How could FFVII be better?


Final Fantasy Nut
Apr 3, 2008
We all know that this game is good but as fans we sometimes feel that a game like this could be better. In what ways FF7 could even more awesome or do you beliee that it is fine as is?
I think VII is just fine the way it is. It was groundbreaking for it's time and doesn't really need any additions. From its story line to its awesome music, nothing really needs to be added or made better.

But to humor the idea, the only thing I would have changed(if I had to choose) is just an update in graphics. I don't think they suck, but if current day technology was used to enhance the game, I'd be for that. Just as long as the graphics is the ONLY that was changed and nothing else. It wouldn't be necessary though.
The game is perfect because it is not perfect. There are flaws and they balance beautifully with it's strengths. It is quite dark and complex, which for some reason got a negative response from critics, but it also has an underlining light towards it, a truth about humanity and where we are going.

The graphics were crap, but I'd look at it all day compared to any next-gen bullshit RPG that is on the market today. They don't make games like this anymore.

The question you should be asking is how could other games be better?
I think the materia system is maybe the best thing in the series as far as a system for skills and abilities goes, but some of the more interesting things you could do with it you can't do until later in the game and there's never a real need to. I think adding more support-type materia earlier or increasing the stat minuses & bonuses might make it more interesting as a game.

A better translation wouldn't hurt.

As far as I'm concerned, the graphics still look good for the most part. Dated, but good, you know? Except those map sprites and their popsicle hands do look pretty ridiculous, don't they? So... change those to something more like the in-battle characters and we're good.

VII is still a masterpiece, of course. Things that exist are by nature flawed. :)
to me they could make less battles in certain places, like when i was going for the golden saucer, i couldn't take 3 steps without fighting a battle, it gets annoying after a while, other then that the game is excellent
I think the only thing I'd like to change is the character models. I really like the pre-rendered backgrounds in FFVII but I almost wish they'd made high-res 2D sprites instead of making Popeye styled, blocky models of characters. But I'm being picky really, I don't feel offended by the little character models and if someone actually changed them I might get upset! I think I'm just too nostalgic about FFVII really... I still love all the translation errors and if even they were changed I'd be gutted!

I love reading Aerith saying "this guy are sick" or seeing "off course" as a response in the Battle Arena! :x3:
Some things are really tedious with the game. Hell, Golden Saucer in general, or chocobo breeding. Getting some things from the battle arena, chocobo racing/breeding and getting GP. Certainly some of those are fun and cool addition, but having to spam some minigame, or racing those birds for hundreds of times is just an annoyance.

No complaints otherwise really.
I think FF could have used a different villain. I didn't like Sephiroth, I didn't like his goals and I didn't like how he came to want those goals. A better villain with a better goal would have made the game better for me.

Also, they were great back then but now... the graphics are just a little too crappy, like someone mentioned, their weird lolly-pop arms are creepy!! A graphics update would make the game better.

Other than that, I am pleased with FFVII
Well for starters im not going say graphics and im not going say the game was perfect...cause it wasnt...

Couple things I'd change are...
I'd give more of a backstory to most of the characters.
since they put Zac in the original FFVII game, I'd let you find out more about him also.
I'd make it so the Turks would actually help you out from time to time.
I'd make getting clouds final limit break a boss fight and not the stupid arena
I'd make it clear that Jenova was controlling Sephiroth, or for the other people vise-versa.
I'd give Sephiroth more...emotions...or something that said he wasn't a fricken cry baby for his mama.
I'd get rid of the schizophrenic Cloud and Sephiroth. The story is already good enough without them. I hated the drama over Cloud and Sephiroth. When I first played the game, I loved all the first CD and even
when my fave character was killed (which made me question whether I should continue playing)
the beginning of the second CD was kinda interesting, but then the story went downhill, as it focused on Cloud's personal problems and his hate for Sephiroth.

I'd prefer much more the Shinra X Avalanche, plus Hojo plot, that was already great and keeps the story going.
Yes the Chocobo breeding and the Gold Saucer games is too much work! Take too much time away from continuing the main story! haha

Also, I want a scene or explaination of what happened after Sephiroth fall into the Mako reactor and went missing for 5 years! How did he learn about the meteor and how to use the Jenova cells to shapeshiff to himself? How did he end up in Nortern Crater?

Other than that, I can't think of any. I love the materia system, but it's so much time arranging them and thinking which charater should have it. The Limit breaks are great too.
I'd get rid of the schizophrenic Cloud and Sephiroth. The story is already good enough without them.

Cloud and Sephiroth are FFVII.

Seriously, they're the biggest reason FFVII had the success it had, sold more than the others and got a bunch of compilation titles.

They're relation and insanity(since in VII both Cloud and Sephiroth were mentally insane) was what drove most of the plot forward, and It was the entire plot of AC, considering the only reason Sephiroth returned in AC was because after being defeated in VII, he lost most of his being and basically became a mass of hatred and memories he had of Cloud.

I mean, c'mon without them It's not really FFVII:gasp:
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Yes the Chocobo breeding and the Gold Saucer games is too much work!


How else are we to get our the Chocobo we need to obtain Knights of the Round? Do we just say "screw it" to Omnislash?? I'm just joking, of course, but I liked Gold Saucer and the Battle Arena. The Chocobo breeding was annoying, but what other FF game is there where you can own an entire stable full of Chocobos? It's a cool addition to game and just adds something else to do.

How else are we to get our the Chocobo we need to obtain Knights of the Round? Do we just say "screw it" to Omnislash?? I'm just joking, of course, but I liked Gold Saucer and the Battle Arena. The Chocobo breeding was annoying, but what other FF game is there where you can own an entire stable full of Chocobos? It's a cool addition to game and just adds something else to do.

haha. They are really hard for me although I did enjoyed it. I had such difficult time in the Battle arena since I was under leveled. I had to look up walkthroughs, watch youtube videos and reset the game so many times! Sure a lot of work, but when you finally get it, the feeling is so worth it! It's feels like all your hard work finally paid off. :P I was thinking, what on earth is Cloud doing? Still breeding and racing chocobos when the meteor is going to strike the planet soon?! haha!
Cloud and Sephiroth are FFVII.

Seriously, they're the biggest reason FFVII had the success it had, sold more than the others and got a bunch of compilation titles.

They're relation and insanity(since in VII both Cloud and Sephiroth were mentally insane) was what drove most of the plot forward, and It was the entire plot of AC, considering the only reason Sephiroth returned in AC was because after being defeated in VII, he lost most of his being and basically became a mass of hatred and memories he had of Cloud.

I mean, c'mon without them It's not really FFVII:gasp:

IMO, AC is pure crap. Terrible storyline and bland characters.
Insanity from Cloud and Sephiroth is what dragged the game into boring FMVs.

Cloud and Sephiroth may be the reason why FFVII was so popular, but they are most likely the reason why other FF games are voted better than FFVII in polls.
IMO, AC is pure crap. Terrible storyline and bland characters.
Insanity from Cloud and Sephiroth is what dragged the game into boring FMVs.

Cloud and Sephiroth may be the reason why FFVII was so popular, but they are most likely the reason why other FF games are voted better than FFVII in polls.

AC only makes sense if you read EVERYTHING related to the franchise.

Reunion files, On the way to a smile, case of the lifestream, maden, etc......

After you read all that shit, then you understand what the hell was going on.

Also for the other question; what polls do you talk about?

Yes Cloud and Sephiroth are hated more than any other heroes/villains in the franchise by fans of other FF's, but FFVII's fanbase is probably still the hugest.

Tbh, i never got the hate. It sounded too much like i was hating on them because of their popularity. When in actuality, the are pretty impressively designed characters.

They succeded more partially because IMO, they had traits the previous heroes/villains didn't.

> Cloud was insane, and was the first to have a personality disorder, the first step into humanizing a character.

> Sephiroth was the first villain to be a "good Guy" befor turning evil. And the first one's who reason entailed something that you might even feel sympathy for him because of his past.
Selling a lot doesn't make the game better than the others, mostly because people usually buy the game before playing it.

The polls and the critic lists I've seen usually rank other FF over FFVII, like FFIV and FFVI.

All FFIV and FFVI heroes (and to a lesser extent, FFV too) had their particular problems as well. Maybe not insane as Cloud, but the same kind of personal drama.

It is not the idea was not good, it is just that it was poorly implemented, in my opinion and in the opinion of many people I know.
After watching video on youtube about beating bosses, I think they need to make it harder especially Sephiroth since his HP is pityful if you have Knights of the round. Actually I find many the bosses very easy. I hardly even have any preparations or plan tactics and my party member are not even at high levels. With the limit break ability, it's easy to beat most bosses with just healing your party until they reach their limit break and then damage them big time.