Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

Frankly, I think marriage is wrong no matter which parties are in play. I could care less about marriage itself, but the tax benefits which come from marriage should be equitable in its treatment to homosexual couples, even if not recognized by the state as 'marriage' per se.

If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck, it's a duck, but if you can't give everyone ducks, the next best thing would be to give someone a goose that quacks. :P
Not so much homosexuality as in man-man relation but more like man-boy

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederasty_in_ancient_Greece

Oh, and before anyone here calls the article Bullshit for being from Wikipedia, note that it cites its references.

I have my own theory about that, but I don't think you guys want to hear it

I was talking to my sons teacher (Philologos at History)and she told me yes theres a part of true in it but she also told me to not believe everything written on this page.But that some Greek THAN was movin there A.. its shure truth.Or they were just behind every skyrt the've seen or behind a younger Men.But as for today the most Greeks espezially the Religion of the Greeks are for 100 % against the Homosexuality.

please read the history of your country. PLEASE.

Im not Greek!!Its not my history.
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Look what happens when you don't check every single thread every minute of the day :]

I have to say that, looking over the last few pages, the real problem in this thread is trying to open QuickSilverD'd mind. Silver, honestly, you're an intelligent person and you have the right to your opinion, but deny it or not, you've been expressing your opinion as fact and have desperately tried to prove this fact with whatever statements you can muster. I'm not going to go through them all, but just to indicate, it's the ones that everyone has picked up on.

At the end of the day, Silver, you can't prove or disprove homosexuality (and neither can anyone else, for that matter) to be morally right or wrong. The purpose of the thread is to discuss what you believe and why you believe it, not if you can prove others beliefs right or wrong. I know I'm a little late in saying this, but just to emphasise Lady Aerith:
Stay on topic (homosexual marriage - do you agree?)
@ Riku,

What I think is not fact, I know that and what is even worse you guys know that! [joking] I have however give you some logic (even if you think is twisted and wrong) with every argument I have use.

You said (and a few others not all of you) that no one can "prove or disprove homosexuality" whatever that means.

To try to let you understand my point of view look it at this way (remember when I was talking about right and wrong?) Well Society has nothing to gain from Homosexuality, and thus homosexual relationships, nothing at all, it does no good, is worthless, it is (and please excuse my language) Less than Useless unlike the heterosexual one [I don't think I need to clarify why, or do I?]

That is the position I have had since the begining, I been saying over and over again, I know I been repeating myself, but hey if don't do that, people will just forget about what I said, this topid is already 22 pages long after all.

I don't really considerate myself as close-minded, I can accept anything as long as there is a good reason for that, I don't hate nor discriminate without a real reason {3rd P}, I don't discriminate people by gender nor race, maybe a little by intelligent lever, but that has its reason too (just to be clear I'm not calling anyone here an idiot, I don't know any of you well enough to make that judgement).

Like I said if I find that something (anything, not just the topic of this thread) to be of no good (as in it doesn't do any good for us) then I'll probably oppose it regarless of what others think.

You guys (and girls) accept it, and I don't, fine!, is not like if we are gonna change the world or anything, and I wouldn't even care to post in this thread if it weren't because I find some of the arguments that people is using to excuse Homosexuality to be incredibly stupid and ridiculous (just my view no need to be offended anyone)
You said (and a few others not all of you) that no one can "prove or disprove homosexuality" whatever that means.

To try to let you understand my point of view look it at this way (remember when I was talking about right and wrong?) Well Society has nothing to gain from Homosexuality,
If you had bothered to read OmniscientOnus' post on how it prevents over-population, then you wouldn't have made this statement. Also, maybe society does not benefit significantly, but what of personal relations? Allowing marriage certainly makes it easier for the homosexuals, doesn't it?

and thus homosexual relationships, nothing at all, it does no good, is worthless, it is (and please excuse my language) Less than Useless unlike the heterosexual one [I don't think I need to clarify why, or do I?]
I could say heterosexual relationships are useless, because at the end of the day, we all die eventually, so what's the point in trying to progress with time?

That is the position I have had since the begining, I been saying over and over again, I know I been repeating myself, but hey if don't do that, people will just forget about what I said, this topid is already 22 pages long after all.
Eventually, though, you're just going to exhaust your opinion and whittle this thread down to the foundations of life. Also, it's 45 pages long, not 22 :P

I don't really considerate myself as close-minded, I can accept anything as long as there is a good reason for that,
You don't need a reason to be different.

You guys (and girls) accept it, and I don't, fine!, is not like if we are gonna change the world or anything, and I wouldn't even care to post in this thread if it weren't because I find some of the arguments that people is using to excuse Homosexuality to be incredibly stupid and ridiculous (just my view no need to be offended anyone)
Then do everyone a favour and please stop trying to repeat your opinion over and over again - at this stage, everyone participating in this discussion knows exactly how you feel and, to be honest, I don't think anyone benefits from throwing around rebuttals that end in posts such as this.
If you had bothered to read OmniscientOnus' post on how it prevents over-population, then you wouldn't have made this statement. Also, maybe society does not benefit significantly, but what of personal relations? Allowing marriage certainly makes it easier for the homosexuals, doesn't it?
If the purpose of homosexuality is to prevent over population then it has failed terribly. The more personal point of view doesn't matter as it is not looking forward for the best of society

I could say heterosexual relationships are useless, because at the end of the day, we all die eventually, so what's the point in trying to progress with time?
So what if we'll die? not because of that we are stop caring about living, or should I go now and kill myself? after all I'm gonna die one day. We will die, and maybe one day humanity will cease to exist, but is no reason for wanting death

Eventually, though, you're just going to exhaust your opinion and whittle this thread down to the foundations of life. Also, it's 45 pages long, not 22 :P
Well actually is twenty something pages for me :rolleyes:, I programed it to show 20 posts per page so, this setting is in the User CP options somewhere, I used to have it to show 40 posts per page, but sometimes this topic wouldn't load properly so I changed it 20

Then do everyone a favour and please stop trying to repeat your opinion over and over again - at this stage, everyone participating in this discussion knows exactly how you feel and, to be honest, I don't think anyone benefits from throwing around rebuttals that end in posts such as this.
I'm going to listen to your advise now [unless someone quote me that is] I'll be back when this topic grows to 500 replies, that's five pages from now I think
So what if we'll die? not because of that we are stop caring about living, or should I go now and kill myself? after all I'm gonna die one day. We will die, and maybe one day humanity will cease to exist, but is no reason for wanting death
Understand that there's a fine line between murder and preventing life. Homosexuality may well be a natural form of contraception. If you were to kill yourself, then that's on the other end of the scale to not having sex, or not producing a child. Think of it on a smaller scale, for simplicity:

Ten people; two of them are homosexual females and the other eight of them are heterosexual couples (four males and four females). Let's say that the eight heterosexuals were allowed to reproduce and were successful in producing one offspring each - four couples, each with a child, plus two homosexuals equals fourteen. Now, the two homosexuals cannot reproduce, and so there cannot be fifteen people in the room, but instead, fourteen. Now, eventually somewhere down the lines, the heterosexual couples will produce more than one child, subsequently causing the population of the room to increase. Consider how much higher the population would be if the homosexual couple were instead heterosexual? Eventually, in this confined room, the people would run out of resources - but they will have lived longer, since there are less people in the room.

Aye, my example proves to be nothing short of pathetic - but still, it demonstrates a point.
Riku, I envy your ability to make your point short, sweet and to the point. For some reason I can do that overwhelmingly well while in person, but typing it out is always so lengthy. It may have something to do with being able to see if people can understand you when you're looking right at them. Either way, you were able to give the same type of example as I did, with the same meaning, only I took like 20 paragraphs, and you took 1.:P

If the purpose of homosexuality is to prevent over population then it has failed terribly. The more personal point of view doesn't matter as it is not looking forward for the best of society

No one has said that this is for sure the reason behind it, just a possibility. And, it has not failed to our knowledge. Homosexuality is just a possible way to keep the population down, after all, imagine if all of them had been procreating all of this time... we'd have so many people that I don't think there would be any natural resources left at this point in time.

As for the personal point of view part, how is it not supporting a better society? After all, homosexuals are part of the society too and I would have to imagine that improving a society would greatly rely on having happier people in it. What's the point of reproducing at all if people aren't happy at least some of the time? I mean, even from a religious stand point you would probably agree that happiness is a key contributor to a better society. I'm not saying that homosexuals can't be happy if they can't get married, but it would sure help. But then again, I guess it would make the anti-homosexual people angry thereby negating it's own positive affects. I can't say for sure, but I would imagine that more homosexuals would be happier than anti homosexuals would be angrier though.

I'm going to listen to your advise now [unless someone quote me that is] I'll be back when this topic grows to 500 replies, that's five pages from now I think

I'm glad to hear this. I stopped posting on this thread because we were all just running around in circles. It was getting pretty frustrating. I'm all for debating, but it just feels useless when nobody ever shows even an inkling of changing their minds, or even broadening the issue.
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Heh, I find it awesome how Riku says "stay on topic (homosexual marriage - do you agree?)" and the proceeding post references the sex issue. I don't believe we've ever stayed on topic for longer than one page: rather morphed to an open discussion regarding all aspects of homosexuality. I suppose this is necessary though.

QuickSilverD said:
I don't really considerate myself as close-minded, I can accept anything as long as there is a good reason for that, I don't hate nor discriminate without a real reason {3rd P}, I don't discriminate people by gender nor race, maybe a little by intelligent lever, but that has its reason too (just to be clear I'm not calling anyone here an idiot, I don't know any of you well enough to make that judgement).
Yet deep within the pages of this topic when you and I were in the pinnacle of our debate, you clearly expressed and admitted that the mere existence of homosexuality was a blow to your masculinity, and that you didn't want to be viewed as "weak and feminine." Needless to say you relate all females as inferior beings which, my friend, would be discrimination. We've also established your stubborn roots to tradition and traditional gender roles despite a changing world. This persistence to live in the past versus the optimized future then illustrates closed-mindedness, so please tell me how you don't consider yourself as such...?

QuickSilverD said:
If the purpose of homosexuality is to prevent over population then it has failed terribly.
How can you evaluate such a thing when you haven't provided time for the results to be clearly shown? Every change made in evolution, for the long run, has been a gradual process. The oppression of this change isn't exactly helping the case either, I mean, how can you accurately observe the effects when the subjects are being held back and/or killed?

I'm a bit curious as to how Christians can reply with such confidence when their religion is so controversial and hypocritical in itself. Not to step on toes or anything, just a floating thought.

QuickSilverD said:
The more personal point of view doesn't matter as it is not looking forward for the best of society
What, in your opinion, and not necessarily related to homosexuality (as I can make it related in my response, so this inquiry is not off-topic), is best for society?
I don't even know if I'm doing this right?..

I only signed up cos this thread infuriated me :|.

Why are you all only talking about men being gay? Women can be gay aswell, yet nobody finds anything wrong with that 'cause it gives men hard-on's :)? It's ridiculous that two women can do all the same kind of stuff but don't get persecuted as much because it is found sexy.
In my opinion, it's because you're all scared that seeing homosexuality is gonna turn you gay? GET REAL. Being exposed to it doesn't mean a thousand men are gonna run up to you and anally penetrate you. Idiots.
Just because someone is gay, it doesn't make them dirty, diseased, filthy.
And heterosexual people display affection in public, but little kids are allowed to watch that?
If you ask me, youngsters being exposed to homosexuality will just make them see it is normal, rather than finding out when they are our age and seeing it as something disgusting and a breach of whatever, I don't know.
I was brought up as a catholic, yet I have been able to form my own opinions on topics like this. I don't believe in God, but my family accept this, which is what religion is all about, yes?
Yet you are only reciting things you have heard at church, what you have been told is wrong.
What if one of you christians was to turn out gay? Would you be too scared to tell anyone for fear of persecution? It shouldn't be like that for homosexual people, but in reality, it is. This is because of people just deciding it is wrong, when they have not even considered the points behind the subject. You are seeing through God's eyes and not your own.
In short, all these posts have annoyed me, and I'm not even sure I've gotten my point across correctly. But I'm doing what I can to stand up for something I believe in, and I'm glad that there are some people here who are doing the same.

Siobhán xx
I don't see too much of a problem with them getting married. Although, I have never met a gay person in my life, apart from my uncle, everyone in my family suspects my uncle of being a closet-gay, but I'm talking about those fairy-clean-your-house-floatin'-around-Rip Taylor gay guys.
To answer the thread question, no I dont believe in Gay marriages. If two gay guys wanna stay together, then fine stay together but i dont believe in gay marriages.

ps, Please don't burn me for my opinion, if you believe in gay marriages, i totally respect that.
What the hell is marriage nowadays anyway? People getting divorced all the time, 20 year old women marrying 60 year old men for their money etc. If they want to get married let them, it's their choice and their life not yours.
I only signed up cos this thread infuriated me :|.

Why are you all only talking about men being gay? Women can be gay aswell, yet nobody finds anything wrong with that 'cause it gives men hard-on's :)? It's ridiculous that two women can do all the same kind of stuff but don't get persecuted as much because it is found sexy.
In my opinion, it's because you're all scared that seeing homosexuality is gonna turn you gay? GET REAL. Being exposed to it doesn't mean a thousand men are gonna run up to you and anally penetrate you. Idiots.
Just because someone is gay, it doesn't make them dirty, diseased, filthy.
And heterosexual people display affection in public, but little kids are allowed to watch that?
If you ask me, youngsters being exposed to homosexuality will just make them see it is normal, rather than finding out when they are our age and seeing it as something disgusting and a breach of whatever, I don't know.
I was brought up as a catholic, yet I have been able to form my own opinions on topics like this. I don't believe in God, but my family accept this, which is what religion is all about, yes?
Yet you are only reciting things you have heard at church, what you have been told is wrong.
What if one of you christians was to turn out gay? Would you be too scared to tell anyone for fear of persecution? It shouldn't be like that for homosexual people, but in reality, it is. This is because of people just deciding it is wrong, when they have not even considered the points behind the subject. You are seeing through God's eyes and not your own.
In short, all these posts have annoyed me, and I'm not even sure I've gotten my point across correctly. But I'm doing what I can to stand up for something I believe in, and I'm glad that there are some people here who are doing the same.

Siobhán xx

I love you.

This post gave me a truthgasm, post = win, let that be an example to you all, especially the part about women being gay as well, but it's okay cause men like it, I refer you to a post Squizzgar made:

Squizzgar said:
You're a lesbian? that's hawt.

Need there be anymore said?
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i dont believe in marriede at all doesent matter if its Woman and Men or now Homosexual once.
I believe that if someone feels he/she/they love each other so much so they would like to stay together until the end of there lifes that they are already marriede in there Hearts.
Also i told already that i'm shure most womans has got thoughts about,how it is with a nother woman,i even like to believe that the same thoughts has Men.Just they never talk about that,as we woman do.
So in the end we all have some kind of homosexual thoughts in our mind dont we?
If "marriage" is truly a religious term, then why is a government that is supposed to have separated the State from the Church using it?

"Marriage" should exist legally for no one. Should two consenting adults wish to form a legal union with each other, then they should be allowed to do so.

If after that, they wish to form a legal union between themselves & be bound by their higher power - let them go to their churches & do so.

Speaking as a homosexual, for me I don't need a piece of paper or a higher power to tell me that I am deeply committed to another person. I don't need to be married to have made mutual vows with another person. I haven't needed it for the past 2 years (my anniversary is May 7th; w00t for two wonderful years) & I certainly don't need it now.

My only beef is that it is excessively strenuous to become another person's estate & to obtain each other's power of attorney. There was so much red-tape to be able to get to this point & this red-tape doesn't exist for heterosexual couples.

(*Chuckles) I'm willing to bet that if you removed the benefits from legal marriage, no one would be fighting to "save" it. :P
I'm occasionally a little overly partial to holding the neutrality flag with these things, but I renounce the flag here and support it. Not because I'm gay, bisexual, or feel like being ass-hattishly argumentative all the time, but I despise the apparent disgust that dogmatic religions display towards the act of marriage between the same sex. It's senseless. The whole point of marriage is to unite two people under the name of love... or whatever, and act as a construct of bonding. It's cute.

But I hate the concept of marriage. It's far too restricting to a person's mentality. "I can't cope" is heard far too often amongst couples. Personal opinion of course.

Ryker said:
(my anniversary is May 7th; w00t for two wonderful years)