Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

You know, I agree. If people want to be gay, let them be gay. It doesn't affect how we live.

Isn't homophobia (irrational fear and hatred of homosexuality and its members) just another racism guys? Honestly, if you want to look at it as being a disease, then you might as well call Negros and Caucasians (Black people and White people) diseased, as they, by logic of this 'disease' theory, have something wrong with their skin.

Siobáhn said:
I only signed up cos this thread infuriated me :|.

Why are you all only talking about men being gay? Women can be gay aswell, yet nobody finds anything wrong with that 'cause it gives men hard-on's :)? It's ridiculous that two women can do all the same kind of stuff but don't get persecuted as much because it is found sexy.
In my opinion, it's because you're all scared that seeing homosexuality is gonna turn you gay? GET REAL. Being exposed to it doesn't mean a thousand men are gonna run up to you and anally penetrate you. Idiots.
Just because someone is gay, it doesn't make them dirty, diseased, filthy.
And heterosexual people display affection in public, but little kids are allowed to watch that?
If you ask me, youngsters being exposed to homosexuality will just make them see it is normal, rather than finding out when they are our age and seeing it as something disgusting and a breach of whatever, I don't know.
I was brought up as a catholic, yet I have been able to form my own opinions on topics like this. I don't believe in God, but my family accept this, which is what religion is all about, yes?
Yet you are only reciting things you have heard at church, what you have been told is wrong.
What if one of you christians was to turn out gay? Would you be too scared to tell anyone for fear of persecution? It shouldn't be like that for homosexual people, but in reality, it is. This is because of people just deciding it is wrong, when they have not even considered the points behind the subject. You are seeing through God's eyes and not your own.
In short, all these posts have annoyed me, and I'm not even sure I've gotten my point across correctly. But I'm doing what I can to stand up for something I believe in, and I'm glad that there are some people here who are doing the same.

Siobhán xx

Hallelujia to that brutha! Seriously, what is so wrong about gay marriages.

I love the part about God's eyes. yes, YHWH believes its wrong, but if he can't accept it (and hence be a 'perfect God'), then he isn't a God.
I'm very much neutral here. I don't think it's right nor do I think it's wrong. More of an "I don't care" thinng I suppose.
My parents are fairly anti-gay, and I don't blame them, seeing as that is how they were raised. I see the points that they raise, and I also see the idiocity in some of the points they raise. I'd like to say it's immoral, but who am I to say what is and what isn't moral.

I've read like 30 odd or so post from some of the ppl on this site and I am kinda amazed. I've gotten positive feed back on gay/les marriage in the past from other forums.

Im gay myself, but you couldn't tell unless I told you.

I've got a few things to say tho, for those of you that don't like it, im sure you can find a way to direct your eyes away from the computer screen and or not read.

1. Christians<- "Omg, gay is so bad, its a sin by the terms of the bible. Im a Christian and God hates fags." >>Well darlin, if we kept doin it by the bible, when you have kids, you'll be stone'n them to death for telling you no. Read it and like it.

2. A choice in sexuality is the same choice you have in food or any other thing. You have your Vegetarians and you have your Other. Choosing who you have sex with doesn't make us any different then normal ppl. And not all of us have the same beliefs.

3. Anyone of you thats strongly against discrimination better not have posted any bull about how you don't support gay/les. Because if you did, your kinda defeating the purpose. I mean, todays society is just going backwards.

4. You knw what, one guy was right, you never knw who could be gay. But also, what if its your best friend, someone you've known for years, would you give them up just because they like to sleep with guys/girls???? Think on that rock won't cha?

5. If you don't want religion forced upon you, dont' force it upon anyone else.

Oh by the way. I believe in god. 1 of the commandments I swear reads something similar to the following.....

>>>Treat thy neighbor as thy wish to be treated.<<<

If you break it, your a walking sin.

I love you people. Make me waffles!
I say that you can love whoever you want to love. If Gay's want to get married then let them. It's not our problem nor buisness. It isn't affecting you. =/. If you're straight then be straight.

I personally go for it. Love who you want and people shouldn't be punished for it.

Btw, Just cause guy is gay/bi does not mean he likes you. That's dumb as hell.
I don't have a problem with gays doing as they please; they have every right to be here as straight people do. But marriage is a bond between a man and a woman. Not two men or two women. And this goes for polygamy as well. Mormons shouldn't be allowed to marry more than one person at a time. But that's a different subject and maybe a new thread idea. Gay people shouldn't adopt kids either. Parents and guardians have a tendency to instill some of their own values and beliefs into the younger generation and it might turn the kids into homosexuals. And we can't have everyone turning gay or the species would go extinct. So I guess I could say yes, I do have a problem with same-sex marriages.
Gay's shouldn't adopt? Okay...so if a child really needed a home and a gay couple was willing to adopt you'd be against it? =/.

Now, I do agree that some gay/lesbian couples push their beliefs on their child but, there are alot more that rather seem them live happy and be themsevles. ya know? I say if a kid is in need it should not matter who adopts them.
I don't have a problem with gays doing as they please; they have every right to be here as straight people do. But marriage is a bond between a man and a woman. Not two men or two women. And this goes for polygamy as well. Mormons shouldn't be allowed to marry more than one person at a time. But that's a different subject and maybe a new thread idea. Gay people shouldn't adopt kids either. Parents and guardians have a tendency to instill some of their own values and beliefs into the younger generation and it might turn the kids into homosexuals. And we can't have everyone turning gay or the species would go extinct. So I guess I could say yes, I do have a problem with same-sex marriages.

Gay isn't a belief and you can't encourage someone to be gay. Its genetics.
GENETICS!? Roflmao!! You choose to be gay or bi or straight. It's nothing you're born with. hahahaha.

Give me proof that it's run threw genes and genetics.
Gay isn't a belief and you can't encourage someone to be gay. Its genetics.

Then why is it that all the homosexuals that I know are the only homos in their family? Mom and Dad weren't gay. Grandparents not gay either. Why does little Johnny prefer the company of other men? Maybe he had an experience and liked it. He wasn't born that way.
Yes, it's mostly threw experience. If "Johnny" didn't like it he'd be straight. So it was his choice to be gay. No one was forcing him to be this way.
Homosexuality is typically passed on from -in most cases- a dormant disfunctional gene. The genetic code is mainly hereditary, but can be a result of faulty genetic strings. Not everyone comes to understand this innate feeling for a number of years... if at all. I say "disfunctional" loosely, but it is deemed as an "error" in the human coding.

Experience can influence a person's sexuality, but it's not always the case.

Also, stay on topic guys. This is about marriage. :monster:
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I have to say that, i am against it. Its because of what i believe, i want to believe in a higher being but i don't. There are a lot of straight people out there who get married but don't believe in God and that its the done thing when people love each other, and thats the only reason.

Why gay people would choose a religion that would condemn them i don't know but its something deeper than i care to go further on. I may change my mind in the future.
Woah, there's a LOT of homophobes on here...

I'm all for it, it's their choices, let them make it themselves.

Homosexuality is about as genetic as religion.
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Woah, there's a LOT of homophobes on here...

I'm all for it, it's their choices, let them make it themselves.

Just for the record I am gay.

I feel the same way, they can do whatever they want. Its just not my cup of tea.

If it makes them happy then thats brilliant. I shouldn't say then that i am against it, i am just not for it.
Just for the record I am gay.

I feel the same way, they can do whatever they want. Its just not my cup of tea.

If it makes them happy then thats brilliant. I shouldn't say then that i am against it, i am just not for it.


You are gay, yet it's not your cup of tea?

Okay, let's hypothetically say homosexuality was a genetic matter, there would be no gays, gays DO NOT REPRODUCE.
Rendering that argument completely dead.

Saying it's a disfunctional gene is not homophobia, it's blind stupidity.

Is there a gene that says whether we're to be murderers? Paedophiles genes?
Is there a gene that tells us what religion we shall be? Or what job we shall get?
No there isn't.
And there isn't a gene that determines sexuality either.
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You are gay, yet it's not your cup of tea?

Okay, let's hypothetically say homosexuality was a genetic matter, there would be no gays, gays DO NOT REPRODUCE.
Rendering that argument completely dead.

Saying it's a disfunctional gene is not homophobia, it's blind stupidity.

Is there a gene that says whether we're to be murderers? Paedophiles genes?
Is there a gene that tells us what religion we shall be? Or what job we shall get?
No there isn't.
And there isn't a gene that determines sexuality either.

They are called chromazones.

I just find it funny that 'straight' people can judge whether or not gay people should get married but gay people can't!?!?

And yes people are murderers if there is a chemical inbalance in their brain due to, yes, genetics.

No there isn't a religion gene, thats just daft.