How did you last die?

Playing mercs 3ds, i got chainsawed from behind by a chainsaw majini. I had a good combo score going too, 50 kills and i was on wave 7.

Before that i got knocked out by a player in kid icarus mp with a fist's projectiles.
i let too much NPCs die in Growlanser 3 and got the game over.

before that i got my head choped in Resident Evil 4 the mercenaries.
Final Fantasy XIII:

I was annoyed at not being able to find out where the hell this mark was. So out of anger I attacked a adamancheild and tried to kick it's ass. Yes I failed.

Earlier than that I got killed by a lone king behemoth because the bastard wouldn't let me get a Preemptive strike and I couldn't pull out Odin in time when I was close to death. However I went back and killed him when I restarted. Stupid cheap shots.
I was playing the second Bioshock game, so I don't really know if it counts as a death considering the vita chambers and all of that. It was near the end and the game was annoying me a bit because it kept sending me on one last fetch quest every time I tried to leave Rapture. Coming back from the last one you are swarmed by loads of the toughest enemies in the game, so I used the machine gun to keep them at bay. I was using anti-personnel ammo and I assumed when it ran out, it would switch back to regular ammo. It didn't, it just stopped
Was playing Skyrim and accidentally killed a citizen in Solitude and resulted in the whole town trying to kill me. I wasn't near the gate so I died on my way running over there. I had no armor on at the time so that's why I got killed so quickly. I got shot by an arrow and it landed in the back of my head.
ahhhhhhh my last death, i was playing a nice calming game of infected, (call of Duty: MW3) now how can a war game be calming, because i was a Juggernaut and i was against normal people with shotguns and so i spent the game relaxing, shooting anybody who came near me i the face, but then it happened, as the game was coming to an end, the ratio of non infected to infected shifted, and to be precise i was the last person left un-infected, and thus everyone on the map was spamming shotgun shells at me,, and inevitably i died. . . painfully, it wan't pleasant
i got shot in the face at point blank range with a rocket after coming out of cover by an assault drone