How did you feel about Lulu?


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
What were your first impressions of her?

I personally thought she was a quick tempered cow with no heart, but then I felt sorry for her because of Chappu.

She did seem to be alittle bit harsh with Tidus at first, but when she warmed up to him, ithe transformation was great.

So how did you feel about Lulu?
Yes, Lulu was a cold character at first, and protected Yuna as if Yuna was her little sister. She had every right to watch over Yuna after all since she was Yuna's guardian. Which is why she is so cold towards Tidus. It's understandable. I felt bad for her over the Chappu incident. I did like Lulu, she was one of my favorite FFX characters.
Wow, I can't remember how I felt about her at first... I'm pretty sure I thought she shoud wear more clothes though. Haha. I probably felt she was overly harsh on Wakka, and didn't really understand why she was so cold towards Tidus, but that's just a guess. I grew to like her more as the game went on, and forgave her entirely round about the time she's on that snow-sled with Tidus as they go to meet Yuna and Seymour.
Ah Lulu. I love her character, to be honest. xD I don't know, quick-tempered and cold hero/heroines are more interesting in my eyes, I guess. On the spot, she was terrific. As the story progressed, I adored her. In the end, I was glad and relieved that she stayed the same. Lol, I actually found her coldness towards Tidus amusing.

Hmm, kinda off-topic but...didn't she say Chappu resembled Tidus or something? I don't quite remember...
Meh, she was alright, not one of my favorites though. Anyway, my first impressions of her was… She’s cold, feisty and at times, downright rude, especially towards Tidus. Overall… I didn’t care all that much for her, not did I use her that much.
i found that lulu was a very short fused lady. especailly with tidus when he first's meets the group in the tempal.
but over the game i found tht she is very protective over her friends.
and also she and wakka had a mixed relationship as in when the cut scene happens about wakkas bro shes very overpowering but after tht she has his kid whats all tht about lol
yeah, she was a bit quicktempered but she had style...

she also acted as the mother of them all
She was abit scary at first, didn't seem to be very nice & seemed to dislike both Tidus and Wakka but I ended up liking her in the end!
I liked her from the start, she looks cool and is a great Black Mage. Her personality is a little cold at first but that is what made her such a great character.
Personally, I liked her. I think she was handy in battle and looked the part of a person who could use black magic; if you know what i mean.
Her weapons were....lets say different, but I kind of liked them too :lol:
I liked Lulu, though I agree she was harsh o Wakka and Tidus at the beginning but this is because of her history with Chappu. I think this gives her characters more depth. Throughout the game you find out more about Lulu's past, such as Chappu, Father Zuke and that other summoner she guarded who died in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. I found this quite interesting. I liked Lulu's personality, some of the things she said tended to be quite funny. I liked her coldness and her calmness. she always seemed to know what she was doing and was quite knowledgeable. As a fighter, I thought her magic was very useful, and if you taught her whit magic abilities she could double up as a white mage.
Personally U liked her, I liked all the characters in FFX so that means her too, I sympathized with her situation, and the fact that she had lost the person she loved most, but was still able to continue her life of being Yuna's guardian. I think her coldness is just the way she dealt with her tragedy, not wanting to get close to anyone again so she can't get hurt again... Chapu was a lucky guy :)
I felt Lulu was a very interesting character, not only within the game, but throughout the Final Fantasy name. She was indeed, cold and somewhat fiesty. And I thought that was great to have in the game. I don't often see female characters being with a personality like that, in which the character can have a great dedication (in protecting Yuna, for this case) and yet still appear to be distant from a social world. And I know she wasn't anti-social, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying her attitude just portrays her as one who is wary of strangers, yet with great confidence in herself.
She had to be my second favorite character in the game. I thought she was the most rational out of the group and even though she could be cold at times, I thought that she still was really caring.
At first, I really didn't care for her. As I progressed, though, she became her own character with a deep reason for everything. I really began to like her after that. But yeah, she probably could have looked a little less sleazy...
When did boobs and cleavage suddenly become the gateway to the Seventh Circle of Hell? Don't get me wrong, I love this board, but any time a character is dressed half-provocatively, you get a virtual army (not just this thread, BTW--and it's mostly guys, strangely enough) decrying Square for pandering to the lowest denominator.

Sorry for the rant, but it's just something I've been running across with quite a bit of frequency lately. The female form is hardly pure evil, and the men in FFX in many cases are wearing as little (and often less) than Lulu does.
We weren't "decrying Square to the lowest denominator," as you put it. We're just saying that Square didn't really have a need to use sex appeal to bring interest to the game. Lulu would have as great a character as if she hadn't shown that much cleavage. And yeah, male characters in a game may sometimes wear less than the females, but then again, they have less that would be considered provacative if shown in public. Lulu's costume design isn't a bad thing. It just didn't seem necessary to advertise the game.
We weren't "decrying Square to the lowest denominator," as you put it. We're just saying that Square didn't really have a need to use sex appeal to bring interest to the game. Lulu would have as great a character as if she hadn't shown that much cleavage. And yeah, male characters in a game may sometimes wear less than the females, but then again, they have less that would be considered provacative if shown in public. Lulu's costume design isn't a bad thing. It just didn't seem necessary to advertise the game.

True, although she wasn't featured in much (if any) advertisements for FFX. Here in the States, it was focused entirely around Yuna, who in the original, was hardly a sex object.