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I felt like checking out a new forum.
So i went to look at the affiliates at Chocobo Heaven.
And out of 26 I picked out FFF.
in a PM from Darkblade on Cheat Planet Forums... thank god he sent it when he did... I was getting really fed up with that place i got warned for the most trivial of things, such as having blue text and signing each post with a set of smilies that went :amidala: :heart: :vader: :rofl:
Haha, some kid was bitching on another forum about getting banned from this place and he called you a bunch of assholes. That forum is a place I recently joined as well but is pretty damned inactive right now, so I figured I'd check out the forum of "assholes". "Assholes" sounds like a more apt description of the kind of crowd I tend to like to bullshit around with, but you guys don't really strike me as assholes yet lol.
Haha, some kid was bitching on another forum about getting banned from this place and he called you a bunch of assholes. That forum is a place I recently joined as well but is pretty damned inactive right now, so I figured I'd check out the forum of "assholes". "Assholes" sounds like a more apt description of the kind of crowd I tend to like to bullshit around with, but you guys don't really strike me as assholes yet lol.

Pure Fucking Awesome.
Alright, on another forum(which will go unnamed) someone made a thread about how sucky dark---- is, and how.. blah blah blah. Anyways someone put a link to this forum and I ended up joining, to see if what everyond were talking was true.. :)
I just Googled 'Final Fantasy Forum' and this came up. I visit another Final Fantasy forum where I have over 2000 posts but I wanted to find another place because..

A. It can get very boring there sometimes and it goes quiet.
B. I don't like the Admin there, he is really unfair and doesn't ban members when he should. He favors some people and it's unfair really. Plus there's a couple other people in the staff that I am not too fond of. Most of the members are nice though at least! One of the staff members barely does anything but they keep him there anyway!

I really just wanted to find another FF to post at and I found one! I am really liking it so far and hopefully I will stick around. Got to love Google! :)
I Googled: RPG Inferno just recently and re-discovered the site. After locating it as another FF site's affiliate.
I wanted to see if there was a place where people talked about Final Fantasy,so I typed 'final fantasy forums' on google,and this site popped up.I looked around reading all kinds of posts.I laughed at some,disagreed with some,and so I decided to join so that I can post my own opinions and share them with other FF fans. ^_^
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Search Engine, I was just skimmin through the sites looking for yet another forum to join and found this one, though i didnt join till a couple weeks after i found it just bookmarked it
Was invited by the all mighty Busty..
we have been fellow forum members since 2002 or so.
so its been a while.
well actually, i had just beaten FFXII and was really pissed because i felt like the ending was such a cliffhanger and wanted to talk about it with other fans. i typed in final fantasy forum sites on google and naturally this was the first one that came up. i checked out and loved what i saw, and here i am now ^_^, a very happy member of this great site.
Firefrenzy's a mate of mine and I asked if he knew any decent forums and this one came up.