Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

Haha, wow. Looks like I just stepped into a raging inferno...

I guess if I had to boil my belief on subject down to a few sentences I would say that I don't have a problem with two people getting married, regardless of sexual orientation. I mean, most long-term gay couples already consider themselves as married, as they live together, sleep together, have a shared income, and if they had children, would raise them together. The only thing they lack is the formality of being recognized by the state and thus receiving all of the benefits and hindrances of legal marriage. People are willing to grant gay couples all the same benefits as a heterosexual couples through civil unions, making them married in every single way a heterosexual couple is, and yet they are not willing to say it's marriage. I say call a spade a spade, they are married so throw out all the semantics and just give them that title.
Homosexual Marriage isn't the issue. It's people tiny thought processes that keep them on a narrow road to oblivion.

Man was created equal. Man has taken that equality and shoved it down the shitter. If you have a problem with it, Don't fucking get one. Simple as that. Why the fuck should someone els's personal choices affect you? Simple, they shouldn't!

I honestly could care less if people start to bash me for this or what ever they decide to do. I'm not one to reason with discrimination. I just won't. Being one whose pretty open minded. I find it sad how many people could look at someone whose Gay, Lesbian, Bi, ect ect and hate their guts.

If your going to disagree and deny them the privilege to marriage, then so be it. I hope you enjoy your suffrage.
I am homophobic so I do not agree with a gay marriage under any circumstances.
People are free to choose who ever they want to be with, same gender as well. But personally I am totally against it. It's the same as watching two male dogs having sex. It was just not meant to be in nature.
I am homophobic so I do not agree with a gay marriage under any circumstances.
People are free to choose who ever they want to be with, same gender as well. But personally I am totally against it. It's the same as watching two male dogs having sex. It was just not meant to be in nature.

I'm sorry, but are you calling homosexual people "freaks of nature" by saying it's not within nature? You're wrong. It's within their nature. People don't CHOOSE to be homosexual, it just happens. If I'm not mistaken, it's been scientifically proven that people are born with this. Sometimes it chooses to lie dormant until a specific time, sometimes it's always there but that person fights against it not wanting to believe it's happened to them, for fear of being ridiculed, etc... I found your comment here rather cruel, cold and opinionated. You really should be careful what you say around here. We do have homosexual members on our forum, and I'd rather them not get offended by comments in this thread.
♥Shiva♥;523272 said:
I'm sorry, but are you calling homosexual people "freaks of nature" by saying it's not within nature? You're wrong. It's within their nature. People don't CHOOSE to be homosexual, it just happens. If I'm not mistaken, it's been scientifically proven that people are born with this. Sometimes it chooses to lie dormant until a specific time, sometimes it's always there but that person fights against it not wanting to believe it's happened to them, for fear of being ridiculed, etc... I found your comment here rather cruel, cold and opinionated. You really should be careful what you say around here. We do have homosexual members on our forum, and I'd rather them not get offended by comments in this thread.

Where did I ever call them freaks of nature? I really can't recall myself saying that.
And am I not entitled to my own opinion in this case? If so you could have at least put a warning on the front page "Own opinions only allowed to a certain degree".
Secondly I never intended to insult anyone. I will quote myself saying that I am a homophobic, which is also natural to be. And I am against homosexual marriage. I also said they have the rights to choose whether or not they would marry and/or be with someone of their own gender. Just that I am against it. I think you look down upon my response to be harsher than it really is. Just because I said what I said doesn't mean I judge their persona out of what gender they fall in love with.
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It was just not meant to be in nature.

That gave me the indication. You're saying it was just not meant to be in nature, but that's simply not true. If it was never meant to be nature, it certainly wouldn't be happening now. I've just had a couple of our members express to me how this thread and that post in particular, made them feel like they were freaks of nature is all. That's why I stated what I did.
♥Shiva♥;523284 said:
That gave me the indication. You're saying it was just not meant to be in nature, but that's simply not true. If it was never meant to be nature, it certainly wouldn't be happening now. I've just had a couple of our members express to me how this thread and that post in particular, made them feel like they were freaks of nature is all. That's why I stated what I did.

I might have rushed myself on that line and I apologize to whoever it might offend. I just personally don't like it in any way. But again my apologies to whomever.

But I would still never judge a person's character merely because of this.
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Oh wow... That turned into quite the heated flaming up there. <.> Sheesh...

Homosexuality. =/ Hmm... Well I dunno, to be honest, I don't really care either what people prefer to be their partner, either their own gender or the opposite. I mean... Sure don't rub all your details in MY face if you do decide to be the way you want to be if you're homosexual, but I rather not get into details like that.

Just enjoy being with the person you love. If being homosexual makes someone happier than they are by being straight, why live with something you hate?
I might have rushed myself on that line and I apologize to whoever it might offend. I just personally don't like it in any way. But again my apologies to whomever.

But I would still never judge a person's character merely because of this.

Don't take this as an insult or a threat. Because it's not.

Let's say you were to meet someone. You got along greatly with them. Years go by and your best friends with said person. They decide to tell you they are homosexual. By being homophobic, (from what i've gather from watching homphobics and society in general) you seem to have stated that while they might be good people, you don't want to partake in being their friend or have any relation to them. I might have inturpreted what you've posted wrongly but that seemed contradicting to me.
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Don't take this as an insult or a threat. Because it's not.

Let's say you were to meet someone. You got along greatly with them. Years go by and your best friends with said person. They decide to tell you they are homosexual. By being homophobic, (from what i've gather from watching homphobics and society in general) you seem to have stated that while they might be good people, you don't want to partake in being their friend or have any relation to them. I might have inturpreted what you've posted wrongly but that seemed contradicting to me.

My dearest uncle is a homosexual, and he has had a long term relationship with another man. And god knows I appreciate my uncle and support him no matter what.
My point being as of homophobic: I can talk to people who are homosexual, hell, even hang out with them. But if another person of my own gender touch me emotionally I would just cripple together and hyperventilate because I woulsn't manage to stand it. And I don't like watching two people of the same gender kissing/hugging. I just don't feel well by it.
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I am homophobic so I do not agree with a gay marriage under any circumstances.
People are free to choose who ever they want to be with, same gender as well. But personally I am totally against it. It's the same as watching two male dogs having sex. It was just not meant to be in nature.
So gay people aren't entitled to the legal status that they get from marriage as opposed to a civil union because you think it's wrong?
Do you have any other grounds for denying them marriage besides prejudice?
So gay people aren't entitled to the legal status that they get from marriage as opposed to a civil union because you think it's wrong?
Do you have any other grounds for denying them marriage besides prejudice?

Uh, did you even read the rest of my posts? I said I am against I never denied anyone anything. I also stated several times, if you'd like me to quote? They are free to choose whoever they want to be with and/or marry.
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hireshi said:
Uh, did you even read the rest of my posts? I said I am against I never denied anyone anything. I also stated several times, if you'd like me to quote? They are free to choose whoever they want to be with and/or marry.
The reason why people are picking apart your posts is because of this:
hireshi said:
I am homophobic so I do not agree with a gay marriage under any circumstances.
That was your first sentence in this thread, first impressions matter. Saying you don't agree with gay marriage under any circumstances is a pretty powerful statement.

But I'm guessing you meant it in the same way as someone would say; "I don't agree with doing drugs, however I don't have a problem with other people doing drugs, so long as they don't try to pressure me into taking them."

But anyway back on topic, I think people take sexuality far too seriously. At the end of the day, it's all about love. Homophobes seem to have the impression that because someone is gay, they want to have sex with them. I myself am Bi-sexual, but I don't exactly look at every guy I meet and think about screwing them. Think about how many chicks you have met who you DIDN'T want to have sex with. Homophobes tend to flatter themselves too much. :monster:

Throughout the years homosexuals have been used as scapegoats for countless things and I think homophobia is just a product of that. I'm just glad that I don't hate myself for being the way I am.

hireshi said:
My dearest uncle is a homosexual, and he has had a long term relationship with another man. And god knows I appreciate my uncle and support him no matter what.
If your uncle wanted to marry his partner would you have a problem with that? I'm not trying to stir you up, I'm just asking since you said that you don't agree with gay marriage. Would you support your uncles decision?
I dont really care about homos. As long as they're sucking each others cocks without bothering me, I could really care less.

In life, all you can do is pursue hapiness and smash anyone's face in that obstructs your pursuit. If it makes you happy to hate homos, cool. If it makes you happy to be attracted to someone of the same gender, thats cool too.

but it's not my problem.

But to be clear for those who are not sure of what I am implying; I am simply saying that everyone should be allowed to freely pursue hapiness to an extent.

Homosexuality isn't that big a deal. The only reason it has become such a big deal is because of fucking stupid christian extremists that think they run the world because they worship some guy that for all we know could be a raging faggot sitting in a peach tree throwing rocks at people for lulz :neomon:

Uh, did you even read the rest of my posts? I said I am against I never denied anyone anything. I also stated several times, if you'd like me to quote? They are free to choose whoever they want to be with and/or marry.
The point I was making is that marriage has a different legal status to that of a civil union, so that married people are entitled to more benefits than those not married but who are in a civil union. Which is a form of discrimination, but that's hardly new.
I wasn't trying to have a go at you, just simply asking you a couple of questions, though it does come across a bit more aggresivley than I first thought:neomon:
Because by denying gay people the right to marry, you are denying them some of the benefits that married people have.
I'm not trying to come over wrong at the moment, but it seems like that is happening here.... So I just wanna say this.

Hireshi might be against it.

Others are open for it.

And the rest that's not mentioned doesn't care about it.

I think if Hireshi is against homosexuality that should be his opinion. It's totally normal to be against something you're not used to, or don't like. But at the same time there are people who think gay marriages (for example) should be allowed, while others just think the boy/girl is the "right" way of living.

No matter what, I don't think it's wrong for Hireshi to state what he said, because that is his opinion. If he's grossed out by another man touching him, or just not comfortable with people being gay, than that's his personal feelings towards it.

With that said though, I still am okay with homosexuals, I think everyone should just do what makes them feel comfortable as far as relationships go. I don't like for people rubbing my face in a gay relationship, but don't get me wrong, I don't like straight people rubbing their detailed stories in my face either.
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I think there seems to be a misconception among many people that being gay is a choice, and that people do it because they think it is funny. I could forgive that when looking at so many of todays comedians who base their entire image on stereotypical gayness...

It really isn't much of a choice at all... Sometimes it just kicks people up the arse who didn't ask for it or want it at all. It can be psychologically traumatic for many people, and I've known a lot of people suffer depression over it. It's a struggle. A fight. Not a simple "oh I want to be gay" choice. It's a lot more complex than just choosing. The choice of the matter comes in how you act to it... Follow it through, or try and ignore it as much as you can.

I think the former choice is psychologically the best option, though it isn't the option many people want to take, although with these current times more people are. It'll put your mind at rest if you no longer have to fight it.

I think it is probably better for the people around you as well... Like finding out that one of your parents is gay is not a good thing at all... It leaves you in a complex... Are you just part of a cover story? Are you a just part of the lie made just so that they could fit in with society? Should you even exist at all, as naturally you wouldn't?

So not being true to yourself can cause problems to the people you know, and the people you spawn.... But I can understand that, with the people who DON'T want to accept it or the people who could go both ways, that ignoring it is the obvious choice, and to try and live your life to the best of your ability despite it being a battle.

Also, there seems to be another misconception here that homosexuality serves no natural purpose. Perhaps it does but we just don't understand it yet? I mean, and I know Ricky Gervais isn't a credible source :D, but some animals are said to have their own homesexual communities. It isn't just an invention by the Greeks who wanted to have a laugh one day... It is serious stuff that does happen to people and animals.

Perhaps, and this is just my uneducated guess, it serves the function of stopping populations that are increasing too rapidly from increasing too much. Maybe it is built within some animals so that when the population gets too large then some proportion of animals will become gay so not to increase the population any more than is needed, as naturally (before adoption and treatments) homosexual couples would all be childless. That's a stretchy guess though, based on... nothing whatsoever. But what I am saying is that it MAY serve a perfectly natural purpose as it does happen in nature.

We just don't know the reason yet, which I reckon should be the next step. People should be allowed the freedom to choose what they want to be, and how they want their own mind to work. Maybe if someone researches the reason, then those that don't want it could do something about it. And those that choose it will be free from the homophobes that are only against them because they hate that they may be gay themselves! (Though not all homophobes are like this, I know)
I want to answer this one, but I'm not entirely sure how.

I used to think that homosexuality was weird and unnatural and that homosexual marriage was just wrong. But now, I don't know so much. I've studied psychology for two years and compared homosexual relationships to those of heterosexuals. And in general, homosexual relationships (according to various studies) are more stable and don't show as many signs of unfaithfulness, etc. So looking at that, it seems that homosexuals on the whole are better with the whole long term relationship thing, maybe hinting that these aren't relationships based on lust, as more and more young heterosexual relationships are. Maybe they're a more trusting and more loving side of society. Who knows for sure?

But getting back to the point...I learnt that there are sociobiological explanations for homosexuality. In other words, there are NATURAL theories behind the origins of homosexuality, crushing my childish belief that it was wrong and unnatural. I haven't the time or effort to go into what these explanations are right now, but there are several good books that go into great detail about its origins in the animal kingdom and the purpose it served.

So my mind is torn on this one. Well, that is until I consider one major factor......I disagree with marriage. I accept homosexuals as I accept heterosexuals. But I cannot say that I agree one bit with the ancient institution of marriage. Especially in the modern era. Most, if not ALL of the rights granted to husband and wife can be gained by a couple living together as common-law husband and wife. No marriage involved. And if you truly love somebody, you shouldn't need a ceremony, a ring and a signed bit of paper to tell them.

So no. I cannot agree with homosexual marriage because I cannot agree with heterosexual marriage.
I agree with it. The way I look at things is if they love eachother then let them express it through getting married. They have as much right as any other couple and so I agree with it. I know a buch of homosexuals and they are the best people I have ever met and though they have relationships they don't outwardly express it in public all as much as some think they do. They mostly keep it to theymselves with the odd kiss here and there, but its all cool with me. I have no argument what so ever with it.

I totally agree with you, most people only hate homosexuals because of stereotypes that they see or hear. They are human, they deserve proper treatment!