How did you feel about Lulu?

I loved Lulu! I loved her attitude, especially towards Tidus. I didn't like Tidus much at all... she wasn't one of the characters I used most often though in battle though, I sort of ended up favouring a few of them and focused mostly on them. But anyway, I don't see why her boobs being very unhidden is an issue. What's the harm in showing a little skin if it looks alright? I mean, really, I don't think lack of clothing should be such an issue, I think we should have the right to be as naked as we want, where ever we want.
At first, I thought she looked like a pretty decent character. Her cold tempered attitude was favorable to me. Especially towards Tidus and Wakka. Her dress was hot, and those things never came out. She was worthy in battle until I used Yuna and Rikku and Auron to dominate the other Sphere Grids...
I dunno...She's a great character,she's cold at first but she terned nice in the end.
A dark and mysterious woman I first thought. But I loved the fact that you could change her weapon to another FF mascot/creature.
I liked her. She seems rather cold and harsh at first sight but then you see her speaking with Wakka, like when she hugs him after the Blitzball match and you see that she also has a soft and carying side to her.
I love Lulu :3 I find her type of character the most interesting.
She also has an interesting past with the whole Chappu thing and it brings up sympathy and things. I like her relationship with Tidus x3 She was cold to him at first but that's understandable I guess, with him looking like Chappu and also her being Yuna's guardian.
i wish you could choose to be with her instead of yuna i definately would have one of my favorite characters
Well Lulu was semi ok. Her personality towards tidus was funny as hell but she really didnt stand out to much, which i guess she wasnt suppose to. Also fighting i didnt use her to much only when she got the aga's did I start.
Probably my favorite character in this game. All the other characters got on my nerves, with the exception of Seymour. It was nice seeing a somewhat cold character in this game, because everyone else was pretty much "happy happy joy joy", you know? I thought her attitude toward Tidus was funny, although I wish she would have stayed angry at him throughout the entire game.
If anyone here (female, obviously) wore a corset like Lulu's, then no matter what an impressive cleavage would be obvious.

I loved her, because she looked a bit like me back in my goth days (alas, no more now I am a bit more like Quina from FF9!)
She had a cold personality, but was still likeable. I enjoyed that about her character. With all the happy-go-lucky characters like Tidus and Rikku skipping around, it was nice having someone like her in the mix.
Lulu was a great character in my mind. She was such a motherly figure to Yuna, and at times, she acted like a best friend would :P Her hair is amazing, btw and I want a wig so I can cosplay her. I didn't think she showed much cleavage at all compared to girls in my high school, but maybe that's just me. Girls don't really notice other girls' boobs. It's not a thing we do XD

Her voice actor was great - when Lulu was angry, she had this sort of clipped, harsh voice, and she spoke soothingly when Lulu was content.

I liked her overall appearance and think she's beautiful (in a non-lesbian way, of course :P )
My first thought was 'BOOBIEZ!', but she turned out to be one of my favourite characters.

True. :monster:

I enjoyed having Lulu around. She was a strong and insightful character.
And I always had her in my team for her magic.
lulu= mysterious pretty girl with big boob. whoooaa... thanks to wakka merried her ya ???:P :highfive:
My first impression of Lulu was that she was a cold, heartless witch who needed to be put in her place >_>

But now she's one of my favorite characters :monster:

I realized that the only reason she acted so mean in the beginning was because her lover was dead or whatever, and I was like oh that explains it then xD If my boyfriend got killed I'd be pretty pissed too so yea. I love her look and her personality now, so Lulu ftw!
She's had a rough past; you cant judge her unless you walked in her shoes. She lost her past summoners she was suppose to protect on their journeys. She lost a fiance to Sin as well. She carries a seemingly cold-hearted attitude throughout the game, but like Auron, her wisdom and experience is unmatched in the game.
I wasn't very fond of Lulu. I didn't like her attitude around the characters, and she wasn't a very good black mage, in my opinion. She's not hated, but she's not loved at all.
I found her harsh and cold but actually felt quite sorry of her when I discovered about Chappu
Lulu was a character I had to get used to. She seemed harsh at first, but you learn that it's just her character; that's just who she is. Lulu's intentions are for the good. She's not being mean.