How did you feel about Lulu?

oh, i didn't mean specifically in advertising posters and magazines, etc. I just meant in general when playing the game.
oh, i didn't mean specifically in advertising posters and magazines, etc. I just meant in general when playing the game.

Fair enough. But let's go back to your agreement that she could have looked less "sleazy." Does cleavage equate to "sleazy"? Granted, she doesn't have nearly as much to work with as Lulu, but Rikku in X-2 is wearing vastly less clothing and is showing even more cleavage than Lulu (even in FFX she's wearing less, just not in the apparently taboo chest region). Yet, hardly anyone mentions her. So my question is, why is cleavage bad?

Not trying to be combative or anything, rikku.thief, just trying to understand a seemingly prevalent philosophy on this board. Thanks for the little bit 'o back and forth here:cool:.
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no offense, but i don't like these back and forths. it's like we're trying to prove or disprove other's peoples opinions about Lulu. Well, it's an opinionated thread, so there shouldn't have to be a right/wrong debate.

but, all right, fine, so both lulu and rikku show some skin. and i suppose it's not bad, unless mixed complimentary with a provacative attitude as well. therefore, if cleavage isn't bad, then showing the whole body must not be bad, either, right? next time, why not just make all the characters lack clothing? and it's not for kids to misunderstand and get the impression it's okay to publicly do that, but since last time it managed to get by with just a little bit, why not just go an extra mile or two? whether cleavage is "sleazy" or not, it's still saying something.
no offense, but i don't like these back and forths. it's like we're trying to prove or disprove other's peoples opinions about Lulu. Well, it's an opinionated thread, so there shouldn't have to be a right/wrong debate.

You know what? You're absolutely right about that. I suppose just seeing that line of thinking pop up yet again made me speak up when I probably shouldn't have.
I feel as if Lulu was just a rude old lady with huge boobs. =/.

After awhile she had gotten better and treated Tidus better. She said Chappu looked alot like Tidus which could be a reason she acted the way she did towards him.

She was very smart though but sometimes needed to lighten up and stop giving out random facts without someone asking a question. haha.
Stick to the subject and remember to repsect each others opinions or infractions are being given out.
I thought Lulu was shielding her emotions so they wouldn't interefere with her job of guarding Yuna, i -knew- there had to be a reason why she was so stoic and uptight, and i was rather interested in finding out what the deal with her and wakka was.
yea i thought she was a bit harsh at first, but i grew to like her as the story progressed
Lulu sort of bugged me at first :/
& i swear her boobs are like in your face practically.
But anyways yehh i didnt really like her at first
but i ended up liking her in the end.
i guess she had her reasons to act cold towards Tidus
and a bit bitchy towards Wakka sometimes.
I don't think that I really liked Lulu at first. She did get better as the game progressed though. She could have been a little stronger in battle. She died too easily.
Thats your fault then really. You chose the stats and such for the character. You mustnt have made her strong enough. Why didnt you heal her asap then or swap characters?
she was cruel through some parts of the story but she was an alright character after i got the airship i saw that she wasnt very useful beyond that point just like khimari and why does she say tidus looks alot like chappu? they are NOT similar at all in my oppinion...
Seriously, Lulu is my idle character. Of all the Female Characters in all FF games. I think she sticks out like a sore thumb. Her whole image and character isn't like what I see in other female FF characters. Most are bright and cheery (Rikku) or sexy and tough (Tifa). In the story she's very informative and in battle she's probibly one of the most useful characters.
Hats off to the character design on Lulu.
I loved her from the moment I saw her! Her attitude was awsome, she was to the point and didnt care what she said! Up most one of the best characters in the FF series.
I loved her :)
i liked lulu in the storyline and her personality but i never used her in battle i just taught yuna the black magic spells as quick as possible
I thought that Lulu was kinda mean to everyone at the start and i felt bad for Wakka when Lulu kept putting him down. I thought the turning point when she started becomeing nice was at guadosalam. She aactually acted nice to Tidus! But i can understand why she was so mean cause she lost someone very dear to her.
I never really noticed her coldness towards Tidus...perhaps in the very beginning, but I saw through her stoic appearance and knew she was a very kind person.

I read somewhere on here that Lulu likes Tidus more if he heals her in battle often and talks to her...perhaps that's why she's very nice with me ^_^

When she told Tidus not to fall in love with Yuna, I picked the third option ("You're more my type, Lulu") XD

I love her dress and her hair and her (English) voice... ::sigh:: ^^; I'd like to hear her speak in the original Japanese version...
Good character. I like her cold, quick-tempered personality, and how she is very protective of Yuna.

And yeah, I picked "you're more my type" as well.