbians can't love each other. I could say the exact same thing about straight people. Boys love their sisters without wanting to have sex with them. That means any time a boy wants to date a girl, he's just confusing lust with sex. See how it works both ways? And in both cases, it makes no logical sense. I think you need to learn the difference between romantic and platonic love. There is not just ONE type of love. I have male friends whom I love in a very platonic way, and then other boys whom I love romantically and sexually. Platonic love is NOT romantic love. Just as familial love is NOT romantic love.

You asked why homosexuals who love each other and want to marry are not just very close friends without sex. When you love someone, you want to express your love physically through romantic physical acts such as intercourse. That's a very normal and human feeling. Why can straight people express their love for each other through sex but not homosexuals? According to you, if a straight couple in love has sex, they're genuinely in love, but if a homosexual couple has sex, they're just lusting after each other and have fooled themselves into believing they are in love. Your reasoning is unfounded and tainted with prejudice.