Homosexual marriage - do you agree?

Don't question how the moderators do their jobs here. You need to know your place. You're the one speaking abrasively and offensively towards the members, insulting people who don't share your views. And if you used your eyes properly you'd see I told everyone else to refrain from the insults just as well as you. Keep it up Axmann, my finger is right on the infraction button.
I don't really have an opinion on homosexuality, as I never really thought that it was any of my business to have one. It's not something that affects my day to day life in anyway whatsoever, and what happens between 2 consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedroom is their business alone.

As far as marriage goes, I don't think that religious institutions should be able to legally marry people in the first place. The very idea that a religious ceremony should have legal repercussions in the secular world is absurd and belongs in the middle ages with the witch burnings. Legally marriage should be a completely secular institution, not dependent on gender in any way.
It's okay.

It just further proves my point that liberals are the ones who are actually intolerant to different opinions.

Want examples of gays terrorizing others, though?

Okay. Here:

Gay leaders terrorize Boston church

Radical gay group terrorized Mount Hope Church, Lansing, MI

Voted for Prop 8? You're fired.

Gays mock Jesus with Last Supper take-off

Residents of homosexual district: 'We're going to kill you. We know who you are'

Oh yes, how very tolerant.

Your sources are all flawed. They all tell the reader what the protesters feel from a clearly biased point of view. You don't know this as a fact "The intent was to terrorize the participants inside the church." They just wanted to make a statement. The protest was seemingly peaceful seeing as how no arrests were made.

Also, a lot of their quotes are from biased people. Instead of giving quotes from the protesters themselves there are only quotes from the people who clearly detest the protesters.

Put it this way, I don't really care. This whole topic doesn't affect me at all.

Anyway, my view:
Gay people are as much human as the rest of us. I think everyone should do their own thing and mind their own business. If we want to practice our religion, we are entitled to do so. If they want to sleep with people of their own gender, they are entitled to do so.
Also, a lot of their quotes are from biased people. Instead of giving quotes from the protesters themselves there are only quotes from the people who clearly detest the protesters.
O rly?

Since when are pro-gay protectors more unbiased as anti-gay advocates?

They both sound just as biased (or unbiased, if you will).

Do you honestly think that the protectors themselves are going to be like "Oh, everything was horrible. We totally meant to cause harm to everyone. We should be ashamed"?

wow, can we drop this whole dam examples being biased shit please... i only read it and its pissed me off,
if someone choses(or mabie it really isnt a choice?) to be gay, then thats there decison, who is to say they are wrong.. the whole affair never affected me untill a little while back when i aquired a friend through my gf and 3 through my mum who where gay... and wth is wron with people saying its wrong, there no diffrent from anyone else exept they have the balls to be difffrent and proud of it.. and tbqh.. no offence to church goers but the who lechistians being anti-gay is all bollox just becauseit says it in the bible, they agree, BUT they choose to disregard toher parts of the bible as if not there so why not this part of it, and being honest and i know its off topic but i dont get christianity, its a world wide religion built around a book that could may have well been writen as non-fiction xD
O rly?

Since when are pro-gay protectors more unbiased as anti-gay advocates?

They both sound just as biased (or unbiased, if you will).

Do you honestly think that the protectors themselves are going to be like "Oh, everything was horrible. We totally meant to cause harm to everyone. We should be ashamed"?


There is a difference between giving sides from both pro-gay/anti-gay OR giving unbiased uncaring views. One is both sides, the other is no sides. Both are fair.

You are giving biased information here..What you're doing is picking some guy who is saying "HAY OMIGAWD U GAIZ THEY TRAMPLED ZE GRASS OMG THEY INTENTIONALLY WANTED TO TERRORIZE CHURCH PPLZZ" when..they might not really have TRAMPLED anything just walked by it or just wanted their voices to be heard. I don't see how this is accurate or fair, it's one biased side.

With that said, we cannot decide if the information is actually "correct" or just some jerk who hates gays going on a rant. What we do know is that there were no arrests made and no one was hurt. In my book this counts as a peaceful protest.

Like I said, I don't really care about this subject, but your examples are flawed.

And yeah I realize you're banned but I still want to get my two cents in. ^_^

wow, can we drop this whole dam examples being biased shit please... i only read it and its pissed me off,
The whole reason this was brought up was because Axmann said "Want examples of gays terrorizing others, though?"

I hardly think having a protest = terrorism. Terrorism = trade towers in my book. You may find protests annoying but it's far from terrorism. I wanted solid proof it's terrorism and he can't give it. Kthnx.
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Well, I think it's really none of our business if two people have feelings for each other let them be black or white, male or female, Asian or African. If two people love each other till the point of merriage then it's their life. We shouldn't say "Oh, you're both gay, you shouldn't marry coz it's against the laws of nature" If it was against the laws of nature than we wouldn't see little doggies humping a person's leg.
Who are we to tell a person who to marry or not?
I hardly think having a protest = terrorism. Terrorism = trade towers in my book. You may find protests annoying but it's far from terrorism. I wanted solid proof it's terrorism and he can't give it. Kthnx.

Calm down Este, its all good. Axxman was either trying to provoke people out of his enjoyment or basically one of the most ignorant people I've seen on this site (being nice)

Most websites are filled with bias statements, that's how they make their "hits" and "ratings" jump because people will actually agree or disagree. Its like the news in America, we can either follow the b.s. or turn it off and live our lifes blindly. (I take the latter ;) )

Anyway being anti-gay these days is a sparse minority. I am hopeful that in the next decade or two that these bias people will learn to be more accepting. God forbid they have a gay son or gay daughter. If all goes well maybe these views will be eradicated altogether.

People are welcome to their views, but being gay is neither a disease nor a chosen path (in my opinion). It is just preference. If you are gay it doesn't mean you have to have a lisp, and it doesn't mean you have to act femine if you are a guy, or act masculine if you are a woman. It should be socially acceptable no matter. Otherwise it is bad stereotyping. Just because I am from the south in American, doesn't mean I'm a die hard conservative. That is bad stereotyping. Gay is just a sexual preference too me.
Hey :)

If two people love each other then why shouldn't they be allowed to be married?
At the end of the day does it really matter if you want to be with someone of the same sex? It's pure sexual preference.

There will always be anti-gay idiots who seem to think it's evil/immoral/wrong etc but thats really just been narrow minded.

Thats like saying a white person can't marry a black person it's still a type of stereotype and a stupid one at that.

There also seems to be an issue of same sex couples showing affection in public and to this I say, SCREW IT! If I wanna kiss/hug/hold hands with my Boyfriend in public I will and do on alot lol.
When ya see some peoples reaction ya just think "How pathetic are you".

I believe everyone should have there own opinion but it stops been an opinion when you press it on other people then it's purely a hate speech.

Also the idea people have of gay people is very much warped by the media.
Nor me or my Boyfriend walk around mincing or screaming like a school girl at a boy band gig.

Most people assume we are straight well apart from the holding hands.
Calm down Este, its all good. Axxman was either trying to provoke people out of his enjoyment or basically one of the most ignorant people I've seen on this site (being nice)
Haha I'm calm. ^_^ I just wanted to get my point across, my apologies if I seemed nasty or upset. I was just trying to look at it from a neutral point of view.

Most websites are filled with bias statements, that's how they make their "hits" and "ratings" jump because people will actually agree or disagree. Its like the news in America, we can either follow the b.s. or turn it off and live our lifes blindly. (I take the latter ;) )
Very true. You can't exactly trust the media with all of what they tell you. I try to look objectively with statistics and numbers. Most of the time I just give up and walk away. Way too frustrating. =P

I am hopeful that in the next decade or two that these bias people will learn to be more accepting. God forbid they have a gay son or gay daughter. If all goes well maybe these views will be eradicated altogether.
I agree but I'm a tad doubtful.
I believe gay marriage is redundant, because marriage is the unity of 1 man and 1 woman. I say let them do what they want because even if the state sees them as married...God doesn't. I'm sick of people arguing about it. I'm not saying I'd vote for it...just that I wouldn't vote at all...or argue about it.
I believe gay marriage is redundant, because marriage is the unity of 1 man and 1 woman. I say let them do what they want because even if the state sees them as married...God doesn't. I'm sick of people arguing about it. I'm not saying I'd vote for it...just that I wouldn't vote at all...or argue about it.
There must have been over a billion marriages in history, and god personally cares about each and every one of them? Also please tell me where god says two men should not be married? Not lie together like Leviticus, which unless you don't each shellfish is just good old fashioned homophobia.
I've told you what I believe.
I already said I think we should let them do what they want.
Most Christians won't do that. Can't you just leave me alone?
I said I was sick of the arguing.
I'm all for homosexual marriage, because marriage tends not to have anything to do with religion or faith these days. I'm not sure about same-sex couples adopting though. I haven't thought about it properly, but I can't see a reasonw why a same-sex couple would be any less capable of bringing up a child.

I'm not a fan of homosexuals parading around flauting their homosexuality in flamboyant homosexual displays in public, it makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
These days, marriage is hardly a 'holy union' considering you can get married in Vegas by an Elvis Impersonator. Yes, traditional weddings still take place and weddings are still a holy union for some people. But people get married and divorced all the time, marriage no longer symbolises the holy, everlasting bond between a man and a woman. So in my opinion, the idea of denying gay marriage on the basis of religion is a load of shit.

It's not just the point that homosexuals want to be married so their love can be recognised. Married people get several legal benefits. For example, married people get the right to family leave from work to care for a spouse who is ill. They also get right to file a joint income tax return and several other benefits. Gay marriage should be legalised on the basis of equality, homosexuals deserve the same rights as heterosexuals.

Robbiedbee said:
I'm not a fan of homosexuals parading around flauting their homosexuality in flamboyant homosexual displays in public, it makes a lot of people uncomfortable.
The same thing can be said about heterosexuals parading their sexuality. Homosexuals should be subject to the same laws as heterosexuals in regards to indecent exposure. But homosexuals should be free to express their sexuality when it comes to things like harmless flirting.
I've told you what I believe.
I already said I think we should let them do what they want.
Most Christians won't do that. Can't you just leave me alone?
I said I was sick of the arguing.

Probably shouldn't have come into a debate forum if you didn't want to argue about it. Juuuuuuust sayin'.

I believe gay marriage is redundant, because marriage is the unity of 1 man and 1 woman. I say let them do what they want because even if the state sees them as married...God doesn't.

Marriage was essentially invented in China roughly 7000 years ago, before the advent of - and independent from - monotheistic Judaism, thus it is not an exclusively religious function, thus religion and religious leaders should not dictate the definition of marriage based solely on religious precepts.
Probably shouldn't have come into a debate forum if you didn't want to argue about it. Juuuuuuust sayin'.

Marriage was essentially invented in China roughly 7000 years ago, before the advent of - and independent from - monotheistic Judaism, thus it is not an exclusively religious function, thus religion and religious leaders should not dictate the definition of marriage based solely on religious precepts.

1. Yes you are right I forgot where I was posting.
just ignore my post then.

2. Humans may have made it a ritual or function or whatever....but
I believe marriage was God's idea.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with two people of the same sex falling in love. Just like how there is nothing wrong with an African-American falling in love with a Caucasian. I've never actually understood what the huge deal is. Just because one disagrees with homosexuality, doesn't automatically make it bad.
Is it because a book says it's wrong? Well guess fucking what? Denying others' happiness is wrong and this book consists of pages with some words. It's bullshit. A homosexual is still a human being. We all bleed the same.
I'm not speaking to anyone here really, just what I've seen; what I find funny is when I see some "Christians" swearing, womanizing, etc., all the while preaching how much their god hates homosexuality. Got news for ya, you ain't following the bible either, so shut the fuck up. Homophobes just like to hide behind the bible. If you claim to follow the bible, follow it all the way.

The bible is an unreliable source anyway. Too many contradictions, it can't be taken literally.
A Christian recognizes that s/he sins, and asks God to forgive him/her. A Christian is not expected, and does not expect, to be perfect. Sin > ask for forgiveness > try to better yourself. By being human and making mistakes, then asking for forgiveness, they actually are following the Bible "all the way."

The problem Christians have with men and women who are gay is that they do not recognize that they are sinning, thus do not ask for forgiveness. It's less the fact that they are violating God's law, and mre the fact that they show no remorse about it.