Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

Sh!t >_<, I’ve been trying to avoid this topic! Listen there have been uncountable cases of genetic mutation like for example frameshift that ends up causing many deceases, Siamese twins, premature births, a race of intelligent animals that are destroying nature itself, just because it happens doesn’t means that it is automatically right..

Exactly what makes you think you have the right or authority to decide what is or is not right? If something is not right from the POV of nature, it gets eliminated by natural selection. yet homosexuality in animals is a fairly spread phenomenon and as such it proves your theory incorrect.

An estimate of 15-20% of the general male population and up to 80% of the female human population are supposed- by Kinsey who have the data to back it- to be in various degrees bisexual to homosexual. That is not an exception. That is a genetic trend which may as well be nature's response to overcrowding.
I dont approve of it, simply because I want humans to be on the earth when it goes to holy Hell, but if people start becoming gay, and not have children because, well.. Y'know.. So, yeah. Down with gay marrage.
Guess I'll just throw my opinion in here.

For me, it's a no no. Girl on girl action is cool...but straight out lesbianess and gayness is not cool in my opinion. It just isn't natural...and no matter what you say, you can't disprove that. Man and woman are meant to be together and reproduce...that is why there is a penis and a vagina.

Anything besides that is just not normal. And if your a bible believing person, the bible condones anything besides male and female...despite what some preachers will say.
For me, it's a no no. Girl on girl action is cool...but straight out lesbianess and gayness is not cool in my opinion.
so it is Ok for as long as it turns you on, but if hey do it for their own pleasure is wrong?

It just isn't natural...and no matter what you say, you can't disprove that. Man and woman are meant to be together and reproduce...that is why there is a penis and a vagina.
It has already been disproved. Nature has shown its way, and whether your prejudices accept it or not, it will not change.

Anything besides that is just not normal. And if your a bible believing person, the bible condones anything besides male and female...despite what some preachers will say.
what is normal? Who gets to define what normal is?
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so it is Ok for as long as it turns you on, but if hey do it for their own pleasure is wrong?

Ahem, the girls that do this are usually not really lesbians.

When I meant there by lesbians is like hardcore trucker looking gals who talk like guys and you know are gay.

crash said:
It has already been disproved. Nature has shown its way, and whether your prejudices accept it or not, it will not change.

I have no prejudices, just general opinions of right and wrong.

crash said:
what is normal? Who gets to define what normal is?

Taking into account that I said bible believing people, I would hope god would decide whats normal.
Exactly what makes you think you have the right or authority to decide what is or is not right?
Oh and you do?

It has already been disproved. Nature has shown its way, and whether your prejudices accept it or not, it will not change.
saying that nature intended homosexuality, is like saying that it didn't intended heterosexuality, and I don't see how both could have been intended.

what is normal? Who gets to define what normal is?
Trying to attack common terms like "normal" only shows your desperation to prove a point.

By the way if you really care to know what normal is, I posted the definition a few pages backs, now I gotta run
Oh and you do?

No, and I did not claim to.

saying that nature intended homosexuality, is like saying that it didn't intended heterosexuality, and I don't see how both could have been intended.
Logics would help you tremendously in achieving that. Homosexuality and heterosexuality are by no means exclusive, they have been coexisting alongside each other for millenia. It has been a theory for decades that homosexuality is nature's way to regulate overpopulation.

Trying to attack common terms like "normal" only shows your desperation to prove a point.
Scientists more educated than you have defied the definition of the so called normality for centuries. While it is in human nature's tendency to define one's own experience as normal, that is nothing more than a logical fallacy based on anecdote. There is no such thing as an universal normality standard since there is no such thing as universal human experience. taking your own prejudices as a valid argument is not an accepted debate means.

By the way if you really care to know what normal is, I posted the definition a few pages backs, now I gotta run
Smells like copout.


Ahem, the girls that do this are usually not really lesbians.

so you are OK with the act for show purposes but not with the real thing? What is wrong with you?

When I meant there by lesbians is like hardcore trucker looking gals who talk like guys and you know are gay.

And what is your problem with that?

I have no prejudices, just general opinions of right and wrong.

Based on?

Taking into account that I said bible believing people, I would hope god would decide whats normal.
and assuming we accept that God exists, how would you know what he would decide?
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Seeing how the bible is all of gods thoughts written through prophets etc, and it clearly reads "Man shall no lay with man" I guess that would tell me huh? :P

Whats wrong with girls like that? Everything. :) No I won't go into detail, tear me apart for it. Meh.

And what is wrong with me? Nothing, I'm a normal guy who gets off to such things. :)

And if homosexuality is the worlds way of sway over population, it failed horribly.
o.o @ Megagirl.

Talking about making a point.

Anyway, Gay Marriages. Fine by me. Why? They're humans and they have every right in happiness as the rest of the us. Do I think it is wrong? When I see it, yes...but I'm heterosexual.

And yes there are gay animals in this world so yeah it is perfectly natural too, there is nothing wrong with gay people.

To the religious people out here. I'm not trying to offend any of you, I am a believer in God, but He actually stated that He did not wanted to be worshipped with physical things. What do you all do, build churches. Who spoke Blasphemy?
Seeing how the bible is all of gods thoughts written through prophets etc, and it clearly reads "Man shall no lay with man" I guess that would tell me huh? :P

The Bible has been changed over centuries and millenia, things have been taken out and put back in by people who were not God. As such, the Bible's credibility eve if we are willing to assume it may have had a divine origin to begin with is compromised.

Whats wrong with girls like that? Everything. :) No I won't go into detail, tear me apart for it. Meh.

You tore yourself apart for being prejudiced and narrow minded. Give them enough rope... as usual

And what is wrong with me? Nothing, I'm a normal guy who gets off to such things. :)

I hope that the average guy is better than you, otherwise I will be forced to become a lesbian out of spite

And if homosexuality is the worlds way of sway over population, it failed horribly.

time will tell.
The Bible has been changed over centuries and millenia, things have been taken out and put back in by people who were not God. As such, the Bible's credibility eve if we are willing to assume it may have had a divine origin to begin with is compromised.

You tore yourself apart for being prejudiced and narrow minded. Give them enough rope... as usual

I hope that the average guy is better than you, otherwise I will be forced to become a lesbian out of spite

time will tell.

Afraid to dissappoint you there. There are alot of guys that like girl on girl action, and I believe they can be put under the average title ;)

But you bring some very valid points, considering the Koran and the Bible are actually identical, but the small differences in both of them actually hint at that the Books have been tampered.

Of course, the Great Kings in the Medievil era are to thank for that.
No, and I did not claim to.

Yes you did:
There are uncountable cases of animal homosexuality, and as such I believe that what nature intended is obvious.

Do gay people have a right to cerebrate their unions? Of course they do. What is more important and to the point- do they have a right to benefit from the large privileges afforded to married heterosexual couples?
Seeing how the bible is all of gods thoughts written through prophets etc, and it clearly reads "Man shall no lay with man" I guess that would tell me huh?
You can't know this, hence you are wrong. In fact you're more wrong than any secular philosopher could ever be. A bioethicist could at least potentially be right because he's attempting (allegedly) to articulate a rational philosophy. But what can be said for a fundamentalist who presumes he needs no reason, no logic, no belief but that which he assumes is true? You cannot be right.

Anyone who believes what the Bible or anything or anyone says without some sort of rational analysis is a mindless ghoul who needs to stop bothering people who are trying to live their lives.
And what is wrong with me? Nothing, I'm a normal guy who gets off to such things.
The gay boys are trying to "get off" too. By what right do you persecute them? What right do you have to prevent them from satisfying their deepest needs? None. They have a right to their lives, from which all their other rights are derived, including their sexual and romantic rights. Don't even try to argue, you've already confessed your beliefs are grounded in the supernatural, the irrational, that list of disgusting Bronze Age prejudices and hatreds called the Bible. No one has ever managed to articulate any reason, any reason in Heaven or Earth or under the Earth, to violate the rights of another human being. That is the exclusive province of irrational religious fanatics: a blackened and bloody place of mangled corpses and smoldering embers cut through time and space by an army of demonic destroyers driven mad and drunk with the power of faith.

I'm sorry, whenever I hear someone talk about "TEH BBILE TLELS MEH" I can't help but see in my mind's eye a vision of planes crashing and towers falling, and words booming as if from the voice of god, BEHOLD THE POWER OF FAITH.
And if homosexuality is the worlds way of sway over population, it failed horribly.
You do not understand the concept of science. Neither overpopulation, but that is a different issue.

Science works like this: you have a bunch of rats in a closed environment. They populate. They overpopulate. Some are now gay. The population remains overpopulated. Did something "fail?" No. Is the concept flawed? No. Animal populations reliably manifest homosexual individuals, and do so in increased amounts in overpopulation scenarios, both in the wild as well as the lab. The scientific phenomenon does not cease to be true because you find it inconvenient. The science is not flawed or false because you do not like it. The science exists by a philosophical concept called "primacy of existence," whereby things are true not because you or some religious fanatic believes them to be so, but are true in their own right, by their own power.

Before you grasp this or any scientific truth you must first get over addiction to primacy of consciousness, the mental disorder that would convince people that things are so because they (or god ololo) says they are. Common symptoms include believing the universe exists "because the lowered spake it into bein'" and "mow ral et ee iz wut teh bah bul sez."
?????????/ Where?
I did not at any pointgiven myself the authority to decide what is right and what is not. All I have done was to reach the logical conclusions of a chain of logical facts.
Exactly the same that I did, I never said my word=true, and I used facts to reach a logical conclusion
Lol, thank you all for reminding me why I don't venture into these sections on forums. As an admin on other forums, coming into these things never went good because it continued to get me arguments which I didn't think were healthy for the forum enviroment, and here I said, "Well your not staff, try it out" and now I realize I can't get buy those old feelings...I'm on forums to have fun, not argue about things I won't change on.

I bow out of this one.
Lol, thank you all for reminding me why I don't venture into these sections on forums. As an admin on other forums, coming into these things never went good because it continued to get me arguments which I didn't think were healthy for the forum enviroment, and here I said, "Well your not staff, try it out" and now I realize I can't get buy those old feelings...I'm on forums to have fun, not argue about things I won't change on.

I bow out of this one.
Minus the facts part.
:confused: you're impossible you know that, why don't you go back and this time actually read my post, acording to your logic everything is part of nature and is all good and well, I told you why not, never lieing, by the way, I don't understand why would you say that I didn't used facts, when it seemed that it was you the one who was not using facts but twisting the thruth. either way, I can't keep spamming this thread with this useless discussing with you girl
:confused: you're impossible you know that, why don't you go back and this time actually read my post, acording to your logic everything is part of nature and is all good and well, I told you why not, never lieing, by the way, I don't understand why would you say that I didn't used facts, when it seemed that it was you the one who was not using facts but twisting the thruth. either way, I can't keep spamming this thread with this useless discussing with you girl

You haven't made an argument, just repeated your prejudices.

Sh!t >_<, I’ve been trying to avoid this topic! Listen there have been uncountable cases of genetic mutation like for example frameshift that ends up causing many deceases, Siamese twins, premature births, a race of intelligent animals that are destroying nature itself, just because it happens doesn’t means that it is automatically right..
This is not an argument in any way, shape or form. random comparisons do not make a valid argument.

I will try to explain it to you slowly so you can understand me:
natural selection works in such a way that what doesn't work gets eliminated. If homosexuality was not a workable treat, it would have not been present in all species.It would hve been eliminated, because only viable solutions remain.